A balanced diet with a calorie deficit, focusing on whole
Cholesterol kinda high. 57 yr old man. Dr said change diet and exercise. I eat pretty good now, so not quite sure how it’s spiking. Exercise is limited due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. I don’t drink or smoke! Really confused and frustrated. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The manual boost I get from exercise is unreal.. who agrees?
I am Zam, A medical Doctor who is willing to share knowledge and experience of transformative health journey towards optimal health. Knowledge from educational materials and experience from people who go through that journey will give us more insight into achieving optimal health and wellness. Blesings to All!!!
I'm Sharon 59 for one more month and this the first time I've needed help to loss weight but the appetite suppressant is working. Since taking it my energy level had increased and I have lost 4.6 pounds. Before I was exercising and portion control with little or no results. I need to stay above my family history of heart…