CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    WEEK 2 of my cut -- and I'm pissed. It's like my body got confused and doesn't know how to react. During week 1 I lost 3 pounds of the 4 I gained and I was happy as a lark. This past week, however, I seemed to gain 2 pounds back in small increments. I know this isn't true weight; it's most likely water weight. But I'm pissed that my body can't seem to figure out that less calories = drop the fat already! I have concluded over the past year that I must be very sensitive to sodium, and that pisses me off even more. There have been some sodium bombs in my food diary that must have my body holding onto all of it (um, Chipotle, burger, popchips). Why can't I be like the people where sodium doesn't affect them as much? I don't have swelling in my feet or hands, but my body will just hold onto that water weight if I eat something high in sodium. THAT BITES. Anyway, I'm not giving up. I'll make better food choices and continue to trust the process
    Jen, I FEEL you!!! The only thing we can do is keep on keeping on. On your higher sodium days, be sure to drink much more water to flush the excess sodium. That should help. I think most of us on week #2 of cut are finding that the weight does not drop as our bodies are just trying to figure things out now that we've made a reduction in our intake. Hang in there, sweetie! We're in this together and when I look at your pictures I see a gorgeous woman already!:flowerforyou:
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Day 1 of cut! I ran my numbers on Scooby out of curiosity. They're pretty close to what I've calculated based on what I found my TDEE to be during reset. I'm only doing a 10% cut. I hope today's not another hungry day - I've had three or four of them in a row! I took new measurements today since I hadn't measured in a month. Some are up, some are down, many are the same. The ones that did changed only changed slightly.

    I'm super excited to get this party started. I'm also trying to remind myself that this is about SLOW fat loss and not seeing the scale dropping like crazy. It's really har to keep away from that mindset after having it for so many years. I think it's hard knowing how much scale weight I have left that I'd like to lose. I'd really love to have my BMI say I'm healthy, but it's just going to be a long while. And I'm really trying to let go of my goal weight and have a goal body if that makes sense.

    Anyways, I will try to take pictures once a month also. Hopefully I will see changes there even if the measuring tape gets stuck and/or the scale weight sticks for awhile.
    I'm so happy you have arrived at cut! Thanks again for starting the whole reset thread! It's been wonderful having a spot where we could all gather and give each other the much needed support to make it through! I can't wait to hear your updates as we all travel this new road on our journeys!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    CUT week #2:

    So, week 1 I lost 3lb (the next day I was down another 1.5, but I think it was H2O!)
    Today I was still at the 3 lb mark. So, no loss.

    It was tough to see because I really feel as though I'm on a fairly strict "diet" now that I'm at 1500 calories. In order to get in enough protein, I find I'm drinking lots of shakes to the exclusion of real food OR I'm eating primarily eggs and meats.

    I did low carb for SO long in the past that I'm feeling kind of bummed to be back in that place again. ICK.

    Today I had 2 eggs & 2 egg whites for breakfast, a piece of chicken and celery sticks for lunch, and probably meat and a lower carb veggie for dinner. Then I'll probably still have to drink a casein shake to get in enough protein. Yuck.

    I know that being 49, hypothyroid (although corrected with meds), and in menopause since the age of 34 probably doesn't help my cause either. *sigh*

    I can only hold on and keep doing what I'm doing and hope for a loss next week.

    I hope everyone else had a great week!!! Please keep posting your own updates, as I love reading them!:flowerforyou:


    While my calorie level is not as low as yours, I feel like I will definitely have to pull out some old tricks too.:grumble: I never had a problem eating my full TDEE, but by the end of reset I was very comfortable eating that amount while keeping my macros awesome! I am doing the 10% cut which is almost 300 cals less so not terrible but still makes a difference!

    Right now I have the 'I can stay on track!' attitude, I just hope I can keep it going. Theres little room for error and I am ready to lose fat.

    My goal is to lose as little scale weight as possible but lose as many inches as I can!:drinker:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    WEEK 2 of my cut -- and I'm pissed. It's like my body got confused and doesn't know how to react. During week 1 I lost 3 pounds of the 4 I gained and I was happy as a lark. This past week, however, I seemed to gain 2 pounds back in small increments. I know this isn't true weight; it's most likely water weight. But I'm pissed that my body can't seem to figure out that less calories = drop the fat already! I have concluded over the past year that I must be very sensitive to sodium, and that pisses me off even more. There have been some sodium bombs in my food diary that must have my body holding onto all of it (um, Chipotle, burger, popchips). Why can't I be like the people where sodium doesn't affect them as much? I don't have swelling in my feet or hands, but my body will just hold onto that water weight if I eat something high in sodium. THAT BITES. Anyway, I'm not giving up. I'll make better food choices and continue to trust the process

    Are you still measuring/taking result pics? The reset has really freed me from the scale. My goal is now to lose as little scale weight as possible but lose as many inches as I can!. The more scale weigth, the more I can eat :love:

    I know theres still that part of me that will like to see the scale go down, but I know the more I'll have to cut food out, the more I will be pissed over that more than anything else!:flowerforyou:
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member

    LOL You must have looked at yesterday when I burned bout 1100 extra calories with exercise. That bumped up the protein by default through MFP to that rediculous number. :wink:

    My daily protein is set to 151grams, which isn't even 1g/lb of body weight. So, it's not high at all. :happy:

    Haha... yep it was! Sorry i wasn't criticizing, I just wondered as you had mentioned atkins and your pro levels were so high :) I usually use the phone version of this page so the setup is different and i didn't see where exercise got added on. my bad!
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    Bump for later...too much knowledge to take in one sitting. :)
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Joining this group today. :happy: Day 1 of Cut after an 8 week reset. It's been 15 weeks since I joined EM2WL, gained a total of 8 lbs (5 before reset on tdee -15% and 3 on reset). Time to start revealing the muscle I've been building under the layer of fat! Woot!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Joining this group today. :happy: Day 1 of Cut after an 8 week reset. It's been 15 weeks since I joined EM2WL, gained a total of 8 lbs (5 before reset on tdee -15% and 3 on reset). Time to start revealing the muscle I've been building under the layer of fat! Woot!

    I am so with you!!! Time to cut and get going!!!
    I am up 4 pounds from start of reset, up 7 total from my lowest EMTLW weight. Up 3.5 inches overall, but I lost an inch in my thigh.. Cant wait to see what is built up underneath!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Joining this group today. :happy: Day 1 of Cut after an 8 week reset. It's been 15 weeks since I joined EM2WL, gained a total of 8 lbs (5 before reset on tdee -15% and 3 on reset). Time to start revealing the muscle I've been building under the layer of fat! Woot!

    Hello hello!

    I'm on Day 2. I did drop some a bit this morning. It was sodium bloat from the last week of reset that went away, but I'll take it. I try hard not to, but I'm an every day weigher. I kind of like seeing the overall trend. So I'm hoping that I have a real drop sometime this week!

    My first day I ended up higher than my cut, but less than TDEE. I just assumed that I had enough calories to eat something and went to log after eating and kind of went "Oops!" So I'm going to try to end the day closer to cut today.
  • curiousheathy
    Today is my first day of my cut (10%) after an 8 week reset. I went down by 300 calories. It didn't seem like much at first, but man I am starving. :p

    I gained 8 lb and 2.5 inches... Mostly in my tummy.vbut my arms look better from the strength training during my reset. I am so ready to lose now. :)
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I certainly didn't pick a good week to finally get my butt moving with my cut levels. TOM started this week, of course!!! I did stick to my calorie goals yesterday though, so one day under my belt. Protein levels sucked, but right now I am just focusing on lowering my calories and then when I get used to that again, I will work on my macros. I just feel icky right now. NO motivation, bloated, and of course, craving everything I shouldn't have. I will force myself to get through this week and then I should be feeling much better about things.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Weighed in today, and up less than a pound. That makes it a total of about 3.25 in 9 weeks and always hungry.

    Taking the plunge today.

    Dropping 300 cals to 2180 (per BM core), but will readjust in a couple of weeks due to starting New Rules today (yea! more food:bigsmile: ). Also putting the scale away for the next 6 weeks (level one), but taking measurements and pictures (I'll make sure to post those in 6 weeks). The reason I'm taking a 300 cal cut instead of a percent is this:

    Kiki said to have goals, so by the end of December (should be done with first round of New Rules) my goal is to:
    Drop inches in Chest 2, waist 6, hips 4, scale weight 10-15 pounds...I think that's realistic (based on current measurements).

    So I'll be posting here for my progress (slow as it may be :wink: ), can't weight to SEE a smaller me!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Weighed in today, and up less than a pound. That makes it a total of about 3.25 in 9 weeks and always hungry.

    Taking the plunge today.

    Dropping 300 cals to 2180 (per BM core), but will readjust in a couple of weeks due to starting New Rules today (yea! more food:bigsmile: ). Also putting the scale away for the next 6 weeks (level one), but taking measurements and pictures (I'll make sure to post those in 6 weeks). The reason I'm taking a 300 cal cut instead of a percent is this:

    Kiki said to have goals, so by the end of December (should be done with first round of New Rules) my goal is to:
    Drop inches in Chest 2, waist 6, hips 4, scale weight 10-15 pounds...I think that's realistic (based on current measurements).

    So I'll be posting here for my progress (slow as it may be :wink: ), can't weight to SEE a smaller me!

    That sounds like a very realistic plan!! You CAN do it!! Also, I have heard of the 300 below TDEE being the best number to keep metabolism from slowing down...Not sure how much study has been done on that but it's not a low number which makes me think it's not a bad thing at all...Keep us updated on your progress!! :smile:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Weighed in today, and up less than a pound. That makes it a total of about 3.25 in 9 weeks and always hungry.

    Taking the plunge today.

    Dropping 300 cals to 2180 (per BM core), but will readjust in a couple of weeks due to starting New Rules today (yea! more food:bigsmile: ). Also putting the scale away for the next 6 weeks (level one), but taking measurements and pictures (I'll make sure to post those in 6 weeks). The reason I'm taking a 300 cal cut instead of a percent is this:

    Kiki said to have goals, so by the end of December (should be done with first round of New Rules) my goal is to:
    Drop inches in Chest 2, waist 6, hips 4, scale weight 10-15 pounds...I think that's realistic (based on current measurements).

    So I'll be posting here for my progress (slow as it may be :wink: ), can't weight to SEE a smaller me!

    You are so smart for setting your goals in terms of inches vs. scale weight. I just might try that!

    I am also HUNGRY!!! OMG - I hope this settles down soon! My body is going what the heck just happened? Where's all my food? I didn't think it would be so bad, especially since I only did a 10% cut instead of 15%. Boy was I wrong! How's everyone else doing?
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I decided to do a full 8 week reset instead of the inital 4 I thought I would do. Today is Day 2 for me of 10% cut. So far so good. I need help hitting those protein macros though.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I was starving at first too but now I am starting to have trouble eating all of my calories on some days...Not sure why...I am not trying to of course b/c I plan my food for the day. Yesterday I had to go back in and take out a few things that I ended up not eating and didn't realize how few calories I had eaten for the day...I do starve usually on the day after I lift but on lift days I don't find that I am as hungry which isn't good b/c I have way more calories to eat on those days of course...UGH!!! I will get it figured out soon I hope.

    I do know for me that the starving part did go away after the first week or so...So don't worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you shouldn't be starving for much longer...:smile:
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I was starving at first too but now I am starting to have trouble eating all of my calories on some days...Not sure why...I am not trying to of course b/c I plan my food for the day. Yesterday I had to go back in and take out a few things that I ended up not eating and didn't realize how few calories I had eaten for the day...I do starve usually on the day after I lift but on lift days I don't find that I am as hungry which isn't good b/c I have way more calories to eat on those days of course...UGH!!! I will get it figured out soon I hope.

    I do know for me that the starving part did go away after the first week or so...So don't worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you shouldn't be starving for much longer...:smile:

    :) I can't wait to see how this 1st week goes. I cannot wait!!!!!
  • sandra0818
    sandra0818 Posts: 8 Member
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    Glad I found this...just started my cut after 4 weeks reset..UGH gained almost 7 pounds...tummy looked huge and felt totally bloated and terrible but I was patient like everyone said. I am a week into my cut and already down 5 pounds. THANK YOU

    I have been doing a 20 % cut and am VERY hungry so I have to experiment with eating at TDEE for maintenance and a break, possible going back to only 15% CUT...hope I am doing this right. Good luck to everyone. I was a skeptic about EMTWL but I am a believer now.

  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    I stalk this thread daily for any signs of hope! haha...for real though, for signs that this whole thing is going to WORK!!! I am almost done with my reset in week 7 right now, going to start cut on July 30th after 8 full weeks of reset. I CANNOT WAIT! Don't get me wrong I am going to seriously miss my 2500cal per day (TDEE) but man oh man am I ready to shed these 6ish pounds that I've gained during my reset and for my clothes to fit properly again and to finally just maybe finally get BELOW my pre-reset weight. ugh! this has been such a long process and I'm so proud of myself for haning in there.
    Anyone else afraid of themselves? It's crazy how bad old habits creep back in...I so badly want to drop down to 1500cal per day and start to lose again...I will NOT do that...don't get me wrong. But the temptation is there!! All my clothes still fit but they do NOT fit right...they are tighter than normal, my stomach feels bigger than usual....things don't lay right, etc. I just want to feel good again! Here's to praying that this whole process has been worth it and that in the next few weeks I can report in this thread about how GREAT I'm feeling! PS - one great thing about this whole process for me is that I truly for once in my life do not care about what the scales says! If I can weigh 147 (which is what I weighed before this whole process and thought I neeeeeeded to get to 135) but my clothes are falling off of me and I lose inches and feel great then I would gladly welcome that 147!! =) So different than where my mind was at before doing the reset!