How is everyone doing in the 300+ group?



  • bears461
    bears461 Posts: 10 Member
    Hanging in there. I would just like to get down to 350 and then I would feel like I have made it on this weight loss journey. Every time I get close I end up gaining it all back and then some. At least posting my food journal on here has held me accountable some what as to what I am putting in my mouth. Great to see some interaction on the board here.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm getting there.

    My timeline has shortened, somewhat. First appointment for fertility on Tuesday, so fingers crossed they will take me as a client and not say I have to lose x many more pounds. I've tried jogging a little. That's a big NSV for me, I haven't remotely jogged at alll for many many many years. It's only a few minutes so far, but working on increasing. Even TTC and during I will be getting healthier, not fully eating for two etc. Still trying to lose weight.
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    I'm getting there.

    My timeline has shortened, somewhat. First appointment for fertility on Tuesday, so fingers crossed they will take me as a client and not say I have to lose x many more pounds. I've tried jogging a little. That's a big NSV for me, I haven't remotely jogged at alll for many many many years. It's only a few minutes so far, but working on increasing. Even TTC and during I will be getting healthier, not fully eating for two etc. Still trying to lose weight.

    Good luck with your appointment! I hope all goes well for you!
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    Slow and steady. I don't want to lose quickly because at my age I don't think my skin would recover well. I don't want surgery when it's over so I'm taking a three year plan approach. It's hard to be patient when I've lost weight much quicker in the past, but, I certainly didn't eat as well as I'm eating now. I eat now the way I need to eat the rest of my life which is anything I want, but less of it. I also have taken the emotion of the scale out of the process by only weighing once a month. My goal is to drop a pound a week so if I show a 4 pound loss in a month, I'm on track. That alone takes so much angst of 'yay I lost' and then 'hey, what happened, I gained?' on a DAILY basis. This is the most peaceful, stress free program I've ever done. Sure, I wish it could be faster but I know that will pay off in the long run.
  • faith99436
    faith99436 Posts: 17 Member
    well let's see......monday i went to work and at some time during the morning split my pants up the back side and didn't know it had been to the grocery store for work came in and putting groceries up and 1 of my co-workers whispers hey you've got a HUGE rip in the back of your pants! :( embarrassing to think i was walking around a grocery store with my green flower LB underwear showing but at least i had some on right! :).........tuesday comes around and i weigh in and GAINED 2lbs......although i figured it was coming because i strayed over the weekend......wednesday was actually uneventful.......thursday had a flat tire on my way home from work........friday my car is makin a crazy roaring noise when it gets going 20 mph so gotta get it checked out.....i will say
    although it was a stressful week i am proud to say that i did not fall back into old habits.....usually if i'm stressed out i'll eat like there's no tomorrow and even though i did give in last saturday i REFUSED to do again this week.........some days i could have dived into a gal of "Pet Ice Cream Heavenly Hash" and drowned my sorrows but i am making better choices and trying my best to avoid stress eating!
    hope everyone else is having a great one
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, you had quite a week. But your choices have proved it to be an Awesome week! Proud for you! Keep up the good attitude. :happy:
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    you are amazing congrats on the weight loss so far
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I would say that you are doing an amazing job. remember that you did not gain it over night an it will not come off over night. step by step and staying focused is the way to go at least that is what i tell myself and some day I will be like you though I have only just started my journey
  • MalloryCurrent
    MalloryCurrent Posts: 62 Member
    I'm doing Great! And can proudly say that I am no longer part of the 300+ group! Finally crossed over to 200s this week!! =)
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    I am doing good. Also crossed into the 200's recently. Hopefully stay there. I've had a slightly stressful week and that has seemed to hinder my progress. But yesterday I got good news regarding the fertility clinic. They will take me as a patient, and aren't requiring losing more weight first. So Yay for that. Still more testing to go though. One step forward, and more time to lose more weight.
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    Doing great and loving the fact that i'm losing weight
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    wow faith - your life sounds like mine lately. glad you got through it and i hope by now youre on an even keel.

    yesterday i overslept for work - drove all the way there worried about a meeting at 8:30 that was TODAY not TUESDAY, doh, so I had to stay later to make up my time ....was running late for an apt after work - but had to run home and get pizza dough mixed so it could rise for the potluck that WAS scheduled for Thursday but got moved to Wednesday. THEN ran to my apt missed the turn twice and had to do two U-turns to get there, and my car started beeping that it was about to run out of gas..LOL

    THEN the dude went on and on during the appointment so I was late getting home, my neighbors were coming over to watch me grill the before mentioned pizza dough, but I had to stop and get gas first so I would be able to make it home...........AND THEN they had to make different plans for dinner...but still came over to watch and assist.......AND THEN it was cleaning lady day today, so last night I had to run around picking up my stuff I didn't want her trying to put away so she can do her job easier was 8:30 at night I was exhausted, hot, thirsty and feel like my head is still spinning - today wasn't much easier - and next time I would just ask people for 3 or 4 bucks each instead of asking them to bring a topping for pizza (ok who brings four tomatoes and their food processor to work when asked to bring 4 diced tomatoes, really? LOL)...(and someone forgot the cheese, so I had to run to the store on MY half hour for lunch to get some)..........and I forgot a pizza cutter. ugh. AND THEN had to go to the lady Dr for one of 'those' visits after work AND go back to work to make up some time because the pizza prep took so long...and I had 3 meetings today so I didn't get all my work done, and as I type this the cat is fussing at me because the one can of fancy feast wasn't enough - and I just gave it to him like an hour

    but I got all my food logged from the pot luck - not a stellar day - especially on sodium...but it could have been worse!! and it was good!! LOL

    and WTG those under 300 now :) and yeah!! mr buster!!

    came back to add ........

    guess what im enjoying for my dinner - lol ........might grab an oz of cheese and some grapes, or some nice crackers i have, too.
    ate plenty today for lunch!! get to start fresh tomorrow!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ...AND THEN it was cleaning lady day today, so last night I had to run around picking up my stuff I didn't want her trying to put away so she can do her job easier .

    This reminds me of a friend.....he has a full dungeon in his basement, and his cleaning lady comes once a night I was chatting with him, and he kept getting up and doing stuff, when I asked what he was doing, he said he was cleaning, because the cleaning lady comes tomorrow, and he likes her, because she doesn't care about the dungeon, but God forbid she thinks he is a pig.....LOL
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Hey everyone! I started out at 315.5 and have had success so far. I have lost about 86 pounds since October. For some reason I can't wrap my head around that! Hoping to have lost 100 pounds by August 14th which is when I fly across the country to Oregon to visit my sister :) I am now able to run 20 minutes straight, when a few weeks ago running 3 minutes straight was nearly impossible. I can finally say that I am proud of the young woman I am becoming. When I get down to my goal weight, I am enlisting in the military, if it is possible for me to do so. I am hoping that I won't have too much excess skin, but seeing how my body was before I think I will have plenty of extra skin to go around.
  • healthyMSk
    healthyMSk Posts: 31 Member
    I honestly don't know how I am doing since I do not have a scale at home that will work right. I will find out when I go back to the doctor in Aug I guess.
    I'm eating within my calories everyday & moving more so I should be down some.
    Today I'm just trying not to fall into the trap of an emotional binge. Sunday is my wedding ann. and since I'm caring for my mother in law we can't do anything. The past year has been a hard one with my husband having cancer & a long recovery I just wanted to do something to relax but it did not work out. I'm trying not to listen to the negative voices in my head saying if I was thinner or pretty then I would be worth the trouble of doing something. I have caught myself a few times today just wanting to go the store and buy sugar/carb foods because I feel sorry for myself & that is how I have always comforted myself. This time I am going to just let myself feel crappy about it and not try to bury my feelings under a cake.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    So far, soooo fantastic! I've lost 34lbs in the 60 days I've been here on MFP and have built a great support group of like minded people from around the world. Best thing that's happened in my life in years. Started at 315 and I'm currently at 281
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    So far, soooo fantastic! I've lost 34lbs in the 60 days I've been here on MFP and have built a great support group of like minded people from around the world. Best thing that's happened in my life in years. Started at 315 and I'm currently at 281

    Way to go. Great work.
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    I'm doing really well. I'm so happy that I found this website. Now that I'm down a few pounds, my hubby has become so much more supportive and understanding of my journey. The other day he inadvertently gave me something to shoot for. He wants to visit his family in Peru next June, so I need to lose what I can in order to be comfortable and avoid all the stares and talk that I had to endure last year when we went.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Almost 30 lbs down, lifting a quarter ton in the weight room for the first time ever, and just feeling awesome!

    I'm out of holes in ALL of my belts, and my favorite one is so loose I can take off my jeans without even undoing the belt.

    Granted, I'm never gonna fit into any smaller jeans (not due to weight, but from leg muscle), but any progress is good progress!