Hello....nice to meet you!



  • patiblue
    patiblue Posts: 44
    Hi everyone.

    I'm Pati, and just turned 36.
    At my heaviest I was at 205 after my twins were born and I never quite lost any of that weight and currently weigh 157

    I am a mother of 4 fun kids! Two boys and twin girls. My oldest is 11 and I have a set of twins that are 8 and my littlest is just a weee 9 months old. Now that our family is complete, I'm trying to focus on me.

    I'm proud to say I'm at my lightest weight today than I have ever been! I've lost 46 lbs over the last 6 months, and am really trying to be the healthiest I can be. I'm involved in a weight loss challenge that ends July 15 so I need more motivation to keep going! I've only lost 10 lbs during the 90 days of the challenge but that's 10 - whole-pounds-gone!! Yay! I may not win that challenge but at least I know I'm trying hard and I have a loss on the scale.

    I have tried a few times to "do" the 30 day shred. I would make it a week or two then miss a day...then miss two days....then never quite went back to finish and thought...well...I'll have to start at day 1 all over again. I'll start...next week....next month.... next time.

    I really did start yesterday but I took today 7/7 off and will join in on Day 1 Level 1 with you all tomorrow!

    I'm glad I found this group so I can be held accountable for making sure I do it everday.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I love motivational friends!
  • turkishmelly
    turkishmelly Posts: 129 Member
    Hello!!! I'm Mel! 27 years old from Washington state. I work out 6 days a weeks but never actually finished 30 day shred! Feel free to add me!
  • chrism14
    chrism14 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all :). I'm Chris and mum to 2 fantastic boys ( 3 and 6 ) they are very busy and I need to sort myself out (weight and general fitness) so I can keep up with them. I have nearly all of JM's dvd's and am now ready to use them (apparently owning this isn't enough - go figure!) Let's go !!!
  • LuvSteno
    LuvSteno Posts: 24
    Hi, I'm LouAnn. I'm 39 years old and excited to do the Shred for 30 straight days. I have a weight loss goal of 60 pounds due to a very inactive lifestyle catching up with me over the years. I am challenging myself that "someday" starts today. I look forward to inspiration from everyone and can't wait to see what the results for everyone will be after 30 days.
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Kim. I live in Texas. I'm 43, married, no kids (well I have furr babies!) I had planned on starting 30 ds today anyway and I'm glad I found this group first! I just completed day 1 and I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow!

    I have a question....are you guys logging the workout? If so how are you counting it, and are you eating your exercise calories back??
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Hey there. I bought 30DS back in May and managed to get to Day 8 of Level 1 but then stopped due to a sunburn and going out of town and then just never started back up. Here's to all of us putting ourselves through absolute torture!! :-P
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Kim. I live in Texas. I'm 43, married, no kids (well I have furr babies!) I had planned on starting 30 ds today anyway and I'm glad I found this group first! I just completed day 1 and I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow!

    I have a question....are you guys logging the workout? If so how are you counting it, and are you eating your exercise calories back??

    I put it in as Circuit Training. I'm still undecided on the eating back calories thing.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I put it in as circuit training as well, and I eat back my exercise calories if I'm hungry for them- but I don't force myself to eat them all.
  • ssanto
    ssanto Posts: 53
    hi everyone! i'm stephanie, 26 yrs and from philly! i started the 30ds about 2 months ago but never finished so i'm hoping that being a part of this group will keep me motivated to finish all 30 days!

    good luck and can't wait to see results!!
  • drgoodtimes
    Hi all! I'm 33 years old and live in upstate NY. I bought the shred a while ago but it is still in plastic. I am definitely going to try this with all of you. I am a parent to a 2 year old and although I lost the weight right away, it has come creeping back because I find myself so busy with being a working mom that planning healthy meals and exercise get put on the back burner. I'm ready to invest in me again and am feeling like this would be a great group for me. Hello and good luck to all of us!!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi all! I'm Melanie, I'm single (divorced 5 years) and I'll be 42 on Tuesday. Yikes! I gained 45 pounds in a year due to my thyroid, and kept putting on weight for a while afterward since my metabolism was so slow. I'm now taking it off and I think this might be a great way for me to throw off some fat a little quicker and to get the fit body I want to feel confident about myself again.

    I've always been amazed at the transformations I've seen on The Biggest Loser and I'd love to experience a little of that myself.
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Jennifer! I'm a college student and a mom to 3 kids. I will be 30 in a couple of days and I started 30 day shred 3 days ago. Even though I have been really sore I am still pumped up about this and I hope to keep up the positive attitude. I'm excited to see what will happen at the end of the 30 days! Can't wait!
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, Everyone! I'm a 37 year old mother of two (ages 3 and 7.) I worked our regularly and ate fairly well until I had kids but have found it so hard to return after rediscovering french fries, ice cream and wine! I have been rollercoaster dieting / exercising for the past couple of years - with no long-term success- and would love to lose 10 lbs then stay active to maintain it. I'm counting on all of you to keep me motovated and help me stick to it this go-around! (and I will happily do the same.) :wink:
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    HI everyone! Glad there was a group getting ready to do the same thing I was. Great to have motivation from all of you. I just turned 30 about a month ago and am currently in the best shape I've been in a long time. I have lost 72lbs in about 10 months and am working towards those last 30 or so to lose. I did the 30 day shred about 6 months ago and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

    I have no kids but I have enough to keep me busy. I love reading, card making, cooking, and occasionally play some computer games.

    I hope I can be supportive to all of you!
  • CrazyC01
    CrazyC01 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, my name is Carol I am 52 and 193 pounds. I have started 30 day shred before but never finished. Second go around on this weight loss/get fit journey. Hoping to stay motivated and finish to see what the results will be in 30 days. Not working right now-- moved to Las Vegas in Feb and gained 30 pounds on top of the 25 pounds I gained before I moved. I am ready for my clothes to fit.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    Hi my name is Kim I'm 40 y/o married for almost 12 years(12 years on August 12) Husband Rob is in the Navy we are stationed in Newport,RI. now I was born and raised in Richmond Va. we have 4 boys 20,10,8 and 4..20 y/o lives in Va.I have done the 30 day shred lost a few inches here to do it again..
  • bright_and_shiny
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 27 year old Australian uni student. Both of my babies have tails and whiskers, so I can't blame them for my extra weight! ;) I've started the 30DS a few times in the past but never stuck with it - but my husband's got some awesome surprise up his sleeve for me if I make it all the way through, so I've got some great incentive this time! (At least, it had better be something awesome, he's been building it up for over a year!)

    I'm definitely keen to make friends here, so check out my profile and add me if you think we'll get along. :) Looking forward to getting shredded with you all!
    Shiny :)
  • korinastern
    Im Korina I am 40 I have two boys 24 and 20 the 24 year old is a soldier, I put on 60 pounds while he was deployed to iraq. I started my journey at 243 pounds at 5 ft 2 in. I am down to 188 and trying for 145. I have been struggling with this my whole life and i am determined to spend my 40's liking myself for once. ps my legs are like rubber after this morning lol
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    I'm Kat. I'm vegan, 26 years old, 5'10", and 217 pounds. A friend of mine has been doing the 30 Day Shred and really enjoying it. I watched her yesterday to see what it was like, and wasn't as intimidated as I thought. Then today, I noticed this group and decided to do it. I'm not sure how much I want to lose -- my lowest weight was 145 in high school, after some highly unhealthy behavior. Currently my lowest goal is 170. I'd like to see how low I can go. :)
  • LacedwithHope
    Hi everybody! I'm so glad Mel mentioned this group. I was thin all of my life, but gradually I've become overweight by at least 20 pounds. I don't feel like I look in pictures, so I suppose I'm in denial. :huh:

    Mostly I just want to be healthier and have more ENERGY, so I'm hoping this group will help me to be more accountable for making the changes I know I need.

    Good luck everyone :)