Where Are You All From?

Since we are all going to be communicating closely over the next month why dont we get to know each other :)

My name is Billie-Jean, I am from Nova Scotia, Canada. I have a 2 month old daughter, Sydney.

What about you guys??


  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm Marielle. I am 28 and from New York and Florida. I currently live in Jersey City, NJ. No kids yet, but I'm getting married next February so we'll see how 2013/2014 pans out baby-wise :)
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    My name is Heather I am from Central Illinois and I just got into Western Illinois University to get my nursing degree :)
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    I'm Jennifer. I live in the Phoenix, AZ area with my husband and our 2 year old daughter. Pleased to "meet" you all :)
  • I am Megan. 27 year old single mom of a 10 year old little girl. From Houston, TX.

    Everyone feel free to friend me talk or whatever the case may be. Dont think i get my friend request so i have been requesting instead :) Need all the help and motivation i can get on here.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Name is Missi- 28, I have a 10 yr old nephew that I've had custody of for 3 years, none of my own yet but I'm hoping by next fall :) In Cleveland, Ohio. Very pleased to " meet" everyone & looking forward to another 10 lbs gone! We can do it!
  • afabela24
    afabela24 Posts: 3
    Hi everyone, my name is Amanda... I am 26 years old , I live in Fort Worth, Tx but originally from a small town (Decatur).. I plan on going back to school later but for the moment i am working as a med tech..I look forward to being part of your group and help motivate eachother shed the pounds.
  • Ello! I'm Brittany. I live in Georgia in a small town. I hope to help encourage everyone while receiving motivation myself.
  • dragonc321
    dragonc321 Posts: 33
    My name is Claire. I'm 26 and am a single mom of a very energetic 4 year old girl. I am from North Olmsted, Ohio and run an Oncology pharmacy for the Cleveland Clinic.
  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everybody.

    I am Malene or Mal for short. I'm from Denmark. So please don't pay too much attention to typos and grammar ;)

    I have a 3 year old son.

    Woke up one morning and realised I was fast on my way to hit my 3rd trimester weight. With out the added bonus of actually being pregnant. So here I am! Shedding those pounds.

    CW 177
    GW 140-ish
  • shuadchaun
    shuadchaun Posts: 10
    Hi I'm John, 42 from Orange County, CA. I have 2 daughters, one that's in college and the other just about to start.
  • Jentaylor0295
    Jentaylor0295 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm Jen, live in the suburbs of Chicago. Originally from a small town in Ohio. I have 4 kids a 10 year old girl and a 16 year old boy and two step kids that live with us full time, a 14 year old girl and a 16 year old boy.

    I have been stuck at the same weight for a while and it seems no matter what I do it never leaves! Nice to **meet** all of you!
  • brinaz88
    brinaz88 Posts: 30 Member
    i'm sabrina, i'm from quebec, canada! i have 2 kids! a girl, lexi-lia 2 years and a little baby boy, anthony 4 month!!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey hey! I've lived in Phoenix, Arizona for about 8-9 years now! I'm originally from Mpls, MN and my husband is from Chicago! :) We met at University of Iowa (me) and Iowa State (him) and I guess you can say we still totally have our Midwest Values! :D

    I saw this group and wanted to jump in! I am trying to shed the first 10 pounds pretty quickly! :D Once I get to 130-135 the weight slows down for me, so yeah- let's do this!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh, duh. My name is KIM! LOL :tongue:
  • jc1115
    jc1115 Posts: 22
    Hi everyone! I'm Jacquelynn from Sacramento, California. I'm 29 and trying to get in shape for my upcoming 30th birthday and my wedding next year. I look forward to the motivation and encouragement you can offer me as I go through my fitness journey and hopefully I can return the favor for some of you. :smile:
  • Elbr0wn18
    Elbr0wn18 Posts: 8
    Hey :)
    I'm Emma, I'm from Kent, England but currently live in Plymouth - no kids, starting university in September.

    Noticed alot of you are American - nice to *meet* some people from across the pond. :)

  • Hello,

    My name is Stephanie and I am a 44 year mother of a 9year old and 21 year old. I need to lose 40lbs and I want to try to shed at least 20lbs by my 45th birthday on Sept 10th! So I thought I needed some group support! I live in Concord, CA!
  • good to.meet everyone. some many ppl from all over. we can all do this as long as we keep in touch and stay motivated. i lets get this goin and shed this weight. i am here for anyone who need to chat or need just a little umph in tha butt. :)
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all, I'm Roma & I'm from a small town in Western Massachusetts. I work as a nurse & am about to start graduate school. Excited for this challenge & group support. Currently doing the Carb Nite Solution--an ultra low carb diet & training for a trail half marathon. Hoping to be lighter for my run in Septmber!
  • SekhHydra
    SekhHydra Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Maz
    From Gloucester, england.
    mother of 2 hyper boys lol...
    eldest 'Draven' has just turned 6years old and youngest 'Atrum' is soon 2 and half years old.
    although alot of times i feel like got 3kids if you count my husband lol..

    im a full time mom at home, although have alot of issues from past and presant i deal with and find it very hard just to get thru the day sometimes, all i want is to be me again happy!!
    but loosing weight is one big issue i need support with as find it hard to keep motivated alot of times...so glad about this group, seems like alot of us, so should be good :) x