C25K - Official Start Date May 7th



  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    Finished week 2! Took a little longer than a week.... but I did it!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Great job!! Taking longer than a week is fine! The only way you can really lose is to stop altogether :) You are doing great
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 2 done:smile: Had to take last week off (hurt my ankle on a hiking trip) but back on schedule!
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Great work Kay & yogi! :drinker:

    I've kinda paused @ W1D3 - that's the last one I completed. The new shoes didn't work out, it hurts even to walk casually in them :grumble:

    I'm going to a running store to get fitted next Mon. Hopefully whatever I purchase from the store wouldn't be such a huge disappointment as this NewBalance pair. Can't wait to get back to running though, I've registered for a 5km race in July, and it'll be a disaster if I don't get back on track soon.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 3 done!

    All good, except for the calf muscles that hurt a bit and need more stretching. Week 4 & 5 is looking a bit more daunting! :D
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    Yay! Well done!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 4 done! Happy with the small yet measurable progress:)

    How are you doing Kaydana?
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 5 done! Woohoo, it feels awesome! Can't believe how quickly this program gets you running. I just wanted to keep going after my D3 interval.....wasn't as tough or scary as I thought! :smile:
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 6 done! It is pretty much straight running from now until the end of the program (no intervals)......eek!
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    I just joined this group and I finished Week 6 day 3 yesterday. I can't believe I ran 22 minutes straight! Week 7 and 8 scare me now - how are you doing with it?

    I'm intimidated that there are no more time break ups in the runs (10 min run, 3 min walk etc). But, I'm planning on continuing and kicking some C25K butt.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    hi alohabrie! congrats on getting to W7! Yup, it's pretty daunting isn't it? But I figure W5 & 6 was looking tough too and we did it so I'm gonna push through too. This week is not the greatest week, schedule-wise, holiday, etc. so I may be a few days behind but I'm determined to finish the program too.

    good luck & let me know how it goes! :smile:
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Yogibella - you are totally right as week 5 and 6 scared me too. I did week 7 day 1 last night and ended up with pretty severe and annoying hip pain. That was new. I posted a cry for help here and got a couple of good suggestions. I might be a few days behind now too if I have to "rest" for a couple of days. Good luck - I hope I get to keep up with you!
  • kc2024
    kc2024 Posts: 4
    Hey! I just joined this group and I'm a little behind everyone else. I'm using the iPhone app C25K FREE and I'm on Week 3 Day 3. I am not a runner but I am tryin to get into better shape! I am also signed up for the Rock n Roll Marathon (for cancer!) in Savannah GA on Nov 3. My plan/goal is to try to walk/jog this marathon or just finish it period LOL. It's mainly for the purpose of donating to cancer research and see Savannah but hey I get to workout as well :) Anyways I have exercise-induced asthma which makes runnIng difficult for me but I'm trying! I don't have many friends on here so if you're looking for one more I'll gladly accept! :) Good luck everyone!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    @alohabrie - how's that hip pain of yours? I haven't experienced it so I don't know what would be the solution but hopefully stretching & rest will work. Otherwise I'd go see a doctor if it keeps on getting worse.

    take a look at this article on common hip injuries: http://www.active.com/running/Articles/5-Common-Hip-Injuries-You-Can-Fix.htm

    @kc2024 - welcome & congrats on starting the program:) the marathon & trip sounds exciting! it's great to have goals while having fun & contributing for a good cause. best of luck to you!
  • kc2024
    kc2024 Posts: 4
    Yogibella - thank you! Survived week 3 day 3 today! Hope you are well! :)
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Yogibella - hip pain still exists. I stretch and wait a couple of days and then run for a few minutes and it is back. I ice it and take aleve - and it gets better. Thanks for the article. I think I've narrowed it down to bursitis - good grief that sounds like an old person's problem! Not happy with it all but I'm not giving up yet. Been walking on the treadmill as fast as I can without hip pain - and at an incline so I can keep the momentum going - and kill those calories.

    I'm hoping it resolves soon - at least it is nowhere near as painful as those first couple of days.

    Thanks for asking and good luck with your progress. I'll have to watch your progress with envy (running envy?) - so keep it up!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 7 done! A little late this week but it's still feeling good. Getting hot out here though so will have to plan my runs better:)

    @alohabrie - sorry to hear it's still painful...sounds like it's getting a bit better and hopefully will recover fully! best of luck on the treadmill & we'll see you back to the program soon:)

    @kc2024 - awesome:) keep it up!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Week 8 done! On to the last stretch...W9 this week:)
  • dobberloon
    dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
    Way to go yogibella! I did W9D2 last week but it's been wicked hot here (Minnesota of all places) and so I haven't finished the last official run yet. It looks like I may be able to tomorrow after work. my 30 minute run distances have been 2.4 miles and 2.7 miles so maybevI can hit 3.1 miles for my last one. If not, I'll just keep going until I do! I signed up for a YWCA sprint triathalon that takes place on August 12th. So, I have to do the 5K after the 500 yard swim and he 15 mile bike. Yikes!!
  • dobberloon
    dobberloon Posts: 34 Member
    Went back and read every bodies posts. Congrats to you all!!

    @alohabei. If you can see a Sports Medicine doctor -do it. The first the I tried C25K I pulled my Achilles Tendon and thought I was resting enough between runs. Well... It got worse quickly and I spent 3 months in physical therapy, limping and frustrated. Noe I do lots of stretching before I go out the door.

    FYI. I am 57 years old and have NEVER been a runner. I am loving it! As long as I stretch well and listen to my body I can keep doing this. I am so amazed that I had the discipline to finish it.

    You all can do it! If not now, soon!
    Good running to you all.