Help me curb the jealousy!



  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    I am in 5th week of reset and told my husband this morning that I couldn't wait to go to cut because I KNOW that I'm growing muscle under the fat....I'm stronger with some awesome strength NSV's to prove it. To be able to to melt fat off and show muscle that already exists because I ate enough to build it up in the first place is going to be AWESOME!

    i am so excited for you!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    How long can anyone really last on juice alone before the hunger takes over? I give your friend a month, at most, before she's head first in the cookies or buying a double cheesburger at the drive thru. You'll still be plugging along looking more fab by the moment. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    One of MFP friends who is a huge inspiration to me put this on her status update and it really stuck with me:

    "The only person you are in competition with is the you from yesterday."

    Enjoy your food and your healthy routine while she sits around miserable from not eating or working out.
  • kmcnulty05
    kmcnulty05 Posts: 15 Member
    One of my co-workers started a week long juice cleanse the same week I started EM2WL and I remember him talking about some of the juice combinations and how there were a few that tasted like vomit...but he drank them anyway!!! Definitely nothing to be jealous of!!! Not to mention, as he admitted himself, there was no way he could do any working out (not enough energy) and the first day he almost passed out in the grocery store buying all his fruits and veggies for his juice! He gave me some funny looks when I was talking about trying EM2WL and I returned the favor when he was talking about juicing...LOL!
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    What they said!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Just think of it as being a great example/role model to your friend. While I take no joy from my friends struggles and when they gain the weight back, I think of it as hey, I am here waiting for you for when this phase of juicing backfires. Sure, EM2WL can be so hard. But I think its harder to see weight drop quickly, only to come back on and I feel like a complete failure for not being able to have enough "self-control" to keep it off.

    I can't imagine she feels great. I would think she would feel tired and light-headed along with other things. She loves the weight loss but I bet there is more going on she doesn't like and won't be able to keep up with eating this way.

    You are not just doing EM2WL for you. You are doing this to show everyone that you can still eat and feel great, enjoy life while losing fat and then maintaining.

    As a side note: I don't really talk about how awful I feel out loud or about losing fat or anything. I am very aware of the fact I have 3 daughters and my priority is health so they know I like to eat healthy and workout to gain muscle and have a strong heart. We definitely talk about things, but I never refer to myself in a negative manner. It broke my heart yesterday when my oldest, who will be 9 in Sept, told me at lunch she is going to try to eat less so she doesn't get fat. Obviously I talked to her about it and she's very tall and thin anyway. She spent the weekend with my In-Laws and DH's Aunts and such who talk non-stop about how fat they are and so on. Drives me absolutely nuts when people talk without thinking around kids. They are definitely listening. My Grandma always says, "They didn't learn it from no stranger!"
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Fructose really should be consumed in moderation, I don't think that sounds healthy at all. I wonder what your macros would look like on an all fruit/veggie juice diet? Sugar would be through the roof! Little to no fiber. Barely any protein. Way too much of most vitamins. Probably no vitamin d or calcium. That is just off the top of my head.

    I went through a phase while I was resetting (currently in my 8th week) where I was mad at myself for doing it all wrong before. How could I have been so stupid to starve myself and cardio away all my muscle??? I have now come to terms with what I did in the past and where I am going in the future, but every time I read something like this, I cringe and wonder how sorry they will be in the future that they have ruined their metabolism, or worse. I do feel a little better knowing that I never did anything like this. Luckily, I don't care for juice or a lot of sweet/fruity things, otherwise I might have tried it, lol.

    I love the quote Ladylace copied here "The only person you are in competition with is the you from yesterday."
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    One of MFP friends who is a huge inspiration to me put this on her status update and it really stuck with me:

    "The only person you are in competition with is the you from yesterday."

    Enjoy your food and your healthy routine while she sits around miserable from not eating or working out.

    Now that is a great quote!
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    Hers is a temporary fix, your will be permanent :) I have a friend doing this 800 - 1,000 calorie a day crazy diet and she has dropped like 40 pounds super fast. I don't envy or nor am I jealous because I know she is going to be right back where she started once she returns to eating normally again. I am actually sad for her, but it is an argument I just won't have anymore.
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    We all want quick fix. It just cannot happen for us, but when you think about it, this eating thing is so much nicer. Sit down and make a list of all the pros and cons. Bet the pros list is much longer!
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    Just think of it as being a great example/role model to your friend. While I take no joy from my friends struggles and when they gain the weight back, I think of it as hey, I am here waiting for you for when this phase of juicing backfires. Sure, EM2WL can be so hard. But I think its harder to see weight drop quickly, only to come back on and I feel like a complete failure for not being able to have enough "self-control" to keep it off.

    I can't imagine she feels great. I would think she would feel tired and light-headed along with other things. She loves the weight loss but I bet there is more going on she doesn't like and won't be able to keep up with eating this way.

    You are not just doing EM2WL for you. You are doing this to show everyone that you can still eat and feel great, enjoy life while losing fat and then maintaining.

    As a side note: I don't really talk about how awful I feel out loud or about losing fat or anything. I am very aware of the fact I have 3 daughters and my priority is health so they know I like to eat healthy and workout to gain muscle and have a strong heart. We definitely talk about things, but I never refer to myself in a negative manner. It broke my heart yesterday when my oldest, who will be 9 in Sept, told me at lunch she is going to try to eat less so she doesn't get fat. Obviously I talked to her about it and she's very tall and thin anyway. She spent the weekend with my In-Laws and DH's Aunts and such who talk non-stop about how fat they are and so on. Drives me absolutely nuts when people talk without thinking around kids. They are definitely listening. My Grandma always says, "They didn't learn it from no stranger!"

    I thought you might appreciate this:

    Posted today.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Thank you spotlight!

    I even had to bookmark that :laugh:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I am in 5th week of reset and told my husband this morning that I couldn't wait to go to cut because I KNOW that I'm growing muscle under the fat....I'm stronger with some awesome strength NSV's to prove it. To be able to to melt fat off and show muscle that already exists because I ate enough to build it up in the first place is going to be AWESOME!

    God, you and me both!! I am dying to see the inches melt off when cut hits, cause I know eith the amount of lifting I have done in the past 8 weeks, there damn well better be something there!!

    To the OP, believe me, I can understand the feeling of jealousy. My GF joined the weight loss wagon in January and she has lost about 45 pounds eating basically 1000-1200 cals a day.. We had a get together last weekend for donuts and she refused to eat more than a morsel of chicken at dinner because she wanted the cals for her donut later.. I on the other hand had a great dinner and eat 2 donuts, and didnt feel guilty in the least:)
    While I am thrilled she has lost the weight, I am uber jealous that she is now the exact same weight as me, and I havent budged in 3 months. But I know that she will eventually crash off her diet plan, or she will forever be miserable for the little amount of food she is eating.. I will never again have to fear a donut party, or equivalent again
  • Starlight50
    I know how that feels!

    I guess I would just say do your best to be genuinly happy for her progress and try not to attach it to yours because one has nothing to do with the other. Our value as people has nothing to do with our weight!!!!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Just think of it as being a great example/role model to your friend. While I take no joy from my friends struggles and when they gain the weight back, I think of it as hey, I am here waiting for you for when this phase of juicing backfires. Sure, EM2WL can be so hard. But I think its harder to see weight drop quickly, only to come back on and I feel like a complete failure for not being able to have enough "self-control" to keep it off.

    I can't imagine she feels great. I would think she would feel tired and light-headed along with other things. She loves the weight loss but I bet there is more going on she doesn't like and won't be able to keep up with eating this way.

    You are not just doing EM2WL for you. You are doing this to show everyone that you can still eat and feel great, enjoy life while losing fat and then maintaining.

    As a side note: I don't really talk about how awful I feel out loud or about losing fat or anything. I am very aware of the fact I have 3 daughters and my priority is health so they know I like to eat healthy and workout to gain muscle and have a strong heart. We definitely talk about things, but I never refer to myself in a negative manner. It broke my heart yesterday when my oldest, who will be 9 in Sept, told me at lunch she is going to try to eat less so she doesn't get fat. Obviously I talked to her about it and she's very tall and thin anyway. She spent the weekend with my In-Laws and DH's Aunts and such who talk non-stop about how fat they are and so on. Drives me absolutely nuts when people talk without thinking around kids. They are definitely listening. My Grandma always says, "They didn't learn it from no stranger!"

    AMEN!!! I agree with you 100%!!!! I DO NOT talk down to myself in front of my girls because I refuse to make them ? themselves in light of my goals. My daughter knows that I am working out to be healthy and live a long life.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I am in 5th week of reset and told my husband this morning that I couldn't wait to go to cut because I KNOW that I'm growing muscle under the fat....I'm stronger with some awesome strength NSV's to prove it. To be able to to melt fat off and show muscle that already exists because I ate enough to build it up in the first place is going to be AWESOME!

    OMG! YES YES YES! Reading this just pumped me up even more! I am feeling the same way and just CANNOT wait to get to CUT so I can see this fat start to fall off! Totally pumped. Another reason why I love you ladies on here! So motivating!