Hello everyone, Welcome to the next Seven Week challenge. We will be competing to lose 7lbs over a 7 week period starting on the 11th January and finishing on the 1st March. Each Friday you will need to come to this group and weigh in and I will post all of the results in a giant spreadsheet. Last time I ran this challenge…
Here it is! March 1st
Hi Everyone, Here is the sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmhR_B6rquzodF9BcU92LTNXWWRFZUo2NURVTkVZeGc&usp=sharing We have three people who have completed the challenge, towens00, jimmyalice198 and mikee007 and another three who look like they are on target for completion in the final week. Guys. It is the…
SW: 134 Week1 : 133 Week 2: 130.8 Week 3: 130.3 Week 4: 130.3 Week 5: 129.2 Week 6: 127.8 A good thing about this week was managing to work out every day despite starting a new hectic uni schedule. A not so great thing about this week was getting soooo hungry. I've upped my calories a little - hopefully that will help!
Hi everyone, It looks like it has been a tough week for many of us. Quite a few of us have put on weight or stayed the same. The good news is that we now have 3 people who have completed. Lets see if they can hold that position! Don't give up! There are two weeks left in this challenge and enough time for most of us to get…
Good morning all :smile: 11th Jan: 153 18th Jan: 152 25th Jan: 150 1st Feb : 148 8th Feb : 147 15th Feb: 146 Very hungry week, think it's due to TOM, we'll see! Have a good week everybody :happy:
More good work again this week. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmhR_B6rquzodF9BcU92LTNXWWRFZUo2NURVTkVZeGc&usp=sharing Mikee007 continues to lose weight despite already dropping 7lbs. Torontojulie has the top spot this week. KEEP IT UP!
I know this is two days early, but I'm away for the next week and I didn't want to miss out on logging my progress - well my LACK of progress :cry: Well it's Friday here, so here I go: SW: 134 Week1 : 133 Week 2: 130.8 Week 3: 130.3 Week 4: 130.3 That's right, no change in the last 5 days. Oh well!! This is how it works.…
Hi everyone, What another amazing week. You guys amaze me every time. Everyone on the team has lost some weight. There are 15 of us left in the challenge and we have lost a total of 57.5lbs. Mikee007 had a mega 6lb loss this week meaning they have reached the goal already. We'll still be keeping an eye on you and making…
Well it's Friday here, so here I go: SW: 134 Week1 : 133 Week 2: 130.8 Week 3: 130.3 This week I didn't lose as much as I'd hoped, or as much as I probably should have - because I worked hard! But it's a half pound loss & I can't complain about that. ETA I've really noticed a difference in my pant size this week, shorts I…
Well done everyone. Most of us are well on our way in this seven week challenge. But it has not been without its difficulties - we have had a few drop outs and one car accident! There have been some great losses this week. tbullock11 is not in the lead closely followed by torontojulie and towens00. So all the Ts at the…