The Real Meal Revolution Ménage

Followers of "The Real Meal Revolution Changing the World, One Meal at a Time" - So we are a work in progress, take a deep breath and relax...

The Ten Commandments of Beginner Banting
(Prof Ted Noakes, Sally-Ann Creed, Jonna Proudfoot, David Grier. "The Real Meal Revolution," Copyright November 2013. Page 51)

1. Eat Enough Fat
2. Eat Enough Vegetables
3. Do Not Snack
4. Do Not Lie to Yourself
5. Do Not Over or Under Eat
6. Do Not Eat Too Much Protein
7. Be Alert
8. Avoid Too Many Fruits
9. Control Your Dairy
10. Be Strong
Owner: HappyGirlHeikeLeaders: HappyGirlHeikeCreated on October 14, 20148 membersPrivacy: Public



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