Monday - July 16th - Sunday July 22nd



  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Yesterday was my last day of Cycle 1. Got on the scale and down a total of 4.4lbs! I'm happy with that. The first time I did Cycle 1 it was 7lbs so it seems right. Cycle 2 today and I also start a two week vacation. Not going to be home for 2 weeks but there will be lots of walking and sight seeing so i'm hoping that even if I don't stay 100% on plan the extra excercise will help me out.

    keep up the good work!
  • eagle2pet
    eagle2pet Posts: 21
    Cycle 1 COMPLETE!!!!!! I lost 11 pounds! I'm so excited! Cycle 2 starts tomorrow!
    That is awesome! I can't wait to hear how cycle 2 works for you.
  • CU2008
    CU2008 Posts: 15 Member
    My biggest problem is accountability. I always say, "I'll start tomorrow.." and then two weeks later or even a month later I still have not started. I think if I posted my weight daily along with my daily experiences. This will help keep me on track.

    C1D1 - Starting weight 153.2

    So far so good today..

    Thanks for those posting positive results and struggles! This helps me know that it may be difficult at times but I can get through this and live a healthier life:)
  • eagle2pet
    eagle2pet Posts: 21

    Thanks for the ideas. I did eat some cheese today (not low fat but its all I had) had about an ounce and then my husband bought me dates which really helped too. I will add nuts too.....I knew it wasn't "allowed " on C1 but you have obviously been sucessfil! By the way how many times have you been through the cycles?

    There has been a revision that unoiled/unsalted nuts are allowed in all cycles. 2 tbsp counts as one of your oil servings. Since January, I've done the first 3 cycles 3.5 times. I'm on my fourth round, but since summer start and I'm away camping most weekends, I've been faithful through the week, and then decent on the weekends. I just got back from a 10 day camping trip, where i didn't follow the plan but made out ok, I gained 2 lbs, but it's already back off plus an additional 2 lbs.
    So basically you have lost 72 pounds since January?! Awesome.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member

    So basically you have lost 72 pounds since January?! Awesome.
    Actually only 62. I was 10lbs heavier when I first started using MFP than when I started the 17dd in January
  • eagle2pet
    eagle2pet Posts: 21
    Ok so it seems all the powers in the universe wanted me to cheat today but I didn't! It was a coworkers 21st birthday so we ended up with cake, donuts, cookies and milk, coffee cake etc. I had to tell myself that I had to make it through cycle 1 without cheating. Another lady at work and myself banded together and promised each other we wouldn't cave in. Just had to share the story as it's a first for me. Normally I justify eating such things because I'm more!
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member
    Ok so it seems all the powers in the universe wanted me to cheat today but I didn't! It was a coworkers 21st birthday so we ended up with cake, donuts, cookies and milk, coffee cake etc. I had to tell myself that I had to make it through cycle 1 without cheating. Another lady at work and myself banded together and promised each other we wouldn't cave in. Just had to share the story as it's a first for me. Normally I justify eating such things because I'm more!

    Awesome!! Doesn't it feel great when you are proud of yourself for passing things up?!
  • nurseymama
    nurseymama Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies.... I fell off the wagon last week on our vacation and started back up with cycle 1 on saturday, the day after we got home... I feel committed right now and would really like to see where I am after cycle 1 and 2. I'm pretty close to goal weight. 8-10 lbs as of today. I'd like to also just get in better shape. I've done a couple days of 30 day shred but I'm looking into turbo fire and thinking of getting back to my gym membership (courage!).... would be nice to take advantage of the day care for an hour or two here and there during the summer break!
  • nurseymama
    nurseymama Posts: 33 Member
    So completed 1 week of cycle one today. Last night I did pretty well all day but I had some munchies when we had friends over and some pasta and I must have had a lot of salt or something because I'm up 3 lbs from yesterday. I know it's water wt but still disappointed in myself. I'm going to try to flush it out today. It's also going to be my 5th day in a row of 30 day shred so I'm hoping that's helping. Think I'm probably pms-y as well so I'm going to just try to push through and stick to the plan. Making the 17 day diet soup today as I have 2 work days coming up. Has anyone ever made it with ground turkey instead of chicken? Its really yummy and a little easier. Less prep. I like to put franks red hot sauce in it too.