Welcome! Say hello....



  • Skinnymimi77
    Hello all! I'm ew here - 35yo wife, mommy, nurse from PA. Bee up and down with weight loss my whole life but been doing really, consistently well for awhile FINALLY! :) After trying weight watchers (which was great but too expensive for my taste) I'm doing my own thing - walk every morning at least 2 miles, workout later in day with strength training - significantly reduced sugars and simple carbs and increased proteins and healthy fats. So - my motto is one day at a time :)
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Stephanie and I am from upstate NY. I am 38 and have a beautiful 10 year old girl. I have been married for almost 13 years and have been on this weight rollercoaster for quite sometime.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! My name is Alesha and I am 32. I am loving my 30s and want to look as good as I feel (confident, energetic, and strong). I have two daughters (11 and 7 years old) and will be celebrating my 10 year anniversary with my husband, Corey this year. He is on mfp too and just turned 35.
    The only negative thing that we have noticed in our 30s is that everyone is so busy with their lives, it seems like our social life has completely disappeared and been replaced with kids, visiting family, and hiding out at home after a busy work week. Seriously, I miss the comraderie and good times with friends!! We also moved an hour and a half away so yuck!! LOL
    I think 30s rock and that we are all in our prime -so to speak. Thanks for having this group on MFP!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you joining this past week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We will be starting a 3 Month Self Challenge in 2 weeks, for those of you that are interested please read and reply in the "3 Month Self Challenge - Part 3" thread.

    Good luck on your journeys!

  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    Well hello! I am 31 and in a totally different place in my life than I ever would have imagined. I have a wonderful boyfriend, an absolutely fantastic and totally fulfilling career and so much more to be thankful for. The only thing I am not thrilled about is the 30 lbs I have gained over the past 4 years, but that is why I am here. Looking forward to making my thirties my best decade yet!
  • bluebear242

    Im 30 from Texarkana Texas. Born and raised in Dallas Texas. Just wanted to say Hi. Im just starting my journey. Only 42lbs to go for my goal weight. Taking each day at a time.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Paige. I just turned 30 and I guess I'm having a little trouble with it. It's a bit of a mind twist, especially since I moved to a place where everyone my age is married with children.

    Anyway, I just want to get back into the shape I was in when I was 25. I think that would give me a ton more confidence, as well as accessibility to a long abandoned part of my closet.

    Right now I'm at 140. I hope to get to 125, but I would be thrilled with 130 given my body type, which is naturally curvy.
  • crzypurplechick
    HI! My name is Rachael. I'm turning the big 30 in september! ugh! I'm way overweight, but I'm trying my best to lose the extra poundage. I'm thinking about weight loss surgery, my BMI is 49% I'm 155lbs over weight. I know it's crazy! but I'm 14lbs lighter than I was! I'm a twin, she is heavier than me, but she also lives a much more stressful life than I do. We both have had a lot of trauma growing up. We grew up in a verbal and physical abusive home. But we grew up Chrisitan which has really stregtened as we have become adults. She is also on MFP... Today was a rough day... I didn't eat well and didn't get that much exercise in and had to go see the dentist! ugh! Add me as a friend, I need all the support I can get and I will be just as supportive. Have a great day all!

    Rachael aka Crzypurplechick
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you joining this week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us. We will be starting a 3 Month Self Challenge in 2 weeks, for those of you that are interested please read and reply in the "3 Month Self Challenge - Part 3" thread.

    Good luck on your journeys!

  • Krismarie24
    Hi there!

    Well, let's see... I'm 30, divorced, and a single mom to a beautiful little girl. I am loving life! I've been able to do many things, including becoming a rock climber and traveling solo overseas, since I became single again. Just a whole new world for me now. I started a new career recently - I teach middle school students with autism. I used to be a health educator, and that, along with getting a degree in health education, is where I started working on improving my health.

    At my heaviest, I was 160 lbs. I am getting close to my goal weight of 125 lbs, but have been struggling around 140 lbs for what seems like forever. I feel like I'm back on track at the moment though, so hopefully by being on MFP, I can stay focused and get through these last 12 lbs.

    Nice to "meet" everyone!
  • blissy81
    blissy81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jen. I just turned 31 last week. I have a 5 year old daughter. I'm recently divorced and trying to start my life over again. I'm going back to school for my bachelor's in Health Science and now working on losing this weight. I gained about 55lbs during my marriage and it's time to take it off. At only 5' tall, this weight takes a major toll on my back. So I know I need this!
  • melissarosati77
    Hi! I'm 34, single mom of an awesome 15 year old who will be driving in 4 months!! I'm looking for some new 30 something friends! Send me a request! I need all the support I can get!
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    What day in October ? I'm a newlywed too and our wedding date was oct 22 2010.
  • racemary
    racemary Posts: 52 Member
    Hey everyone :)
    I'm 31 in September. I'm German and I live in the UK. Right now I feel like most people my age are settled down whereas I might move countries again. My life is pretty much up side down at the moment. I'm in-between jobs and breaking up with my boyfriend, but I feel happy. The world is my oyster ;)
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm 32 and live in Texas. I'm currently in college working towards an anthropology degree. I have yet to decide on the field on antho I want to major in, but there are quite a few that intrigue me. Looking for some new friends so feel free to add me.
  • LMiller81
    LMiller81 Posts: 94 Member
    Well hello! I am 31 and in a totally different place in my life than I ever would have imagined. I have a wonderful boyfriend, an absolutely fantastic and totally fulfilling career and so much more to be thankful for. The only thing I am not thrilled about is the 30 lbs I have gained over the past 4 years, but that is why I am here. Looking forward to making my thirties my best decade yet!

    I figured I'd use her words because mine is nearly the same, but I got married 6 years ago and the past 4 years the weight has come on!
    No kids, one cat, and i just want to have my old, somewhat strong, somewhat confident body/life back!
    Looking forward to 'meeting' other 30 somethings!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hi, I'm Mina. I've been overweight most of my life - even in school. In High school I was able to get to a size 16, with some excersize and minimal eating, but now, I'm WAY over into obese territory, and unable to move the way I want to. I just need more energy, and I owe that to my kids. They're little enough now that they're not embarassed or ashamed of me, but I want to be that mom that goes hiking, biking, swimming, plays soccer with her kids (I have 2 boys that are VERY active) and don't want my weight holding me back.
    I'm married - we just celebrated our 5th anniversary, though I've known my husband most of my life through letters, and stuff- we were pen pals when I was in high school and he was overseas in Kuwait. We have 2 little boys- Mason 3, and Finn 1 (almost 1 1/2 - next month). They were pretty good size babies - Mason 8pounds 13oz, and Finn was 9pounds 11oz. They are everything to me - I love them more than anything.
    Some things I'm really looking forward to when I'm fit - riding roller coasters with my kids, possibly learning to kayak, biking with my kids, lots of activities- I love to travel, and would like to be able to DO things in the places we go.

    ETA: oh, I'm 35, and live in Washington State- Spokane, WA (on the East side of the state, and no, it doesn't rain here all the time).
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    Good evening 30 somethings...I like the durty 30s....

    I am 37 and am finally living like a 30 year old. I just finished my masters which means NO MORE SCHOOL, at least for awhile. I am recently married for the 3rd time (12/31/09) This time is the charm. I was 19 the first time and the second time was better, well at least it lasted longer. I have two beautiful daughters that remind me tooooo much of their father (who is the 2nd ex-husband).

    Anyways, my weight issues started with my second husband and pregnancies. I gained with each child and never lost. He tried to control what I ate so I became a closet eater, obviously not healthy. Things are so much better now. My husband is so supportive and loves me for me. He is on this journey with me so that we can be healthy together.

    I am excited that I stumbled across this group. I need support because I have "dieted" before and nothing stuck. I know what I need to do. I am in healthcare and I have resources. I have lacked motivation and will power. I will be looking to you all.

  • SalsaPepper
    Hi everyone :-) I'm Shannon, & I'm 32. I'm from PA, & I have 3 children...a 12 year old daughter, a son who will be 8 in a couple of weeks, & my spoiled little boy ( my last, lol ) who is 4. Their father & I split up but we are great friends & he has an awesome girlfriend who is great to my kids, & his mother & I still get along great, lol. I have a boyfriend who is the most amazing, sweet, kind man I could ever hope for... so I have a lot of blessings to be thankful for. I stumbled upon this site accidentally & signed up right away because it really appeals to me. You see, I have made excuses since I had my kids for my bad eating habits & lack of exercise, & the people around me, though they mean well, completely enable that attitude, lol. So I think this place is exactly what I need !! I need to stop making excuses & take my life back !! I weighed myself tonight & was stunned to see that I weigh 160 pounds !! My goal is to lose 30 pounds, which may not sound like a lot to some people, but believe me when I say that I do NOT carry extra weight well at all...I see pics of myself & feel like crying. I long to be comfortable in my own skin again & just feel & BE healthy & vibrant instead of disappointed in myself & tired all the time. No more excuses !! I'm ready to make a big change :-)
  • BeastModeChuck
    BeastModeChuck Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Chuck, I'm 37-ish, and on New Years of 2011 I made a resolution that I would get into shape. I'm happy to report that I've kept that promise. While MFP shows my weight hasn't changed, don't let that fool you. I've gone from 39% body fat, to 21% body fat today - and I consider that an improvement! At first I just wanted to get healthier. Now I train at the gym like I've got something to prove. I became addicted to weight lifting (bench, deadlift and squat especially). I can't believe how much stronger I've gotten in the past year and a half, or how much better I look, how much more fit I am, all the energy I suddenly have. It's incredible. I'm in better shape now than I ever was in my teens or my 20's. So here's to looking awesome in our 30's.
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