Important stuff will go here one day.
New To this Group....Hi all!
Hello Everyone: I am new to this group but not new to sleep apnea as i have had it for a long time now..I'd say over 10-12 years.... When you find out that you have it and have to go through all these tests and then find out you have to wear headgear and be on a machine for the rest of you life...that really kicks you in…
UPPP Surgery
Hello. I was just curious if anyone else went through UPPP surgery to correct their sleep apnea? I had it in mid-January, along with nose surgery to repair a deviated septum and remove a sinus polyp at the same time. I'll admit - I was miserable for a good 3-4 weeks afterwards. It was extremely painful. I lived off of…
Waiting for results
Hi there, I started using a CPAP 5 months ago and I struggle with it every night still, and have gained rather than lost weight so I am a bit discouraged at this point. I will be following up with my doctor soon to dig in to some of the reasons why. Is it normal to not see results in this amount of time or is there…
Tongue Stabilizing Device (TSD)
I have sleep apnea and TMJ. I was wondering if anyone has tried using a TSD. What brand? Was it effective for you? About how much did it run you (note: with insurance or without insurance)? Thank you.
Has anyone's sleep apnea improved with weight loss?
I didn't have sleep apnea before I put on weight. I am hoping that once I lose my weight that I will see improvement -- maybe even get rid of my CPAP. Has anyone else notice a difference?
Welcome, Fellow Sleepless Athletes
For those of us who work so hard to lose the extra weight, only to find us coming up short due to lack of proper sleep. Sleep Apnea-ites, UNITE!
I just had a preliminary diagnosis of sleep apnea. Now I waiting to get the ball rolling, go in the sleep study etc. It's really affecting my daily life, I'm so tired ALL the time. I am currently doing Stronglifts 5x5 with my hubby, but thats all I can do. Even having trouble driving. I am really happy to have found this…
New to Sleep Apnea
I had my first sleep study on Monday night and they called today to say, yep, you have sleep apnea. Come back in next week for the study with the cpap. I'm hoping this will help, since I'm soooooo tired all the time. I'm glad that there is a group here, even a tiny one that understand this problem. Feel free to add me, if…
Data Reader and CPAP Machine/Mask Type
Just wondering if anyone/everyone has a data reader that they use to know how they are doing and also what kind of machines does everyone have. I'm new to this.