


  • shmily124
    shmily124 Posts: 3
    hey everyone! I am 32 years old and have been out of the gym and fitness world for a very long time. I got up to 208pounds before I decided it was time to change my lifestyle. I am on day 32 of Insanity. I have lost 12 inches....possibly more-will measure on Tuesday. I absolutely love the intensity of the program - my husband and I are notorious quitters,but who can quit with results like these? I am joining this group for motivation and advice. Thanks,in advance, for all your help!:flowerforyou:
  • aplympton
    aplympton Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, everyone! My name is Amanda. I'm 28 yrs old and I have 2 children. I've been doing Insanity for 8 days now and love it. I have about 30-40 lbs to lose still. I look forward to getting to know everyone here! Feel free to add me as a friend.

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  • sonyab76
    sonyab76 Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning!
    My name is Sonya, I am 35 years old. I am looking forward to picking up Insanity this week and beginning it on Monday July 16. I am very excited as a friend of mine is in week 5 and seeing great results. My only worry is the 60 days and being motivated to do the workouts each day. I am up for the challenge, really hoping I can do it. That is why I am here. Need this motivation!!!
    Good work to everyone and good luck to everyone like me about to begin. I look forward to some good motivational chats and amazing results.
    Feel free to add as a friend.
  • 23 years old, 300lbs, nothing left to do but go Insane.


    My name is Austin I am 23 and finally hit 300 lbs. a few months ago, finally fought my way back to 285lbs where I can do more than 30 seconds of Insanity. I look forward to something I have never had, and thats a body in shape, its funny, my weight training instructor, forgot to mention that benchpressing 375lbs will cause you to retain fat and get bigger as a result, 3 years later and still fighting to lose the weight, I think Insanity is going to be the first phase in this, I have insanity and then I have p90x immediately to follow. so the next 210 days (2 rounds of insanity followed by 1 round of p90x) are gonna be intense, but I now have the drive that I previously lacked, and for the first time, a diet that works. The goal in all this, The Spartan Race 2013, Atlanta, Ga.
  • Hi my name is Hermanda and im 24 years old. I am half way through the second week of insanity. It hard but I am determined to finish. I have found that at first I could barely keep up and I had to rest a lot. Now I can go a little bit longer with out the need to take as many breaks. I cant wait to finish. I'm looking forward to seeing the results.
  • jenjomal
    jenjomal Posts: 10
    my name is jenny im 27 today was my day one of insanity i ran 3 miles then came home and did it and boy was i sweaty and tired! i cant wait to see a difference! . how do you log your insanity workouts on myfitnesspal? or do you just leave them off?
  • Hi everyone! My husband ordered insanity and it just came in the mail yesterday. I'm scared, but willing to try! :)
  • I'm Micheal. I'm 29. I started Insanity at 227lbs and based on my measurements 30.65% body fat. I actually am on Day 50 of my Insanity the first time through. It definitely started out very difficult for me. But I've had great results so far and actually cannot wait to finish and redo the workout after a week or two off to relax. I have made myself proud by staying with it and to any of you who are starting out...if you do stay with it and follow the plan you will see excellent results!!!

    I have an Insanity specific excel tracking chart a friend sent me if anyone is interested. Just add me as a friend and send me a message and I'll send it to you.
  • naomiari
    naomiari Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm 23, live in Orange county. I started insanity beginning of this month. I'm on day 2 of week 3 and I've lost about 6 or 7 lbs so far. Trying to lose weight and get in the best shape of my life. I gained weight from my having my two kids. I have been following the nutrition guide and I hope to lose around 30lbs this round. Good luck to everyone!
  • Hello! I'm 29 and WAAAY over weight. My husband and I started the Fit Test yesterday and are PRAYING that we finish it . I want this to be our first step into getting back in shape. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • indoworkout
    indoworkout Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I came to the US 2 weeks ago and saw insanity in the tv commercials. I am 37 years old male from Indonesia (thats where BALI is), 170cm tall, at 90KG. i am about 15KG or 30Pounds overweight. I watched over the years as my weight creeped up slowly to that thereshold number :(. Btw, 30Pounds is a lot for us asians.

    I travelled a lot around the southeast asia region, and although i stayed at nice hotels with gym facilities, i found myself hardly went there,

    Today i started my fitness test. Today i start my insanity workout.
    I am glad i found this group.
  • Hey guys! I'm 3 weeks into insanity and feel better already. Wasn't sure if i should believe all the hype about the amazing weight loss it claims to produce. I've seen tons of befores and afters but i'm curious, has anyone done Insanity without following the meal plan?
    I'm allergic to a few things but they're in everything like eggs, gluten, wheat and yeast. The breakfast is all eggs so it's impossible for me to do it. I've been following my own routine for food but i wanna know if the given nutrition is what really set off your weight loss.
    Thanks guys and good luck to everyone!
  • bpbolden
    bpbolden Posts: 2
    Hi guys, I'm Brittany. I have just finished Day 3 - Cardio Power and Resistance of Insanity. I downloaded this app to help me keep track of my calorie intake and find extra support. I'm so excited. and already feel energized. I even did Jillian Michaels's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism this morning before I did Insanity this afternoon (I'm obviously off today) ... I'm having a hard time keeping up with the people in the video and I've stopped a couple of times. I will get stronger right?
  • bpbolden
    bpbolden Posts: 2
    I'm 25 too!!! I'm right there with you, Plyo kicked my *kitten*. I did Cardio Power today and it ALSO kicked my butt. A few of my friends have told me that I have to give it some time and I will start to see results. you know, DIG DEEP and all that. I'm very excited, and trying to keep my spirits up and not get discouraged.
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    I started and stopped a couple of times due to a knee injury, but am looking forward to starting it up again tomorrow morning
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    I, I'm Mary. I'm 44 and have recently started Insanity. I did day 9 today. What made me choose Insanity? I've recently lost 50 pounds and have 30 more to lose, but have plateaued. I haven't lost anything, pounds or inches, in the last 6 weeks. It's time for something major, and Insanity is about as major as I can think of. I've survived the first week, but boy does this workout make me feel old while I'm doing it.
  • Hopefully starting Insanity today! And then again on Monday with a group of people but I cannot wait until then! I'm looking to just tone and not lose much weight. Good luck to everyone!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Mandy. I am 31 and have 3 kids ages 7, 5 and 2. I am desperately needing to drop like 40-50 pounds! I am starting Insanity on Monday and am SCARED TO DEATH of it after watching part of the first workout! lol.
  • Hi, I'm 21 and tired of not looking and feeling my best. I want to finally have a beach body and feel confident and healthy. I'm still an undergrad, graduating next year. I am 5 "2" and 117 lbs. My goal is to maintain a weight around 105 lbs. But ultimately I want to just be toned. I love the workouts but I think my biggest issue is food. I actually don't eat enough so my body is in starvation mode. I eat 1200 or less a day b/c I "forget" to eat. So I need support on that as well as eating the right foods. The workout is fun. I reaaaallllyyy need to get in shape to have more energy and feel better about myself. I wish you all the best and let's do this!
  • MrsLeilanie
    MrsLeilanie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Leilanie im 27 and I'm from California. I have struggled with weight most of my adult life. Always went up and down due to pregnancies and jus not eating right or being active. I finally decided to take it seriously now. I am on a 1600 a day calorie diet and I'm on my 3rd week of insanity. I have lost 6lbs so far. I haven't weighed myself in a week because I wuz getting into a bad habit of doing it everyday and when I didn't c results I would get discouraged. My goal weight is 130-135. I currently weigh 160 now. I am confident that sticking with this diet and continuing the insanity and support from all input there I will reach my goal weight! :-)