What is everyone taking for their PCOS



  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I was diagnosed at age 20 and put on BC pills to regulate my cycle. Flash forward 9 years, got off the pill due to a bad car accident. Now, almost 1 year after being off of the pill my symptoms are BAD! Horrible cystic acne (so embarrassing!), irregular, painful cycles. I got a new family Dr. that I visited last week, and she said, "are you sure you have PCOS?" "Your symptoms aren't that bad" Like everyone with PCOS is supposed to look the same. But she did draw blood to run the gamete of tests (cholesterol, thyroid, diabetes, etc.) and then referred me to an endocrinologist. Anyway, to answer your question (sorry for the long post), I am not on any prescribed meds, but I am taking Saw Palmetto (the OTC herbal men take to help the prostate). I read online that this is a natural anti-androgen and may help w/PCOS symptoms. I have been taking it for a few weeks, and it has slightly improved my acne. I need to find an endo fast and make an appt. :/
  • lmustoe
    lmustoe Posts: 19 Member
    I just started Metformin 500/3x a day. I have started feeling so much better after taking it. I was on it when preggo with my son and it really helped me. My daughter I was on nothing and gained 110 pounds, got thin and got pregnant with my son 10yrs later. Started gaining weight again and having blood sugar attacks so they put me on the met and I only gained 40 pounds with him!! So he is 2 now and I am back on the met and loving it.
    I have also read a lot about people using organic apple cider vinigar deluted with water in stead of met. Said it does the same thing. Something to think about!
  • khloee1
    khloee1 Posts: 90 Member
    I was on Spiro 200 mg but stopped taking them. I really should start up again. But I really didn't see/ feel any difference. I still had all the hair loss, acne, oily skin, dandruff and hairiness..ha I really need something that works.
  • uzit_13
    uzit_13 Posts: 41 Member
    I was diagnosed 7 yrs ago by my GYN. She immediately put me on BC (Yasmin) which helped regulate my cycles. I'm fortunate in that I haven't had any side effects. I immediately noticed my hair growing slower. After a year of starting Yasmin she put on Sprio 100 mg/day. The nasty minty after taste made me stop (I think it wasn't coated because it was a generic form) however I forced myself to continue cause it made my hair grow even slower. My self-esteem got a huge boost!!! Finally I didn't have to shave my legs every single day!!!!

    2 months ago I switched from Yasmin to Micronor, a progesterone only pill because I didn't want the extra estrogen (I have low progesterone but my estrogen is fine, plus my aunt died of breast cancer) but the timing of a mini pill is very precise and I often forget to take it, thus my cycle is out of whack. My gyne discouraged me from switching because I won't have the benefit of the progesterone in the Yasmin which is an anti-androgen. I'll give Micronor another month or 2 and if it still doesn't work then I'll switch back to Yasmin. I've continued taking 100 mg of Sprio but my hair isn't as thin as it used to be.

    I got a home light pulse hair remover which is a God send!!! Even though my hair is coming back because of my medication change, I still have patches of NO HAIR!!! :happy:
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago. I'm on Depo-Provera because my grandmother died of breast cancer, and they don't want to increase my estrogen levels, so it was my only option. They put me on Met for a while, but I couldn't handle the side effects.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    Been on Birth Control Pills from age 14 to age 27...never even KNEW i had PCOS until i took a break from the PIll last year. my libido went way up, but so did my acne, and the beginnings of hair growth,. hormonal test confirmed, high testosterone....

    i really want to get off the Pill eventually ( i am the type that prefers to be on NO medications if possible), and i am hoping that once i lost 35 lbs and get to medically sound weight, i can go off the pill and have my levels checked again.

    very happy on a vegan, no junk, no sugar way of life. pretty active. if i get to goal and my hormones STILL ain't balanced, guess I'll be on the pill for life :(
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I am on Diane 35 (Dianette) and have been for about 8 years. Might try metformin again soon - I only tried it briefly and went off it because I would wake up in the morning ravenously hungry and the doc was worried my sugar was going too low in the middle of the night. Has that happened to anyone else?
  • Tots77
    Tots77 Posts: 16 Member
    I was diagnosed 10yrs ago and have been on and off metformin for years. I recently started to take 1000mg of Glumetza (name brand for metformin) because I could not tolerate the nausea with metformin. I also take 3000mg Vit D3, Biotin, 3000mg Fish oil and a multi. I also just started taking Yaz due to my horrendous cycles and acne. Not sure if any of it really works. Ultimately I know I feel my best when I stick to about 50 g of carbs a day, but that is very hard to do.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    I found out out last summer I have PCOS, not sure how long I have had it cause my only symptoms are no/ irregular periods and acne. My acne isn't real bad but it has never gone away just always there very mild. I have been on the pill since I was 16, I'm now 29 and got off the pill November 2010 after deciding to try to get pregnant. When I went off the pill I did not get my period unless I took Provera so I started seeing a fertility specialist, we tried with just Metformin and Clomid but it didn't work. We tried IUI once but it wouldn't work well cause of the PCOS, we did a round of IVF recently that did not work either. We are taking the summer off and I'm trying to lose 20-30 lbs and see if I can get pregnant on my own with just weight loss and Metformin.

    If anyone has any supplements or tips please send them my way! :) I do not get irregular periods I get no periods without the help from drugs so I hope I can get this to work with some weight loss.
  • saiicorisah
    saiicorisah Posts: 2 Member
    I take Metformin and Maca. Maca has done wonders in regulating my periods and reducing PMS symptoms. I started taking Maca just a few months ago. I've heard of women that have been able to conceive while taking the Maca. I'm not trying to get pregnant just yet because I want to lose weight, but I am very hopeful that when I lose the right amount of weight, I will be able to get pregnant! :)

    I highly recommend that you do research about the Maca before taking it, that way you are aware of all it's benefits. One thing I recommend when buying Maca, make sure it is organic and it has no fillers in the ingredients. Basically, the only ingredient you want on there is the vegetable capsule itself and nothing else.

    Good luck, and thanks to everyone else who shared their info too!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    I will have to look into Maca, I've seen a few others post that they are taking it to and it helped regulate their periods. Metformin is not helping with that so maybe taking Maca too will give me the extra help I need.

    Thanks for sharing your tips!
  • Firno
    Firno Posts: 22 Member
    I have taken Metformin for the last 12 years. Recently I started Spironolactone which has helped with the water weight greatly. I also take two multivitamins and a complex B vitamin because I am a Vegetarian and the Metformin slows down the absorption of B12. I add cinnamon to what I can and have it daily usually in unsweetened applesauce.
  • ryansjo
    ryansjo Posts: 9 Member
    I'm currently taking metformin 500 mg twice a day. Has anyone else tried the PCOS Insulite system? I tried it for a few days, it was pretty expensive too...but there were just so many pills to take, I kept forgetting, and the pills made me gag a lot. Just wondered if anyone else has experience with that.
  • bump
  • I take 500 mg of Met twice daily, and Lo Estrin FE (skip the iron, I don't need it), plus a multivitamin. That's it, so far. I've had PCOS since puberty, at the least, but it took finding a doctor who knew/cared what PCOS was to get any help. I don't have starches, I have one or two servings of whole grain a day, and other than those, my carbs are all from veggies, nuts, or beans. Only been doing this for around two months, though.
    I do still have stupid facial hair, and painful cycles, but with the lifestyle change, my acne is almost completely gone. Hair is still somewhat thin, but I'll give it more time.
  • I have been on Metformin 1,500 for 3 years. It has regulated my periods (I used to bleed non-stop and never go off of my period), and after the first few months, I have had no problems with it.

    I was on Spiro for a few months, but I went off of it because I felt that it was unhealthy as a long term drug.

    I used Vaniqa for awhile, but it is so expensive.

    I have also been on Victoza for 1 year. Victoza is a blood sugar medication and you inject it into the fatty part of the stomach below the belly button. It has an appetite suppressant, and has helped me lose some weight.
  • Hello everyone I was diagnosed with PCOS yesterday after a miscarriage in May 2011, and a year of ttc. I was put on BC to regulate my hormones and cycles. I was also told to lose weight in the next 6-8 months (65lbs. my goal) and with the birth control I should be ready to ttc by Feb. hopefully.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    I was on Metformin and did not see any change in my PCOS. The only thing that has helped is my hysterectomy because I only have one ovary now and it only gets bad one or two times a year. This past week was one of those times. I took the two Tramodol I had left from when I had sciatica and it seemed to help. By day three, all I needed was Pamprin. However, it has to be the blue box. The pink one doesn't seem to help. I also went to the chiropractor and he did some work on the nerves that go to the ovary. Not sure if that helped or not, but could have made it a shorter period of pain because it was only like two really bad days this time.

    My doctor did put me on Depo Provera shots. I was finally pain free the whole time I was on it, but it almost ruined my marriage and put me in jail for child abuse. DO NOT EVER let your doctor talk you into taking them. Why? Search the web for Depo Provera Horror Stories. I'm one of them.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I am on birth control. It has made my boyish figure into a much more womanly figure (size 3 jeans to size 7. B cup to D cup) I want to get off of the BC because I heard that whether or not I have PCOS that it can hurt in the long term trying to have a baby.

    However, I do know that before I was on BC I would have period cramps without the actual periods. My dr thinks that they are probably the cysts popping? I had kidney stones in January and they gave me an ultra sound and found cysts the size of quarters on my ovaries... I don't know if they have popped or not, because I haven't felt any pain outside of normal cycles that are sort of forced by the BC. So pain may have been dramatically reduced by the BC.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Im currently on Spiro for acne/facial hair... doing wonders for the acne done nothing for the hair ... sad :(!

    Same here. No acne but still having hair issues!!!

    I wish i would have found this DR sooner. No doctor was ever able to diagnose me. If one of my other doctors would have figured out I had PCOS for year, it may have saved me from terrible scarring on my face.. :angry: