Stage 5 Questions



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'll be here Monday :drinker:

    Only taking a 4 day break because I am sure life will get in the way. I need to read the pages and get caught up.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    yay, I have company, for a week at least LOL.

    BO/DL 100
    Wide lat pull 100
    partial squat 40, my hips are killing me
    Back ext: 1 legged, 15lbd
    YTWL: 15lbs
    Super set abs on the swiss ball sets of 10
    back hurt so no cobra today.
    New HIIT 16 min 3.5-6.7 I kept the bottom speed the same but increased my top speed to prevent cramping like last time.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Will check in with my starting weights tomorrow. I am excited to be close to the end!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Missing lifting today because hubby had a race. Going tomorrow and plan to finish stage 5 on Friday. Then a week off while the family is on vacation.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ((sigh)) did my first workout. I'm tired from the BWM. My legs felt like jello for an hour.

    one arm db snatch 15 pound DB

    bent over row- 65 # I have perfect form with this weight. I will try to up it by 20 by the end of the stage.
    DB single leg romanian deadlift I started out with 30 # DBs lost my balance and almost went face first in the floor . :laugh: SO, I went back to 25 # DBs . Will work out up to the 30 LOL

    squat shoulder press (can not hold weight over head so I do this instead) 12.5 # DBs
    DB incline press 20# DBs I know I can do heavier but need a spotter and couldn't get anyone in my family to go today.

    plank 75 seconds was my longest time. I am increasing slowly but surely.
    Reverse wood chop 12 # ball

    BWM 3:42 and 3:20 I actually waited the recommended time .
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Started stage 5 3 days I remember how much the body matrix sucked LOL. Still love the one hand snatch :) I am using 30 pounds dumbbells.

    I like the one armed snatches too :) There are some moves I really don't like, like the single arm overhead squat. i feel so unbalanced I really hate it. I'm loving nrolfw but I'm starting to feel well enough prepared to move onto other lifting programs that don't have so many weird moves. I like the basics... the snatches and squats and deadlifts and pull ups and planks you know, the standard moves. Anyways I just realized while prepping the stage 5 workout log that I totally skipped the stage 3 bodyweight matrix without even realizing it! So this will be my first time doing a BW matrix. Seems like a mini HIIT. First workout wednesday!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Started stage 5 3 days I remember how much the body matrix sucked LOL. Still love the one hand snatch :) I am using 30 pounds dumbbells.

    I like the one armed snatches too :) There are some moves I really don't like, like the single arm overhead squat. i feel so unbalanced I really hate it. I'm loving nrolfw but I'm starting to feel well enough prepared to move onto other lifting programs that don't have so many weird moves. I like the basics... the snatches and squats and deadlifts and pull ups and planks you know, the standard moves. Anyways I just realized while prepping the stage 5 workout log that I totally skipped the stage 3 bodyweight matrix without even realizing it! So this will be my first time doing a BW matrix. Seems like a mini HIIT. First workout wednesday!

    The BWM can be very intense. May hurt like hell afterwards. Take a really good rest between. If you can't wait the doubled time then at least wait however long it took you to do it the first time. If you don't have proper rest with this one you WILL cramp up.
    I'm doing it for the last time, woo hoo!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    YAY finished WOA!! And I never have to do the BWM again...unless I want to. That's a good one to have in the bag of tricks when you can't get to the gym.

    I felt like crap, and pulled my shoulder on the snatches. I upped to the 35s and strained the right shoulder a bit. Funny that it's the good shoulder. I only did 3 sets of those. I HATE shoulders!!

    One armed snatch 60-70
    1 legged DL 60-70
    BOR: 80-90
    One armed squat: 10/20 to 20/40 woo hoo on that one!
    Inclined BP: 50-60, struggled with this one after hurting the shoulder today. Backed off the weight to focus on form, then bumped it back up.
    Planks 120 doesn't make me feel like I am going to die anymore LOL
    Reverse Wood chop: 70-80
    Body Weight Matrix: Top time for the Stage is 2:40, today's times 2:48 and 2:57
    Now I want a freaking nap!! One more to go!!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    YAY finished WOA!! And I never have to do the BWM again...unless I want to. That's a good one to have in the bag of tricks when you can't get to the gym.

    I felt like crap, and pulled my shoulder on the snatches. I upped to the 35s and strained the right shoulder a bit. Funny that it's the good shoulder. I only did 3 sets of those. I HATE shoulders!!

    One armed snatch 60-70
    1 legged DL 60-70
    BOR: 80-90
    One armed squat: 10/20 to 20/40 woo hoo on that one!
    Inclined BP: 50-60, struggled with this one after hurting the shoulder today. Backed off the weight to focus on form, then bumped it back up.
    Planks 120 doesn't make me feel like I am going to die anymore LOL
    Reverse Wood chop: 70-80
    Body Weight Matrix: Top time for the Stage is 2:40, today's times 2:48 and 2:57
    Now I want a freaking nap!! One more to go!!!

    Well done! That's really good work. So are you missing stage 6?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yay, Sam. I will post some stuff in a few.

    I can't up my weights too much or my form stinks. So I don't feel like I am getting much of a workout doing 4 reps.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    as you can see from above, I only increased weight by about 10 lbs pre exercise during the duration of the stage. Don't sweat it and focus on good form. I upped about half-way through the stage when I "felt" stronger.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    dl/bo 75 pounds

    squats 55 lb
    wide grip lat pull 84 lb

    ytlw (?) 7.5 lb
    back extension 25 lb

    swiss ball crunch 25 lb plate x 8
    incline reverse crunch 30 incline finally :bigsmile:
    side flexion 20 lb

    HIIT 3.5 mph is my lowest and highest today 6.3 (16 minutes)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you're right with me Maniac!! try hold weight above your head to make the crunch harder. I was using that 25lb plate and felt like I was doing nothing. Now I hold 10lbs overhead and it WORKS.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I was holding 15 above my head so you think that is better??? I was trying to add weights and make things difficult.

    I'll do that then .
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    do the ten on the incline bench. "Harder" doesn't have to mean more weight. I either do 5lb dbs in each hand in a y over head on the ball or the 10lb medicine ball on the incline bench, not too steep.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Regarding the question on the Back Extension exercise. I asked a trainer at my gym how to make it harder as I was holding a 25 pound plate and feeling NOTHING.

    He suggested holding a medicine ball directly in front at arms length -not against your chest as you go up and down. I could not believe the difference it made, especially in my hamstrings and my butt as I came back up. I could totally feel it.

    He said holding a plate against your chest does nothing.
  • winetoweights
    winetoweights Posts: 32 Member
    I asked a trainer about the back extension, too. The first thing was to make sure you are super tight when you are doing it (squeeze the glutes, etc), and make sure you are going down ALL the way. Hold it at the bottom for a few seconds, then slowly come up. You don't want to be bouncing, but completely controlled the whole time.
    Doing that made it a bit harder for me, where by the time I was up to the 10 reps I was really feeling in my back. I used a 25lb plate.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    do the ten on the incline bench. "Harder" doesn't have to mean more weight. I either do 5lb dbs in each hand in a y over head on the ball or the 10lb medicine ball on the incline bench, not too steep.

    I should do sit ups on the incline bench and add weights?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you do what's right for YOU. I'm just offering some variations so you can figure out whatever that is.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am just not sure what you are suggesting. :embarassed: