C25K - July, 2012



  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? -- week 4, day 3 tomorrow
    2. How do you feel? -- great, confident, like I can finally do this!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? -- I've had some tough days, but I haven't had to repeat anything
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? -- Nope. I walk extra at the end though
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? -- I feel like my legs look skinnier, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it!
  • AndreaPool
    AndreaPool Posts: 45
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D2 just finished!

    2. How do you feel? Feeling good!!

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I ran two minutes into cool down...

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Just progress in general: breathing is more controlled, more endurance etc etc etc... all good things :)
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? -- Complete W3D3 yesterday

    2. How do you feel? -- Awesome

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Nope, and I'm nowhere close to needing to yet. (Maybe I'm in more shape than I thought, haha)

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Normally at the last 'cool down walk', since that's me walking home.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I feel great. My posture while running is improving. It's a great feeling knowing I can do this.
  • Kelleyd82
    Kelleyd82 Posts: 1

    My name is Dawn, I'm a 29 y.o mom of 1 beautiful little girl (4) and a step-mom to a beautiful 10 y.o girl! I gained 70lbs by the end of my pregnancy and never lost it :0( I don't have any pictures with my family cause I hate how big I am. So I have decided to put my foot down and get into shape! I downloaded the Susan G. Komen C25k app on my phone to help. Also am using this website to help and have started a vegetarian diet...so wish me luck!!

    1. What Week/Day are you on? I just did Wk 1 Day 1 yesterday
    2. How do you feel? Hopeful
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Thank goodness!
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Nope
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Not yet
  • ClareWhittaker
    1. I'm on W3 and just completed a 4th day (so + 1 to the usual 3).
    2. I feel incredible. Really energised and can definitely feel an improvement in fitness
    3. I have repeated a day in W3 due to getting flu mid W3 and being in bed for a week with haggered lungs!
    4. I added an extra run at the during W2 as I felt able to go again after catching my breath (this is before I got ill!)
    5. I have lost 3 inches from my waist, 7lbs and can definitely feel my fitness improving. Definitely more toned on legs/bum/hips.

    Love C25K. I genuinely think it's going to save my life!! :o)
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? Finished week 3 day 3 this morning
    2. How do you feel? Elated
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Wk3 Day3 three times "Say What?" :grumble: It was suggested I slow down my run pace and that did it! Added an extra 5 minute run segment just to see if I could. I do intend to repeat day 3 succesfully once more before moving on to week 4.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Added a run and lots of extra walking.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I really started to believe that I can do this. Negative self talk defeated!
  • macsgirl526
    1. What Week/Day are you on? I will start week 2 day 1 tomorrow
    2. How do you feel? I loved it
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not yet
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Nope I have ran every minute of the 8 mins..I do walk longer for my cool down at the end but thats it
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? That I could do.Never saw myself as a runner.Now I do. :happy:
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W1 D2
    2. How do you feel? At this moment ..accomplished
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not yet ...but it's still early
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? 5min warm up , 20 min run, 5 min cool down
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I have more energy
  • AndreaPool
    AndreaPool Posts: 45
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D3

    2. How do you feel? Invincible :)

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I prolonged my last run to SEVEN AND A HALF minutes!! Quite a surprise to myself haha... I didn't check at first how much longer I was going, but once I checked I was already at six minutes... So I kept going a little bit longer...

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Running seven and a half minutes was a real surprise, so I really think I'm ready for the next week :)! Bring it on!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? Did W4D1 yesterday
    2. How do you feel? Amazing!!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? I repeated days in Week 1,2,and 3 but am not going to repeat any days in week 4 and see how it goes.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I always stretch out my runs to 3 miles. W4D1 session took me 2.75 miles to complete the intervals then I walked the last 1/4 mile to make the whole run 3 miles. The whole run took me 35 minutes to complete.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I am feeling amazing. Right now this running stuff feels like it is just about second nature to me now. I am looking forward to the weeks to come.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D1 (Mon)
    2. How do you feel? Really hot!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? It was really hot out but I completed each jog. My body is sore and I'm tired probably from the heat.
  • AndreaPool
    AndreaPool Posts: 45
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W4D1 just completed...

    2. How do you feel? Sweaty! But accomplished...

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I didn't add any time (that was a first...), because I found this day pretty challenging...

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I just checked how far I've ran and found out I actually ran 4.3km already today (including warming up & cooling down)... So I guess the 5k is definitely possible once I learn to run for 30 minutes straight :)!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? Did W1D1 last night
    2. How do you feel? I felt great.
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Towards the end I had to cut my jogging time down a little, first time doing it in 90 degrees not the best idea.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I am surprised I did as good as I didi, considering I have never been a runner.
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W3D2
    2. How do you feel? Well I got up at 6 am to beat the heat but it was already hot!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? No
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I took a bottle of water with me today....I think that helped.
  • MoDunkulus
    Hi there, I'm new to the group as a whole and fairly new to MFP. I am using the Couch25K app - Run5K by Lucius Kwok & Kasten Searles, not the website, but I'm hoping I can hang with you folks.

    Re: the questions asked above

    1. What Week/Day are you on? W2, D2
    2. How do you feel? I feel sore, but awesome!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Nope. I had a few false starts at the end of June, but since I started jogging in July, I've been jogging consistently.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I have a permanent loop that I jog each time that adds on an extra few minutes to my run. Last week, it added an additional 10 mins, this week only an extra 3 :D
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? yes! I am standing up taller, straightening up and more mindful of my posture!
  • erinn_leigh
    1. What Week/Day are you on? This morning was W6 D2

    2. How do you feel? Great! I love running and I'm glad to be back at it after 12 years.

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Repeated Week 3 due to scheduling conflicts with my running buddies.

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yeah, I ran faster this week than ever!

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Defnitely. I'm getting so much stronger, and can breathe so much easier. I don't get winded just by walking around the store. I haven't lost a lot of weight since I started, but I'm still having a hard time getting my eating under control. Need to be more faithful about logging on MFP.
  • 4d9r
    4d9r Posts: 111 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? I had finished W5 D3, but this week I went back to pick through various days I'd done before. I wanted to work on my breathing (great on the treadmill, but sound like a freight train outside! LOL), and on my speed (was jogging at 4mph, now at 4.5). Next weekm, I will continue along with week 6.

    2. How do you feel? I feel fantastic! Some days I have to drag myself to the run, but just about every time partway through I feel great, and when I'm finished, I feel like I can take on the world (and I'd win, of course!).

    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Just this week, various days for the purpose of speed and breathing improvement. I could have moved onto week 6, but I wanted to improve these things first.

    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? Yes, I always add time to the runs this week. Some of the days I have picked have had very short uns (less than 3 minutes for some), and I have made certain to do at least 5 minutes at a stretch. Every day I also add to the warmup, and to the cooldown.

    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Most days I actually look forward to my run. When I started, I did not. Also, I am not as self conscious when running in public as I was when I began. I feel like I am "one of them", just another person jogging along to better health.

    Anyone looking for a virtual cheerleading running buddy, feel free to add me. We can always use the encouragement and advice of others on the same virtual road we are running on! :drinker:
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? Did W4D2 this morning.
    2. How do you feel? Amazing!!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? I repeated days in Week 1,2,and 3 but am not going to repeat any days in week 4 and see how it goes.
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I stretched out my run to 3 miles. W4D2 session took me just shy of 2.75 miles to complete the intervals then I walked the last 1/4 mile or so to make the whole run 3 miles. The whole run took me 36 minutes to complete this time (little slower today) Also ran for 1 mile after session.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I am feeling amazing. Right now this running stuff feels like it is just about second nature to me now. I am looking forward to W4 D3. Bring it on.
    Check my blog for my personal progress: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Jaccyber
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W1D2 finished last night
    2. How do you feel? Felt great
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? Not yet
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? I added a little time to some of my walking but that was because I lost track and wanted an even start time.
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? Was able to do a little more the second. Doing better than when I have tried to start running in the past.
  • anniebrown1079
    1. What Week/Day are you on? W2 D1
    2. How do you feel? I did not think I could do the second week, was a little scared but I did it!!!! Also my face did not get bright red like it has been, which was great, didn't feel sick or anything so I am feeling really good!
    3. Have you had to repeat a week or day? I repeated a couple of days in week one, I was a little hesitant about week two
    4. Did you add time or remove time from one of your runs? No
    5. Do you notice something different about yourself yet? I feel better, more energy!

    Also I don't know if anyone elso notices this but it really helps to do my runs in the evening, its a little cooler, lots more shade and the cool down is more enjoyable! I'm trying to figure out a way to bring water with me on my run without it being cumbersome... I know there are straps... can anyone recommend a really good device?