Welcome! Say hello....



  • Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am 32 years old. I have 2 beautiful children Gabriella (13) and Evan (8). I am in the middle of a divorce (we are friends but I can't do it anymore) I have always been big and I don't want to be super skinny, I just want to be healthy. I am looking for new friends to inspire and be inspired by. Please add me, the more the merrier and the easier to get to where we need to go. xoxo
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you coming on this past week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us for additional support. Please feel free to start any posts/threads.

    We have started a new 3 Month Self Challenge if any of you are interested. Check out the thread.

    Good luck on your journeys!!

  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    Hi I'm connie. New to this whole trying to be healthy thing, but after 25 everything I ate seemed to stick to my hips and stomach, so now at 30, i'm hoping its not too late to get in shape for my November wedding and make sure I don't gain weight as many do after the wedding.

    My desk job and long work hours don't help, so need all the support I can get!
  • nbodei
    nbodei Posts: 6
    Hello! My name is Natasha and I have been doing Chalene Exreme for the past 3 weeks and I live it!!! I am a moterh of 2 and recently married on May 20, 2012. I am here because I need to keep track of my food....Love it that I can have more healthy food when counting my calories:) Happy to be here!!
  • Hello I am a 31 year old mom of 3 from El Paso, TX. Just joined MFP and am surprised at how many calories I actually intake! :) I am trying my best to get back in shape and have a goal to be a size 6 by the end of the year. My biggest problem area is my midsection of course. I had 3 c-sections so my muscles there are kind of.........non existent. Would love some positive uplifting people to share my journey with. Feel free to add me and we can do this thing together!
  • nsanville
    nsanville Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone :-) I'm Shannon, & I'm 32. I'm from PA, & I have 3 children...a 12 year old daughter, a son who will be 8 in a couple of weeks, & my spoiled little boy ( my last, lol ) who is 4. Their father & I split up but we are great friends & he has an awesome girlfriend who is great to my kids, & his mother & I still get along great, lol. I have a boyfriend who is the most amazing, sweet, kind man I could ever hope for... so I have a lot of blessings to be thankful for. I stumbled upon this site accidentally & signed up right away because it really appeals to me. You see, I have made excuses since I had my kids for my bad eating habits & lack of exercise, & the people around me, though they mean well, completely enable that attitude, lol. So I think this place is exactly what I need !! I need to stop making excuses & take my life back !! I weighed myself tonight & was stunned to see that I weigh 160 pounds !! My goal is to lose 30 pounds, which may not sound like a lot to some people, but believe me when I say that I do NOT carry extra weight well at all...I see pics of myself & feel like crying. I long to be comfortable in my own skin again & just feel & BE healthy & vibrant instead of disappointed in myself & tired all the time. No more excuses !! I'm ready to make a big change :-)

    I feel like we are in a similar boat! Feel free to friend me and we can keep each other motivated!!! :bigsmile:
  • 79kimmy
    79kimmy Posts: 45 Member
    I am a 33 year old mom of three boys, 10 and 6 (twins). I started MFP in mid-February and have lost around 35 pounds, hoping to lose another 20-30. I am looking for motivation from women around my age so feel free to add me as a friend.

    Height: 6'
    SW: 230
    CW: 194
    GW: 160-170
  • Hi my name is Staci. I am 36 years old, live in FL on the space coast (near Cocoa Beach & Cape Canaveral) where I have been a 3rd grade teacher going on 15 years. Just recently joined MFP since I am tired of being overweight. 4 years ago I lost 100 lbs, but have gained much of that back...so I'm at it again! Don't want to leave. Don't want to leave my 30's fat & flabby! :(

    I look forward to getting to know many of you and learn from each other. :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you coming on this week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us for additional support. Please feel free to start any posts/threads.

    We have started a new 3 Month Self Challenge if any of you are interested. Check out the thread.

    Good luck on your journeys!!

  • Hello everyone!

    I am a 32 year old female. This is only my first week on MFP, and I love it. I have three children 10, 8 and 6. I lead a very sedimentary lifestyle. I am a stay at home mom. I have a wonderful husband. In May of this year, I had a heart attack. It was very scarry, but it opened up my eyes to the kind of stuff that I was putting in my body. Since then I have quit smoking and I eat a whole lot better. I need to lose 31 pounds and I know that I can do it as long as I keep focused. I also hope to meet other people my age trying to change their lifestyle and lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • ChangeYourPace
    ChangeYourPace Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jim. I'm 30 and live in eastern Ohio. I was an active distance runner for years following college, but had to have knee surgery in 2010 after completing the New York Marathon. Soon after, I married my soulmate and we just had our first baby girl this past May. My goal is to get back into competitive running, but I have to squeeze the majority of my training into 1-hour lunch breaks at the gym.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing ideas and successes!
  • Hello.. my name is Amy and I'm 32 yrs. old. I'm here to lose weight & get healthy.
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Hey Everyone! My name is Holly, I am 34 years old, I am from Pennsylvania where i live with my boyfriend, MIe and our fish, Jack, I have 70+ pounds to lose. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and try to get outdoor exercize on the weekends! I am working on my eating, trying to eliminate processed food, and add veggies instead of starchy carbs!
  • kitchenpenguin
    kitchenpenguin Posts: 39 Member
    Aloha! I'm Akiyo and I'm 31 years old. I live in the DC metro area and work in Baltimore. Office done by day and culinary student by night. I'm doing this because I have back problems, excessive sitting caused my S1 to get stuck, and losing weight is one of the biggest things I can do to reduce visits to the chiropractor. Plus I want to have more energy so I can do something with my culinary arts degree when I finish school in two years. Congratulations to everybody else on their progress and I look forward to being part of this group.
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! Im 37, married 10 years together 20, 2 kids 18 and 14, work full-time and ready start living life. Just joined can someone please tell me how this group works?
  • rachgolds
    rachgolds Posts: 75
    Hi! I'm 31 and been on this site for a while, but don't really have any friends yet...
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you coming on this week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us for additional support. Please feel free to start any posts/threads.

    We have started a new 3 Month Self Challenge if any of you are interested. Check out the thread.

    Good luck on your journeys!!

  • vgfrish
    vgfrish Posts: 1
    Hi! I am 33 yrs old and trying to get my life on the right track from money to health and everything in between. So far I am down 20 lbs :smile: but I am getting to the point where I need challenged so here I go.....
  • shaybell34
    shaybell34 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi im 34 with two kids boy an girl. Im seperated going thru a divorce. Ibe gained so much weight due to alot being ill an stress. Laid off a few months ago. An now taking this time to get my health an weight back.
  • missmiangels
    missmiangels Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP, so I don't have many friends - I'm 35 yeras old, single and no kids. My goal is to lose 50lbs. I've never joined a site like this, so I'm curious and looking forward to meeting people and making some great life changes!
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