7-26-2012 Thursday's Mad Hatter Chatter!

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Good morning Mad Hatters!!

Just starting off a new day for us.. and as several of our MH's have said, the best thing about each new day we rise? It's another brand new opportunity to be the best we can be to ourselves.. because we deserve the absolute best!! We ARE worth it, ladies.. so any chance you get today to be good to yourself - whether mind, body or soul.. seize every moment you can as yours to spend on making a healthier, happier you!! :flowerforyou:


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well, it’s a beautiful cloudy day here today and I’m thrilled…beautiful because I can open all the blinds and see something different than the inside of my home. After living like a bat in a cave for a couple of days because of the extreme light sensitivity, I’m actually happy to see rain and cloud.. and today I’m counting my blessings; there are so many good things in my life I’m thankful for (the newest one at the top of my list is of course.. all of YOU Mad Hatters!) and today, it’s that I have my sight. So it’s a GOOD day in Snoozieville!

    I forgot yesterday that Wed are my weigh in day so I hopped on this morning; was happy to see no change (as in UP); just using it as one of my tools along with the food logging to make sure I am not overeating while I can’t exercise to burn off any extra calories…

    I was up thru the night, and did NOT resort to boredom eating.. I did kinda laugh to myself when I wandered thru the place just after midnight… but I wasn’t really tempted so it wasn’t much of a habit breaking test!! But I’m SURE there’ll be many more opportunities to actually work on breaking a habit.. about every 5 minutes no doubt LOL!

    Going to catch up on the last of yesterday’s postings and look forward to hearing how and what everyone is doing!! I’m going to venture out later today – behind the wheel!! My grocery store and pharmacy for script refills are only about 4 or 5 blocks away, so I figure it’s a good trial run to see how I manage – not sure the pedestrians on the street will agree but …hey… you gotta start somewhere right?? If only there was a lovely zoom button for the windshield!! :glasses:
  • 6swolcott
    6swolcott Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Thursday morning everyone, I've been MIA my hubby had to have pacemaker installed and he is fine all is good, we have just been following up with pacemaker clinic etc....... I have kept up my walking avg somewhere between 4-7 miles daily, no weight loss but hey no gain either........ LOL struggling a little bit to stay committed right now , I had a victory over my negative self this morning. Woke up late to walk, my hubby had left car door open and so inside light on all night and no gas in car. Now the no gas thing may not seem like a big deal but it its to me because when you put gas in my car it doesn't like to restart and that's embarrassing. You have to feather the pedal and pray it catches so your not sitting there for 10 minutes LOL anyway in spite of all the obstacles I got in the car and completed 4.5 miles. YEAH for me, because my sane brain was saying oh its ok crawl back into bed with hubby and dont worry about it. I have to fight myself mentally daily and today I won.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    TA: Love the nightly massage idea – go for it!! So happy to hear it ISNT shingles..and glad a few meds will ease the itching, etc. I don’t know if this will help any, but have you perchance changed your laundry detergent or softener at all lately? I did that a few years ago and got a rash and itch; discovered eventually it was cause I had tried TIDE but it contained phosphates and I was reacting to it, so I went back to my Sunlight brand. Hope the grocery run wasn’t too exhausting with all that travelling to get there!
    How awesome is it that your church provides a free gym membership?? Not so good it’s so far away; but love the plan of aiming to get there once school is back in and you have to be out that way anyway.. super idea!

    I think it was your response to Bis’s question about measuring food where you said about purchasing a top of the line scale: but my husband was with me and so supportive in stating " Oh get that one you may as well have the best they have your doing so well" that I gave in and accepted without argument.

    Just wanted to say kudos to hubby for reminding you YOU DESERVE THE BEST! We often tend to think we aren’t deserving of the best of everything.. that “this will do” if it’s for US… I think we’re used to making ourselves feel its being selfish if we go for the best for ourselves.. what’s with that??? Today I’m gonna be a BOY and start believing I DO deserve the best for me LOL.. Hugs to hubby for being so supportive!

    6S: SO good to see you – we missed ya!! Yikes on Hubby – very glad to hear he is doing fine; must have been scary for both of you!! You average 4-7 miles a day?? AWESOME!! I’m a little confused on the car thing.. but.. Im gathering after the nightmare of no gas, you drove somewhere to do your walk there?? (like I drive to the lake to do mine?) But I TOTALLY understood the part where you wanted to crawl back in bed with hubby and just skip the walking.. so HUGE IPOU to you.. I’m not sure I would have been able to get past the “omg pls start moments”, so extra big IPOU .. well done!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning my friends,

    It is going to be a hot one here in GA today. I hope that all of you stay cool and hydrated..hint (drink your water)! I love coming here and reading all of your posts, they inspire me to do better. As for the emotional eating/drinking, I have made a few strides this week. I have increased my protein and reduced my alcohol intake by 3 whole ounces! For some, that might not seem like a lot or that I had to reduce that much may seem like too much. For me, it is enough at the moment and I feel a huge IPOM.

    T2 is the only one I was friends with before coming here. She knows that my work situatiion is not always great and there is a person I call "The Bimbo". Well, yesterday I was able to make her (the Bimbo) happy and that makes me giggle. See, she is a real B**ch and since her starting work here on 2008 we have spoken maybe 300 words. Mostly because the first 75 words were degrading and emotionally crippling to me. IMHO, she should have been fired within a few months but I do have a compassionate boss and he thought that since this was her first real job he would give her a chance. Boy, does he regret that decision. So, back to the story.
    She wrote an email and asked if she could partcipate in the planning of a baby shower for a co-worker. Normally, I wouldn't have thought anything about this but in 4 years this is a first. I sent her a very carefully worded response and told her I would appreciate it if she would just do it all since they were such close friends and I barely knew them (not entirely true but hey). What she doesn't realize is that it is truly a pain to do these types of things. People don't want to bring in snacks or donate money and you have to constantly remind them. They don't want to help plan, decorate, clean up or just participate in general. I am sure you all know what I am talking about. By her having to do all of this, with me just giving my assistance if she asks I am hoping that she will see that we are all just human and she is not perfect.
    On the other hand, she has been looking for a another job because she feel not wanted here..oh poor baby...if this works the way I want it to it will motivate her even more to LEAVE :bigsmile: Am I mean for feeling this way? Probably, do I care NOPE!

    Thank you all for listening to my ramblings and I hope you all have a great day.

    TA- I think I should ask for a nightly massae as well, you have sparked an idea
    6S- So glad things are looking up for you
    Snoozie- IPOU on the Boredom NOT eating! Take care of your eyes and I am happy you can open the blinds today. Should we send out a warning to those on the streets around you today???
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    6S, congrats for taking care of yourself while also dealing with your husband's illness. When my husband had cancer I used to "joke" that every pound he lost, just jumped across the bed and onto me. Don't let that happen keep walking!
    Tonya, office dynamics can drive anyone nuts and one thing I have learned is that when someone starts seriously looking for a new job, it will be best for them and the entire office when they leave. Sometimes I feel like the office mother, I tried to get other people to do things, but if not for me there would be no holiday or secretary lunch, no birthday cakes or flowers sent for family funerals or to sick workers. But the worst is collecting the money! Maybe you will get lucky, this person will find they love organizing the shower and will take over all future party, etc plans. (I know, not likely, but you can hope.)
    Snoozie, I'm worried about you driving, keep it to the bare minimum and let us know when your one eyed self gets back home.
    When I said that someone would get the Nobel Prize if they could answer the question of why I stop going to the gym, I was thinking broader than the gym and the real question is WHY DO I STOP MOVING AND EATING HEALTHY FOOD when I feel so much better when I do?
    Yesterday my goal was to make someone smile, thank you to those Hatters who told me that I was able to make you smile, its always nice to make a goal. But then I saw a video that is guaranteed to make anyone smile, and not in one of those corny internet ways, but in a life affirming worldwide show of joy. I am happy to report that I have heard from friends and family, from Florida to Colorado to Guam and here at home in Baltimore that this video made them smile too. So if you need to smile, watch this http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120710.html
    In addition to getting my 30g of fiber my goal for today is to go to bed early, so I am ready for that 6am Body Pump class!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I LOVED THAT VIDEO!! I was dancing in my chair half way through.. and every time I saw a place where one of our mad hatters lives, I tripped the light just a little more!! AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.. will play that anytime I need a FEEL GOOD reminder!!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Good Morning Ladies
    I hope yesterday was a good day for everyone and today will be filled with wise choices for all.
    And Thank you for the birthday wishes. :smile:
  • 6swolcott
    6swolcott Posts: 38 Member
    yes, I drive to where I walk its about 10-15 minutes away, when putting gas in my car it doesnt restart, you have to feather the gas pedal, once it starts it runs fine, it has confused the garage and the dealership, no one knows why , would love to have it fixed. If you dont feather it just enough it just stalls and wont start.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Woww...I finally dropped some lbs.
    I thought I could only gain....I owe it all the the support of my girl-friends.....The Hatters. I find it a comfort to know I have someone to talk to that understands my issues at this time in our lives. It is so easy to drop weight when your young, but not so much as we age. So it's easy to get discouraged and say..."I GIVE UP" ...been there done that many many times. But I always come back, because I'm not ready to give up on the dream of being able to be confortable in my own skin. TO not have to cringe when I go by and see my reflection in the window of some store and wish I could just disappear. TO not find that I'm wider across my middle when I sit sdown, than I am across my whole body!! TO be able to bend and stay bent until I finish tying my shoes! TO be able to take my own toe polish off.....well,....(maybe not that, I kinda enjoy the pedicure part. ) If that is ever accomplished I just won't tell my husband.

    I am aiming for more water, walking the stairs, and folding up my baskets of clothes....( Snooozie, will get that one)

    I hope you dear ladies have a wonderful day and a fabulous weekend. Be good to yourselves.

    Yes, I'm working the weekend again....ugh! I Just gotta remember...More Money for the bills!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    TONYA! I totally get what a big stride the 3oz is..!!! I miss my wine a LOT; I’m still going to enjoy a glass now and then, but I admit I often had a glass every day whenever I was on dayshift or days off (which is the only time I make an actual real sit down dinner). Of course, its just another habit really.. and like food.. I LIKE my wine lol. But.. I like the thought of losing all this fat more right now so I’ll restrict my intake.. but I think most of us understand what giving up anything that we love is so hard.. so huge IPOU to you!!

    I actually laughed out loud reading about the work chick… anyone who’s had to run anything social wise at work knows the huge amount of work and organization and details and nagging and running after people for money and everything it entails… so I’d be sitting back saying “by all means my dear.. it’s all yours, knock your socks off!!” and this time, you get to be the one who is just a GUEST.. (aka no work involved) LOL! I end up doing a lot of that stuff too, and I love it when I only have to be one of the ones who just has to show up!

    And yep I made it home intact.. and left everyone else on the street (and sidewalks) intact too!! There may be a pole in the underground with a little paint smear.. but I’ll swear it was there before!!

    Time2!!!!!!!! Oh oh OHHHHHHH huge congrats on the loss!! Look at you GO! The small changes, the extra stairs.. every little bit we CHANGE brings results.. so look how your hard work paid off!! Doing the snoopy happy dance for you!! (Seriously.. you should take a quick look at the video HSH posted…. It’ll totally celebrate your loss with us in mind as the dancers lol!! And I agree with you completely.. I love that I don’t have to pretend I’m cool with being the size I am, or lie about what I ate or didn’t eat.. I can be responsible for my own ups and downs, but I can say them out loud here and get nothing but support and encouragement, and knowing I’m not alone in some of my thoughts and feelings… sometimes that’s all ya need to hear.. I love the help as I slowly make the changes that will get me to once and for all, getting rid of the weight so I can do all the things I want to do without being exhausted or too fat to do right now. So huge huge IPOU to you Gail… well, WELL done!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good day everyone, hope are doing good and looking forward to the weekend

    Snoozie don't under value your ability to resist snacking last night !!! That is the first step on becoming stronger for latter battles. IPOU !!! As for any changes in laundry soaps of anything that's a nada as I don't change things b/c of my skin. All I can figure is maybe it was something on the beauticians cape when I had my hair done last.

    6S so glad the husband is mending. Wonderful that you have not gained during such a stressful time. IPOU and so jealous of your walking abilities !!!

    Tonya Oh you may be a long lost sister !!! That is exactly the kind of thing I would have done, so if your evil I guess I am also :laugh: The craziness of the office chick was to funny and loved reading it and the evil plot against her LOLOLOL

    Hairspray make that gym !!! You can do it. The video was GREAT !!! I am posting on fb for my family !!! Thanks so much.

    Cheryl good to see you back :)

    Time2 YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!! You stuck with it when the journey was hard and that hard work paid off. So very POU

    Yeah we have almost made it through another week and just remembering the post of this week it seems we have all been doing better or at least in much better spirits. It truly warms my heart seeing the revelations, changes, and results there of. Hope everyone has a fabulous afternoon (or whatever it maybe where you are) :flowerforyou:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Hairspray, Thanks gor the giggle with the video, I really needed that!
    T2- A big WAHOO/IPOU you cetainly deserve a big round of applause
    TA- If only you knew how evil I really am..bawhaabwhaaaa
    Snooz- Glad you made it home in one piece.
    6S- I have a similar problem with my Jeep. have to turn the key over twice to crank her up!
    Cheryl- Glad you had a great birthday, sorry I missed it

    Have to run for now, the boss has called a meeting dang it. Doesn't he know I am supposed to leave at 4?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :grumble: Bad boss.. baaaaadddd boss.. do they not KNOW we are counting the minutes this close to leaving time?? :sad:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    LoL at the video - thanks Hairspray!

    I live just 20 mins from Philly - my husband and I got engaged in the Philadelphia Art Museum....:bigsmile:

    He tells me he stole the most precious piece of art....:love::blushing: ... 20 Happy Years on the 29th of August...
    thick thin sickness & health.... think i've tested all 4....

    thick....extra weight
    thin... now
    sickness... brain surgery 2010 (bleeding on the brain - took out the clot, glued me back together and here I am.... only out of work for 3 months... love a miracle...:bigsmile:
    health... the new me....

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Wow Carol, what an awesome story. 20 years is a wonderful accomplishment. Glad your still here after the surgery as well.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Found this link on one of the message boards. Gave me several good ideas for upping my protein ( I seem to struggle with that) so I thought I would share


    You may want to check out the Greatest Hits list on the page also.
  • Huntress52
    Huntress52 Posts: 12
    Hello ladies! Well, this is week 2 with no more weight loss.. I was going to whin and complain but then I read your posts for the day. you gals are very positive and supportive. So i'll be happy knowing that although I didnt loss any , i didnt gain either :)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Huntress, the first week I was on here I gained 3 pounds. Talk about being discouraged. However, I kept at it and it came back of and then some. I still have times like that. I will lose 1/2lb and gain 2 then I will lose 1. I just keep trying again and again because eventually it has got to go somewhere or I will need to start charging rent!
  • Huntress52
    Huntress52 Posts: 12
    Lose any lol
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Just checking in, I have been waiting for it to get light enough to go for my walk. I don't mind walking in the dark but that is when I see all things that are creepy and crawly (snakes and skunks etc).
    I will check back in later. Keep your chin up ladies.


    :noway: I'm totally with you on waiting til daylight Cheryl LOL.. I can handle a goose but no way on the creepy crawlies! Congrats on getting out there .. YOU ROCK!! Snoozie
