Welcome! Say hello....



  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome the the 30 Somethings group for those joining us this past week. There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We just started a 3 month challenge, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • xsaribarix
    xsaribarix Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Sara or Sari for short and I just turned 30 last month! :D No kids here, but my boyfriend and I will be celebrating our two year anniversary next month! Yay! :D I am currently unemployed but I volunteer part time in the adoption center of a pet store in conjunction with a local animal shelter. I am going back to school in a couple of months to take some Spanish and medical billing classes for a career as a bilingual medical records clerk.

    My hobbies include writing I love to write mostly poetry but I love photography, painting, drawing, doing crossword puzzles, making beaded necklaces and bracelets, stamp and coin collecting, meditation, yoga, hiking and water aerobics.

    My boyfriend and I are going to get fishing licenses this spring and maybe go canoeing. I feel I can take on the world now that i'm getting healthier and all excited and revved up about fitness I can actually keep up with him he's 6' and 190 at my highest I was 157 at 4'9'' I've lost 4 lbs. so far so I'm ready to keep on livvin' it up CUZ LIFE BEGINS AT 30, WOO-HOO!!! :P

  • jensine2
    jensine2 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, I'm 36 and have 4 beautiful girls. Been married since I was 18 years old and it's time for me to make a change and lose to excess weight! Joined today! Can't wait to see results!
  • jfontanna
    jfontanna Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all!
    My name is John, and I recently turned 35 last week (5/8). Since I'm feeling old, I figured it was time for a change.... I mean I really shouldn't feel old at 35, right?
    Anyway, married and have 2 kids, 4 and 13 (oh the fun angst filled teenage years are just starting). My wife was recently diagnosed with carciniod cancer, so there's quite a bit of stress in my life. However, I'm using that as just another reason to get back into shape, so that I can be there for her and the kids.
    I'm a database administrator by trade, which means that I spend a good part of my waking life in front of a computer... it also means that I work too much, which is my own fault. :)

    Hope to meet some great people on here, and hope that I can help out when I can.
  • NemeanTiger
    NemeanTiger Posts: 5 Member
    Hey :) Turned 31 recently, looking to drop about 40 lbs and be closer to 200 instead of 240. Been doing the Body by Vi nutritional meal replacement shakes for the last 2 weeks and am down about 10 pounds so far!
  • catherinewoodhill
    catherinewoodhill Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Catherine, a 30 year old mom of a 22 month old boy. I work full time (+++) so I'm having trouble fitting workouts in with family time and sleep. Pre-baby I was a size 2, now I'm an extra curvy size 6 and while I know I'm not fat, I really miss my old body.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    Welcome to the newbies in our wonderful 30 somethings group. I just wanted to say that you can get in short workouts(we are talking anywhere from 4-20 min.) with bodyrocktv and zwow on youtube. They are short and hard and when you get used to them you can just make up your own versions. They are considered HIIT workouts and are effective strength training and cardio in one! It's a great stress reliever too!
  • bolsaguns
    bolsaguns Posts: 93 Member
    I'm Jason, 36 living in southern California I've lost53 lbs using mfp
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Sara or Sari for short and I just turned 30 last month! :D No kids here, but my boyfriend and I will be celebrating our two year anniversary next month! Yay! :D I am currently unemployed but I volunteer part time in the adoption center of a pet store in conjunction with a local animal shelter. I am going back to school in a couple of months to take some Spanish and medical billing classes for a career as a bilingual medical records clerk.

    My hobbies include writing I love to write mostly poetry but I love photography, painting, drawing, doing crossword puzzles, making beaded necklaces and bracelets, stamp and coin collecting, meditation, yoga, hiking and water aerobics.

    My boyfriend and I are going to get fishing licenses this spring and maybe go canoeing. I feel I can take on the world now that i'm getting healthier and all excited and revved up about fitness I can actually keep up with him he's 6' and 190 at my highest I was 157 at 4'9'' I've lost 4 lbs. so far so I'm ready to keep on livvin' it up CUZ LIFE BEGINS AT 30, WOO-HOO!!! :P


    Great job on your loss so far and welcome to the 30's Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We started a 3 month challenge a few weeks ago, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi, I'm 36 and have 4 beautiful girls. Been married since I was 18 years old and it's time for me to make a change and lose to excess weight! Joined today! Can't wait to see results!

    Welcome to the 30's Somethings group! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We started a 3 month challenge a few weeks ago, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi all!
    My name is John, and I recently turned 35 last week (5/8). Since I'm feeling old, I figured it was time for a change.... I mean I really shouldn't feel old at 35, right?
    Anyway, married and have 2 kids, 4 and 13 (oh the fun angst filled teenage years are just starting). My wife was recently diagnosed with carciniod cancer, so there's quite a bit of stress in my life. However, I'm using that as just another reason to get back into shape, so that I can be there for her and the kids.
    I'm a database administrator by trade, which means that I spend a good part of my waking life in front of a computer... it also means that I work too much, which is my own fault. :)

    Hope to meet some great people on here, and hope that I can help out when I can.

    Welcome to the 30's Somethings group John! It seems like you have some motivators to keep you going. I hope all turns out well for your family. There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We started a 3 month challenge a few weeks ago, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hey :) Turned 31 recently, looking to drop about 40 lbs and be closer to 200 instead of 240. Been doing the Body by Vi nutritional meal replacement shakes for the last 2 weeks and am down about 10 pounds so far!

    Great job on your loss so far and welcome to the 30's Somethings group! Me and the hubby are looking into Vi, we know a few people that are selling the product. There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We started a 3 month challenge a few weeks ago, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi! I'm Catherine, a 30 year old mom of a 22 month old boy. I work full time (+++) so I'm having trouble fitting workouts in with family time and sleep. Pre-baby I was a size 2, now I'm an extra curvy size 6 and while I know I'm not fat, I really miss my old body.
    Welcome to the 30's Somethings group Catherine! I hear you on the no time thing I work full time and have 2 boys, a hubby is school and a dog. lol Just start small. I started walking about 10 minutes a day (5 mins out/5 mins back) you will see how easy it is to see and feel a difference with just that little time.
    There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We started a 3 month challenge a few weeks ago, read the Part 2 and if you are interested let me know. I have also started posting a weekly challenge to keep us focused and motivated. :)

    Good luck on your journey!

  • Hello everyone! My name is Nicole, I'm 31 and a single mother of the most amazing 6 year old girl! I work full-time, but i put in my hours in 3 days +/- . I am constantly surrounded by the most delicious yet horrible for you foods (due to my work) so it can be very trying to stay healthy. i also quit smoking in february and refuse to gain any weight because of it. I'm determined to stay healthy, run a 5k (started the couch to 5k program) and be a great role model for my daughter.
  • Deni3069
    Deni3069 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, My name is Denise and I am 38. I have one son (11) and 2 step son's (21, 27). I work full time and volunteer with Scouts. I feel like I am still young and should be going out with my husband but we seem to lives like people 3x our age. We wake up go to work, maybe scout event and then go to bed. We go out once a year for our anniversary. I have been so depressed that I have no life lately and have put back on the 30lbs I lost last year. I am starting over already 7lbs gone.

    Most of my motivation is from my son, we just found out about 2months ago he has high choresterol and 99%BMI for his age. I want to help him get his weight down by being a good role model and supporter. I love him and if I could get some of the weight off again we could do alot more activities together which would only benefit us both.

    I really dont want him to go thru all that I have with my weight. Maybe if we can tackle it together we can stop this yo yo effect and live more exciting lives and be healthier and not need pills and so many doctor appointments.

    I love my son and will do whatever I can to help him get his weight and choresterol down.
  • biggsexy7
    biggsexy7 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey I am James. I have been big all my life. 3 times I have lost weight and looked great to the point of having a 6 pack at one time. Then I got lazy and gained it all back. In my best I was 225 now back in feb of 2012 I was at 305 my heaviest ever. It's cost me a lot and I want to fix it. Too my blood pressure has been getting high when I was heavier.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 32, mom of 2 from Phoenix, AZ. I'm finally serious about losing weight and getting in shape after dieting my whole life it seems. I'm down 35 lbs, trying to lose another 60 or so. Would love to get to know you all, feel free to add me if you like! :)
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    Hello all :) My name is Leah... I am 30 years old and looking to shed about 25 lbs. I am done having kids and figure now is the time. I will even look better than I did in my 20's ;) lol I have 2 kids....daughter age 7 and son that is 4 as well as a bonus kid...my stepson that is15! :) I am really lookingf forward to getting to know yall!
  • amphion
    amphion Posts: 48
    Hi all, My name is Ben and I want to lose 80 pounds or so. I have lost 25 in the last month and half and want to keep going at this pace. I am looking to get my life together and I think fixing myself is my first priority. Hope to see you all around.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    A big welcome to all of the newbies joining us fantastical 30 Somethings! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us as a supportive friend.

    We are a month into a 3 month self challenge, please read the part 2 thread and if you are interested private message me. I have also started posting a weekly challenge just to me keep us (me) motivated.

    Good luck on your journeys!

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