Please introduce yourselves to the group here

Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
Welcome to the group. If I could please ask everyone to introduce themselves to the group so we all know a little bit about you. Doesn't have to be personal if you don't want it to be!! :wink:


  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm 32 y/o and -57lbs into my 188lb weight loss journey. I hit my "rock bottom" really hard in Dec 2011, and it was time to make a serious life change. So, here I am!
    I could always use more friends on a similar journey. Feel free to add me!
  • PeggySchulz
    PeggySchulz Posts: 13 Member

    I am 47 yrs old and obese. I am not aware of how much food I put in my mouth. Today I logged everything from eating all 3 meals. I was appalled at how much I had consumed. I seriously need the support of people like you,

  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Hi All,

    (Stands up)

    My name is Dolores, 35 years old and I am a dietaholic, chocoholic, lazaholic, alcholic (not really but couldn't resist). I am also a reformed bulimic, diabetic (type 2). I also eat for comfort. If I am stressed I turn to food and then make myself sick just to get it out of my body. From today I have 13 stone to lose so I am here for the long haul, part of the furniture so to speak! My dream is to be able to conceive so that’s my aim to lose this weight once and for all!! I am the sort of person that wants a quick fix, if the weight doesn’t come off in a day then tomorrow I give up. I don’t want to exercise as I am lazy but I have realized the hard way that I need exercise in order to lose weight. It has taken me 15 years to realise that the weight didn’t go on in a week and therefore gradually it will come off. I have tried every diet under the sun from cabbage soup (lost 33lbs on that one), slimming pills, grapefruit diet, Hollywood diet, maple syrup diet, lipotrim, slimming world, weightwatchers, Herbalife, Jordan juice diet etc. In fact if a celebrity I liked was on a certain plan and it worked for them I would follow it too. It took me years to realize that I didn’t have their type of money to afford a personal trainer and I certainly wasn’t getting paid millions to say that I done all these diets.

    So what has changed?

    Well after a long road trip I log my foods and believe it or not but I exercise. I still hate it but I have realized that without exercise you won’t lose or tone up your body. Maybe someday I will run a marathon lol. Now I am doing the dukan plan and it works for me.

    The Dukan Diet is a protein based nutritional approach designed by Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist and dietician. It works on four different phases, the attack, cruise, Consolidation and Stabilization.

    If anyone is interested you can find more information here.

    I don't starve myself on it, its a low carb plan which works for me and has also helped as I am lactose intolerant. I no longer eat bread or pasta as result and therefore have no more bloated tummy. Even my IBS has cleared up quite well.

    On the first week of this plan I lost 12lbs although that was allot more to do with the water weight than anything else. Also a significant calories reduced as well from 7000cals a day to 1200 a day. I have stayed off bread as I find I retain water so I don’t have it anymore! I still want the quick fix but I have a new motto now, if its working don’t break it!!

    I have currently lost 30lbs in 5 months. I did take a break in April as I was going through a messy relationship now I am back and rearing to go. My friend has asked me to be bridesmaid at her wedding in December and I am using that as my reason to get to my goal. I would like to lose around 5 stone by then. My aspirations are to be able to look in a mirror without feeling disgust, go horse riding again, gain more confidence.

    My inspirations are my friends, family and people on here who have been through it and have the pics to show for it. They make me want to continue.

    That’s it in a nutshell. Well sorry for the essay and the long read :embarassed: Hope I haven't bored you all to a pulp. Good luck to everyone on your weight loss journey and looking forward to chatting to you all. Feel free to add me if you want
  • Srogas
    Srogas Posts: 44 Member
    My name is Susan and I am not new to my fitness pal, but had not joined any groups until today. I am 52 and have been struggling with my weight since I had my daughters. They are 23 and 18 so I have been trying unsuccessfully for years. I am hoping to encourage and be encouraged by making friends on this site. I have been married to my awesome husband for 30 years. Please add me as a friend if you would like! I am currently at 210 and was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. My goal is 150. I hope to get to know all of you!
  • betsymill
    betsymill Posts: 25
    Hello, hello!! My name is Betsy and I'm 44 living in PA. I have been overweight all my adult life. I was 216 after high school and I gained about 100 lbs after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and have been trying and not so trying to lose it for many years. My highest weight was 348 and though I've crept up again, I'm back down to 307. Like many others I've tried a lot of different things and always come back to what works........exercise and eating healthy.

    I really want to do this for myself and also to show others that it can be done as I've seen it with so many people. My friends and family have never seen me "thin" and I know I can do this. What a great feeling it will be to achieve this success and know that with the help of others I can make it!!
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Hi, I am Kimi 42, Mother of 4. Been overweight since I was a child. Became heavier after each child my oldest being 24. I have been a yo-yo dieter forever and am very tired of losing some gaining more, over and over. Some of my children are at an age to give me Grandchildren and I want to be around to be there. I have had type II Diabete for the last 10 years, High Blood pressure and Renal Insufficiency and if I keep going down the same road I won't be here. So this time I am going to do it slow and steady and not stress over the small stuff. i plan on being here for the long haul.. I am down almost 30 pounds and even with two vacations under my belt haven't gained anything back... Yeah for Me ! Some weeks I do not lose and I get discouraged but I am not giving up I repeat I am Not Giving Up.......
  • b1gkryst4l
    Hi I'm Krystal and I'm only 18!
    I have decided recently that I need to make some serious changes with my body. I am aiming for 8 stone ideally and I am on 9 stone at the moment, it's going to be hard but I think that I can do it! :-)
    Would be great to make lots of new friends here, for motivation and to encourage eachother!! Xxx
  • Catie_v2
    Catie_v2 Posts: 67

    My name is Catie. I am 39, single, no kids and I live in Massachusetts. I am just finishing up my first week on MFP (havent weighed in yet) and am feeling pretty good about it...but since I am still in the "honeymoon period" so to speak when everything is peachy keen, I am excited to be part of a group that I know I will be able to rely on.

    As many of you have already stated, I too have been overweight for as far back as I can remember. And frankly I am tired of being tired and making excuses for my behavior. So here I am - back to the basics - counting calories and exercising.

    Would love to have more friends....feel free to add me! :happy:
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 86 Member
    My name is Kathy, I am 51 yrs old, married 29 years, Mom of 4 & Grandma of 4. I have been overweight most of my adult life. I have tried many, many so called diets over the years, losing and gaining, loosing and gaining. I finally came to the conclusion that I have to exercise and cut calories for me to lose weight in the proper manner. I haven't exercised in years (until now). I always used the excuse that I had to loose weight before I could excercise because it was to painful & I didn't have enough energy to do it. I really didn't believe you have more energy when you workout. I now know it is very true! I started on MFP & this journey on March 28th 2012 & I have lost 25 lbs in 3 months.

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure in May of 2011. I was so mad at myself when my doctor told me I had type 2 diabetes. I did this to myself by my terrible eating habits and no exercise lifestyle. I have been taking 1 medication for diabetes (Metformin) and 3 medications for high blood pressure. I am happy to say my blood pressure has significatley dropped since I started on this health journey & my doctor took me off 1 of my blood pressure meds already. I am confident I will be taken off the other meds, as I continue to eat healthy & exercise.

    My ultimate goal is to loose 102 lbs. As of this date (6/30/12) I have 77 more lbs to reach that goal. My husband & I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary next summer (August 2013) & we are going to Hawaii. It will be great to be able to wear a slim little dress while we are in Hawaii. I believe I will achive this goal!

    I am convinced that slow & steady is the right path for me! I enjoy the encouragement I receive on MFP and I love to encourage others. I am looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • Jpretzel
    Jpretzel Posts: 8
    Hey I'm jeff, I was a bjt overweight last year and I've never been too fit so nkw I'm doing all I can to get fit and in shape.
  • cdhunter1971
    cdhunter1971 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Clay. I have already lost most of the weight I wanted, but wouldn't mind dropping a little more. Not gonna be too upset if it doesn't happen. I am fairly active, but not a hard core dieter. I have pretty much found what works (for me) and what definately don' Not at all a professional or expert, but will share my ideas and experience to anyone that wants it. Oh yeah, also a diebetic (controlled), so I can help with the carb counting and all that, too.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Hi cupcakes & stud muffins! My name is Erika, I am a half full glass kinda girl with an upbeat outlook in life :) I LOVE Fatgurl2thin and can't wait to look back at this weight loss adventure strong! Let's kick some fluffy tail peeps!
  • tickle1968
    Hi Im Mary. Im a 44 year old SINGLE mum/foster mum of 4 currently. Im a positive person whos glass is always half full if not more!! My 'problem' is im so busy putting kids/family/friends first I forget about myself most of the time, but I wouldnt have it any other way!!
    Im going to lose at least 100lbs so I can adopt one of my foster children so there is alot at steak here but after week one im still positive.
    Good luck everyone, Im always around for a natter xx
  • mdromaithi
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm 27 years old and I've been struggling with my weight all my life. I have the worse eating habbits. I'm an emotional eater and eat wether I'm hungry or not.

    I have 8kg I wanna lose, I wanna eat healthy and I want fitness to become part of my life.

    I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!
  • cdhardison
    cdhardison Posts: 16
    Hello my name is Crystal...I have a wonderful husband and 2 amazing boys. I'm not new to MFP I just decided to come back and take a different approach so this is my 1st time joining a group...well I wasn't always overweight it hit in my mid to late 20 and it's been a battle every since then. I am just like a lot of you I need to see weight loss fast and if not I get very discourage. I have tired every diet out the and if I didn't try it I looked into, I have had success well not real success because I can't keep the weight loss off. So I'm back at the drawing board with counting calories and exercising. So far I have lost 19lbs since the last time I was on MFP. I have great support with my family, my husband is my greatest supporter when I decide to diet and exercise he is right by my side dieting and exercising right along with me. Well I could go on and on about me and my weight loss journey :laugh: so I'm going to end my Bio with I'll be more than happy to team up with anyone to help with there weight loss journey or just to talk, blow off steam and that can keep me focus on my goal. So feel free to add me.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Sonia, 39 years old with over 100lbs to lose. I have currently lost 23lbs since I joined MFP in January but have hit a bit of a plateau, mainly because I'm not putting in as much effort as I intially was. I have managed to drop a couple of dress sizes though.

    I'm trying to achieve steady weight loss through eating a healthier diet, less junk and alcohol and doing more exercise. I need to really up my exercise as I've been relying too much on walking and think I need to do something more high impact than walking.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Hi Group

    I am sarah. I started my weight loss journey July 1st of last year on my 29th bday. I thought I was like 20 lbs overweight turns out I had truly let my self go and was 70 to 80 lbs overweight. I am 50 lbs into my journey and a little upset I did not meet my goal of all of it gone by this bday but I will keep on trucking!

    SW 200 to 220
    CW 148 to 152
    GW 133 to 138

    My body ranges so I give a little eb and flow to where I would be happy.

    My train derailed about a month ago when I realized I would not hit my goal by this bday. So a little dpressed with myself and I def need some people to keep me going.

    Why I am loosing weight: I have a genetic disorder which is slowly destroying my pancreas and liver. IF I keep my weight down i can keep vital organs and a healthier life longer, like normal life span longer.....
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Hi from Helen in the Uk :)
    I am 44, mum to 2 boys - 11 and 7, I also work 4 days a week.
    I have always thought of myself as being over weight largely thanks to my incredibly critical mother, looking back at photos of my teens, I was never thin, but I was certainly not fat. I suppose like so many I thought, I was fat anyway so where was the harm in eating whatever I wanted. I have been the fat friend in a world of skinny people.
    My wake up call was photos of a 40th birthday where all the skinny friends are dressed in grey and black and I look ridiculous and humungous dressed in red - I decided then something had to give.
    I have been a regular gym girl for the last 4 years, I have run 5Ks and I love Body Pump - All whilst nearly 150lbs over weight.
    I am so looking forward to seeing what I can acheive when I weigh 150lb!!!!

    We have made the first step, we have committed to each other that we are going to do this - Lets go!!!
  • coachdave_99
    coachdave_99 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am a 45 yr. old father of 3 who has been on the "diet yoyo" for years. I am 26 pounds into my journey this time. I hope to lose a total of 70 - 90 pounds by the end. I am needing as many friends as possible to help keep me going. Anyone can add me.
  • juicebabe2014
    Hi all,

    Most of you know me from fb weight loss group.

    My story is up's and down, I was very thin, didn't eat much apart from sugary foods, then used to bulk down food when I started TOM, in my late teen's, I was 10 stone after having my second child, which made me feel over weight, I was originaly 54kg before I started to have my kids. You might say 10 stone is where you would love to be, but for a slim person, putting on 2 stone will make you feel fat, especially if you can't fit in your clothes and your family just keep making jokes at you and you have no support from your partner.

    My heaviest was when my second child was about 2 or 3 yrs old, 14 stone, my worst habit is to eat while I am cooking. Then have your meal, which is like eating a meal then another meal. My breakfast at 14 stone was, 2 eggs, 4 toast, loads of beans and milk. I ate because I was unhappy and was blamed by my husband when things went wrong.