Here we go!



  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Still working on biking, and got another 25 miles in this week so far - whoo! But also hoping to continue adding in other activities, since biking is such a seasonal, weather-dependent exercise.

    Today, for example, I rode in to work (25 minutes), will ride to the pool after work (25 minutes), then swim for 60 minutes, then ride to the softball field (15 mins) and play softball (45-60 minutes), then ride home (45 minutes). Should make for a good burn day!

    My weight is still hanging down around 205 (actually 204 this morning), so I think that is a good sign. That it isn't just water weight loss, but actual loss. I hope so!

    One thing that I've noticed is that within maybe 2 days of not working out strong and/or not closely monitoring food, I start to gain weight again right away. That's crazy to me! But I think that is what I've been struggling with since February - being hard core for a week, and then slacking a little. So, rather than keep fighting that, and feeling that it is so "unfair" - I'm just going to accept it, and realize that I need to track...alwaya. Or, at least, not go more than a day or two at most without it. And, keep working out regularly...always. Sigh. That's a little daunting when I think about the rest of my life, but I'm going to try and focus on the one-day-at-a-time approach.

    Does anyone else start to gain weight right away if you don't stick with it every single day?

    July 2011 Goals
    SW: 211
    GW: 205
    CW: 211 (still not quite ready to log a lower weigh. Maybe after this weekend, if I stay down)
    BIKE: 100 of 250 miles
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    So made it to the gym today. Decided to give the treadmill a try since the arc trainer is causing hip soreness. I walked mostly but did up the speed a few times so that I was jogging. :bigsmile: I did some arm weights beforehand too -- have I mentioned how much I dislike overhead presses!?!

    @Nicole -- the salt water quote is awesome!!! And great job with the biking!

    Keep cool everyone!

  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member

    Wednesday check in -

    I did the strength exercises in front of the tv, while my kiddies made fun of me! :tongue: I must have looked pretty funny! Nut they did join me on the jumping jacks! Yay!

    And because I indulged in sushi for lunch, I did 35 mins of Just Dance. It was me and my granddaughter, so that was fun!n she laughed the whole time, and kept checking to see if I was doing the right moves...which I'm sure I wasn't! Lol!

    Rina - glad to se that you are hitting the gym! Nomworriesnon the exercises, cuz this isn't set in stone. You do what works for you!

    Liz - good job on kicking the grumps away and your treadmill workout!

    Noelle - I don't gain right away with the food, but I notice it if I don't do any cardio for more than a couple of days. Weird huh? Hand in there! I wish I had a bike. I would love to be able to ride around here!
  • sportiemom
    sportiemom Posts: 14
    Workout at gym again today for 1 hour and burned over 400 calories and did over 4 miles on treadmill. Food intakes better today. Drank lots of water and plenty of trips to the restroom!

    Does anyone else start to gain weight right away if you don't stick with it every single day?

    Noelle, I do gain right away and that's frustrating to me. I noticed my gain weight back in March and April when I stopped logging in my food and not watching my food intakes. Overall, I eat pretty well, but one day I don't eat the right food and I feel like I've gained so much. This also goes for working out so I need to just start making this a daily routine and not missing any days. Even if it's only for 15 minutes, my goal is to do some form of exercising or at least eating the right food for the day if I don't get exercise in.

    Hang in there!
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    Hi guys sorry ive not been on, been a crap week, i twisted my ankle on friday so have been out of action n feeling really Miserable :grumble: not getting exercise in n not eating that well either, its still a little swollen but im gona try insanity tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • margo52
    margo52 Posts: 13
    Sorry all i do is walk about 20 mins about 3 times a day all week long i trie to all more but the boby say no so for now i am good
  • sportiemom
    sportiemom Posts: 14
    Worked out at gym again for 1 hour. Same routine as the past few days. My routine will be broken tomorrow because of errands I have to do in the morning so I'll have to find another time to do some exercise tomorrow.

    Good night!
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Ooops re: my last post -- Noelle not Nicole, I think autocorrect got me. :blushing:

    Friday workout done. About an hour on the elliptical. Hoping to get a walk in this evening too.

    My scale finally moved down yesterday, but I don't trust the number until it sticks for a few days.

    Happy weekend all! Keep chugging ......
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I didn't get any kind of workout in on Wednesday or Thursday, that is unless I can count rocking my granddaughter and singing to her for over an hour last night. That didn't burn many calories but it was a ton of fun. She seemed to be enjoying herself too, or maybe she couldn't figure out what all of the noise was about. My grandmother gave me that rocking chair many years ago. She bought it in 1930 to rock my dad in. It squeeks and pops and my singing...well....:blushing:

    I did get a good elliptical workout in today and I feel so much better. Looking back on my couch potato days, I felt sluggish all the time and thought that was normal.

    Tomorrow morning is my weigh-in. I have done well on calories all week but I wonder if my two sedentary days will make a difference.

    Kirsty, sorry you have had a tough week. Hopefully things will improve.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I did Wednesday and Friday's workouts today. Had to look the Bear Walk up on youtube and I give it a two-thumbs-up. :glasses: However, there is no way I am doing that in front of my husband! If he saw me bear walking up and down the hall, I am sure he would tell all the guys at his Saturday/Sunday morning loafing place all about it. :tongue:

    I lost a few ounces this week. 2 more ounces and I will have lost an even 20 lbs since I started MFP in January.:drinker:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello all! Just a quick check in - I will catch up tomorrow. Just wanted to say hello and sorry for being MIA!!

    Take care!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Me again!

    Thursday I did not do any exercising except for lifting a fork to my mouth! :laugh: It was my anniversary, and we went out to dinner - so nice!

    Friday - I walked on the treadmill for 55 minutes, about 3 miles.

    Saturday - I did Fridays tabata, but I substituted knee lifts for the push ups. And I walked on the treadmill for 2.2 miles.

    :bigsmile: I made my 10 mile goal! :bigsmile:

    It's been crazy hot here, and since I work so early in the morning, I don't have the option of exercising outside when it's cooler. So me and the treadmill are becoming good friends! :love:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: :heart: WEEK OF JULY 16-22 :heart: :heart:

    Hello everyone! We have made it thru the first half of July!! Yay us!!

    How are you doing on your goals? I haven’t lost very much, but I am doing much better on the exercising!!

    I will be camping next weekend, and I know that there won’t be the healthiest choices for food, so I am going to amp it up a little this week and do some strength everyday, and do as much walking/running as I can. Please modify it to fit your goals/plans.

    Here’s my plan:

    MONDAY -
    3 sets of 15:
    2 minute Bear Walk
    100 Jumping Jacks
    50 Squats
    50 Lunges
    50 Calf Raises
    (I will be breaking this up and doing it as a circuit)

    3 sets of 15:
    Tricep Dips
    Bent over row w/tricep kickback
    Swimmers Press
    Alt Dumbell Rows
    2 30-60 second planks
    2 miles run/walk

    The One Hundred
    Here's how it goes:
    100 jumping jacks
    90 crunches (any style)
    80 squats
    70 leg lifts(any style)
    60 jumping jacks
    50 crunches(any style)
    40 squats
    30 leg lifts(any style)
    20 jumping jacks
    10 minutes of running
    You only do this once for this challenge. There are some of you that can do this and others, well, you may not have worked up to it yet. Keep in mind though that you have all day to do it.

    3 sets of 15:
    Pec Fly
    Shoulder Press
    Push ups
    Bicep curls
    Wood chops
    2 miles run/walk

    FRIDAY –
    3 set of 15:
    Butterfly Crunches
    Torso Twists
    Glute Kickbacks
    Mountain Climbers

    3 sets of 15:
    Bird Dogs
    Fire Hydrants
    Knee to Elbow Crunches
    Scissor Kicks
    Toe Touches
    Add 1 mile to any distance you had planned

    :flowerforyou: Please let me know how you are liking the exercises. If you would like different choices, I am always open to suggestions! Have a wonderful week!:flowerforyou:
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Me again!

    Thursday I did not do any exercising except for lifting a fork to my mouth! :laugh: It was my anniversary, and we went out to dinner - so nice!

    Friday - I walked on the treadmill for 55 minutes, about 3 miles.

    Saturday - I did Fridays tabata, but I substituted knee lifts for the push ups. And I walked on the treadmill for 2.2 miles.

    :bigsmile: I made my 10 mile goal! :bigsmile:

    It's been crazy hot here, and since I work so early in the morning, I don't have the option of exercising outside when it's cooler. So me and the treadmill are becoming good friends! :love:

    Happy Anniversary! (And I love the new profile pic, too!) met your mileage goal - big week for you - CONGRATS!!!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry all i do is walk about 20 mins about 3 times a day all week long i trie to all more but the boby say no so for now i am good

    You're walking an hour a day - that's fantastic! Just keep it up, and you'll be headed in the right direction! :)

    If you decide you want a little more challenge (but don't necessarily want to do more time or walk faster), you could try holding a one or two pound hand weight in each arm while you walk (or switch arms part way through). Even if you only did that a couple of times a week and maybe only on one of your walks each day (not all three), you'd see some good results in terms of strength!

    Keep up the fab work!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    I think I'm finally ready to update my weight to 205. That's super exciting for me! Getting close to my next big goal. I still have to decide on a reward for it, though.

    This past weekend, I went camping and biking with my roommate. We biked over 100 miles in two days - 65 the first day and the rest today. It was a fantastic experience, both for the scenery and visiting new places, but also because I was secretly worried that I might not be able to do it. Not only did I succeed, but I did better than my roommate (who has been cycling forever but, in his defense, is 20 years older than I am). He wasn't sure his legs could do another ride today, and I kind of pushed him saying we could take breaks and go slower since my legs were fine and ready to go! It was a very empowering and reassuring experience!

    Despite the heat here, I'm still going to focus on riding my bike as my main form of exercise.

    July 2011 Goals
    SW: 211
    GW: 205
    CW: 205 (been there for two weeks, so I think it's good to report now. I may consider lowering the goal to 200, but I don't want to push too hard and then bounce back up again)
    BIKE: 200 of 250 miles

    Also, wish me luck as I'll be singing the National Anthem at a professional baseball game tomorrow (Minnesota Twins). I'm with a small choir, but I have a solo on the super high note at the end - whoo hoo! LOL!
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Have to admit didn't do anywhere near what I should have for exercise. Still managed to lose weight, but really going to make an effort. Like right now as a matter of fact! Also going to bring my workout clothes and do these in my office at lunch.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    It has been a good day! I have eaten food that I enjoy all day and still came in under my calories. I got in 43 minutes on the treadmill with speed see-sawing from 3.2 to 3.8 and the incline from 1.5 - 7. That did wonders to relieve all the stress from work. Got the Monday challenge under my belt after supper tonight. It was a good one, Jackie. :smile: I really appreciate that you post the whole week up front.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Monday check in-

    Exercises done, except for the bear walk - I don't like to do that in the garage! :huh: but I did get in 2 miles in on the treadmill!

    Noelle, what a great weekend you had! Sounds wonderful! How was singing? I was hoping they showed that game here, but no such luck! :grumble:

    Michelle - every little thing counts! I do jumping jacks and squats in the bathroom at work! :laugh:

    Cheryl -thanks! I'm glad that this format is working for you! :flowerforyou: It is really helping me too! Njust having it written, and knowing what's coming seem to keep me on track!
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Also, wish me luck as I'll be singing the National Anthem at a professional baseball game tomorrow (Minnesota Twins). I'm with a small choir, but I have a solo on the super high note at the end - whoo hoo! LOL!

    Noelle, That is wonderful! Best of luck to you!