Slytherin Common Room



  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Howdy everyone, great job on week two! Dont' forget to record your points and weights before end of on day on Tuesday.

    Week Three challenges were issued by Ravenclaw. I think its time we did some butt-kicking,,,, what do you think?

    Challenges for Week 3 - Ravenclaw

    Food - Eat at least four servings of vegetables during the day.
    Exercise - Aim for 50 jumping jacks per day! You can split them up throughout the day or you can complete them all at once.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I earned 123 pts last week :)

    do tomatos count as veggies, technically they are savory fruits, But I eat a lot of them.

    what are the points for the challenge this week. I love jumping jacks.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all, back from my hols! Thank you so much to Desertlyzard for looking after things for me, I kind of signed off abruptly, I promise not to do it again!

    I am at work at the mo, but will catch up properly later. Big love!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    I earned 123 pts last week :)

    do tomatos count as veggies, technically they are savory fruits, But I eat a lot of them.

    what are the points for the challenge this week. I love jumping jacks.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Way to go!!!

    I would count tomatoes as a veggie. I don't know way since they technically are a fruit, but I've classified them as a veggie. I think the points is a simple one owl for each set of fifity and one for meeting the four serving requirement. Ravenclaw kept the points a bit simpler then Hufflepuff.
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Hey all, back from my hols! Thank you so much to Desertlyzard for looking after things for me, I kind of signed off abruptly, I promise not to do it again!

    I am at work at the mo, but will catch up properly later. Big love!

    Welcome back! hope you had a relaxing holiday and that your knee is doing much better. glad to help where I can. =)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    50 jumping jacks and 4 veggies yesterday...since tomatos count. I think i could eat my weight in tomatos espically fresh from the garden tomatos.

    I am not sure I am doign the spreadsheet right. Next tiem you guys log in please take a look at my enteries and let me know.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Got the jumping jacks in thanks to water exercise but didn't get the veggies today. will have to be more aware of that tomorrow.
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    oh, and furmeister, the excel sheet looked fine. Last week was a high scoring week the way they allott owls. I just wasn't that good last week. the only thing you might add in is the House points column. House Points equals the total number of minutes you spent exercising. So if you exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days a week, that would be 150 house points. At least I think I've got that right....
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey my dears, I am all caught up with work and the like so back in the game!

    We need to confirm our challenge for next week for the whole house, I liked Desertlyzards idea of HP'ing them up, shall we go with her earlier suggestions?

    If we could think of two so we have the following month sorted that would also be fab.

    Exercisewise, I like the 10,000 steps challenge and big burn, which will also be good for encouraging people to get house points for minutes exercises.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I was totally wondering about the house points. I will go back and add those today.

    I got 50 jumping jacks and all my veggie in yesterday.

    I like teh ieda of a 10,000 step challenge but not everyoen has a pedometer so is that really fair. If we did a big burn challenge what would the goal perday be? I not a bit burn kind of girl. we cpould also consider an arm exercise like tricep dips por swimmer presses. We haven't had any arm challenges this month.

    As for a food challenge maybe we could do somthing with protein maybe a point every day you meet your protein goal. I am all about the protein.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • rosie1938
    rosie1938 Posts: 5
    Well joined but not sure what to do now!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey all!

    I'm doing well with the veggies this week for our challenges- . Not a fan of jumping jacks, but I will add some into my days for the rest of the week. Pinky promise!! :)

    4 veggies on monday, 4 on tuesday, and im at 1 serving so far for today (but ive got a salad for snack!)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Welcoem Rosie. Below is the spredsheet. Please add yourself.

    This week the challenge is to eat 4 veggies (NEWTS) a day and do 50 jumping jacks (OWLS) Also house points are the total number on minute spent exercising. (RIGHT EVERYONE?)...LOL I am new too but I think I am giving you the right info.

    so thumbs up on teh jumping jacks yesterda and thumbs down on the veggies

    have onion and perrper in my omlet this morning, with have 2 plum tomatos for lunch today and lots of veggie in my stirfry for dinner.

    have a great day everyone!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome Rosie!

    Fuhrmeister was right on her instructions. this month we are in an inter house challenge, the challenges each week were decided by a different house. Normally each house decides their own challenges for the week, so if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to share. Normally one challenge focuses on exercise or something to get us moving, and on focuses on eating or developing better food habits.

    got the jumping jacks in, and the husband hid some peas in the dinner he made, so got the veggies into for today. Been snacking to much at work though, so need to pay more attention.

    Have a great Friday everyone. Lets wrap up this week strongly!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Right, I am going to submit this challenge for next week, using one of Desertlyzard's ideas.

    Polyjuice challenge - 1 NEWT for every day you don't have a beverage that is over 50 cals.
    Flagrante challenge - 1 OWL for every day you burn over 400 calories or more.

    Hope you all like it!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Right, I am going to submit this challenge for next week, using one of Desertlyzard's ideas.

    Polyjuice challenge - 1 NEWT for every day you don't have a beverage that is over 50 cals.
    Flagrante challenge - 1 OWL for every day you burn over 400 calories or more.

    Hope you all like it!

    Those look great!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Poorcopies - I love the challenge! I a a wateraholic so lots of NEWTS for me. I will have to bump up my bern for next weeek. ths week has been pretty wimpy.

    BUT I have had and awesoem loss this week!!! 2 LBS!!!!!! I have been at 213 a million times and some of it wa probably water but I am so thrilled. one step at a time...get under 210, then under 205 then finally under 200. I am jazzed!

    Jumping jacks yesterday not enough veggies. I wish it were a fruti and veggie challenge. I get at lesat 2 fruit snda two veggie each day and try to go more. Will have soem V8 today to get me to my veggies!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Happy Sunday.

    Another week with no net loss. some days were up, some were down, but on weigh in day I'm at a higher point than last week.

    I had an 'awakening' though yesterday. My husband wanted to go out a local buffet for dinner. Not my favorite place since its mostly fried foods, but I didn't object. While sitting there I started really noticing the size of the people, including the young girls. Typically I really don't notice body size, and I forget how large I have gotten until I see a picture of myself and cringe. Last night really made me sad. I think the contrast of seeing fashions designed for the thin being worn on larger people people with a sense of defiance, like, "I can where what i want too" even though it wasn't flattering was part of it. On one hand I was glad to see people accepting of where they were at, yet at the same time there was this air of hopelessness that was bothersome. I really don't know where I'm going with this except that the experience made me realize that I don't want to be just another overweight statistic..
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. I statred off storng last week and ended a little less strong. But I got mini vacation that I so needed.

    I am excited for this week. I think I will do well woith teh drinks but I don't uasua;;y burn over 400 cals so we will see what happens.

    Have a great dat everyone.

    desertlyzard - I am so glad your trip to teh buffet put things into perspecctive. I know you can lose teh weight and we are here to help.
  • Hello all my fellow Slytherins!

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday. I kind of fell off the bandwagon over the weekend, not anything too major thankfully. But, today is a new day and a new start- had an apple for breakfast with figs. And now a salad and sandwhich for lunch. Hoping to get in some kind of exercise later on today after work, as well.

    I'm psyched for the challenges this week. i normally always drink water, so I should be able to rock that one!
    Also going to try and burn at least 400 calories three times this week.

    Fuhrmeister- congrats on the awesome loss!! So excited (and jealous lol)!