Let's have some laughs - Benefits of being single

KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
Hello you lovely single boys and girls! Here is my list;

1) I can eat salad with my meal every day if I want to without someone making wise cracks about rabbit food
2) I can have a pyjama weekend watching a whole series of Buffy/24/Torchwood with a limitless selection of inappropriate carbs guilt free (other than having to log it on this site!)
3) When my teenager is with her Dad I can arrange to go out with friends without having to take anyone into consideration
4) I can eat biscuits in bed with no-one to complain about the crumbs
5) my dog can sleep on the bed. If you want to be spooned without any demands get a Vizsla!
6) Once you're married good sex is a distant memory. When you are single, ok in reality it might have beena while, but the potential is there! Have you heard Flight of the Conchords singing Business Time? If not, You Tube the video, it's hilarious (no, its not explicit message board invigilator) They sum it up perfectly!

What can you add to the list and does the Flight of the Conchords song make you feel positive about being single?! Kate


  • MistyWeeks
    MistyWeeks Posts: 28 Member
    1 - spending my money how I want to without having to get 'approval' from a spouse...
    2 - I get to choose where I go on vacation...

    hmmm....those are the two biggies that I can think of.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Just to add:

    * Being able to hog the blankets in bed without someone complaining.
    * Be able to sleep diagonally across the bed.
    * Watch whatever the hell I want on tv without comments from someone else.
    * Not having to pick up after somebody else.
    * Having enough money to be able to afford single serve packets of steamed vegies when too lazy to cook.
    * Not having to worry about someone else's needs/interests when travelling the world.
    * Not having to answer to someone if I want to stay out late on a work night (not that I do, but having the option is great).
    * Being able to say 'yes' to social outings without having to consider someone else.
  • Not having to hide your shopping spree
    Parking in the garage
    Never having to worry if the seat is down when you don't want to turn on the lights
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    Being happy being single at the moment, I REALLY like this thread.
  • muffinwench
    muffinwench Posts: 22 Member
  • MickeyGeorge
    MickeyGeorge Posts: 9 Member

    You're supposed to be single for that? Perhaps that's where I went wrong. Damn!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Don't have to check with someone else to see what their plans are before making plans
    Can get up early, sleep in, go to bed early, go to bed late and don't have to explain it to anyone
    Leaving the bathroom door open (nobody else in the house except the cats so privacy without being confined to the room)
    and as my single coworker says: You can drop your underwear on the floor and leave it there until laundry day if you want to and nobody can complain about it
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    1. I get the remote ALL to MYSELF! :)
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    For me it's just being able to do what I want and when I want it as my schedule is all based on me. :) I don't have to worry about being anywhere at a specific time. I don't have to worry about arranging anything - it's easier to go for it.
  • AmyG27
    AmyG27 Posts: 23 Member

    You're supposed to be single for that? Perhaps that's where I went wrong. Damn!
    Too funny. lol
  • Hello you lovely single boys and girls! Here is my list;

    1) I can eat salad with my meal every day if I want to without someone making wise cracks about rabbit food
    2) I can have a pyjama weekend watching a whole series of Buffy/24/Torchwood with a limitless selection of inappropriate carbs guilt free (other than having to log it on this site!)
    3) When my teenager is with her Dad I can arrange to go out with friends without having to take anyone into consideration
    4) I can eat biscuits in bed with no-one to complain about the crumbs
    5) my dog can sleep on the bed. If you want to be spooned without any demands get a Vizsla!
    6) Once you're married good sex is a distant memory. When you are single, ok in reality it might have beena while, but the potential is there! Have you heard Flight of the Conchords singing Business Time? If not, You Tube the video, it's hilarious (no, its not explicit message board invigilator) They sum it up perfectly!

    What can you add to the list and does the Flight of the Conchords song make you feel positive about being single?! Kate

    I am sooo with you on the Buffy, Torchwood and Flight of the Conchords! I watched most of two episodes of Buffy on my stationary bike yesterday, haha. Australian Shepards tend to be cuddle bugs too.
  • No in-laws to deal with.
    No drama.
    No snarky remarks about Syfy.
    Just Peace.
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    :blushing: walking around in my birthday suit
    passing gas
  • Msdjt75
    Msdjt75 Posts: 24
    being the boss of my house all the time!! no compromises, no understanding another points of view....lol. less laundry to do, dont have to eat another meal that I am not fond of
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    being the boss of my house all the time!! no compromises, no understanding another points of view....lol. less laundry to do, dont have to eat another meal that I am not fond of

    Oh! I love this one and I completely agree!!!
  • sharpe76
    sharpe76 Posts: 8 Member
    Able to look at all the pretty women!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    being newly single, I am agreeing with all of the above...except looking at pretty girls...lol but I can ogle the hot guys (as my daughter calls them)
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    I do not have to shave my legs every day. :smile:

    If I want to have a messy bedroom I can.

    One alarm - don't have to try to go back to sleep for another 30 minutes after someone else's alarm goes!

    And I'd love to sit in front of my TV in my jammies with a container of ice cream watching Monty Python marathons and classic movies, but my teenagers are usually around and to them it's too weird! So I have to wait to do that when they are both out of the house - rare but wonderful!!
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    My razor is safe
    My socks are safe
    I dont have to receive the phone calls at work that start "This weekend, my mum wants to know ... "
    I dont have to ask for directions when Im lost.
    I can leave the seat up
    I can squeeze the toothpaste from the middle
    I make a tower out of toilet roll inners in the bathroom.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Being able to satisfy oneself in bed without having a second person think that is an invitation/requirement to include them. Was that nicely phrased? LOL