1 Day at a Time, 1 Pound at a Time

My story: I used to play college basketball so I never had to worry about what I ate or my weight. I then quit about a year and half ago and became depressed/didn't care what I was eating or what I was doing to my body. In March 2015 I was talking to a friend who started a new program called 21 Day Fix. She explained to me what it was and sounded like a great idea but I wanted to try this on my own. I lost 10lbs but then other things came up in life (like normal) and I stopped working out and gained those 10lbs back. I contacted her again at the end of June and ordered the 21 Day Fix! Since then I've lost 10lbs and have kept it off for over a month (and still losing more!) I've also realized that by helping others lose weight, I motivate myself to keep going! I just finished my 2nd round of 21 Day Fix, and looking forward to another round!
My next personal goal: lose 20lbs by October 8th! I'm going to South Carolina and want to look good in a swimsuit!
Owner: MotivatingOthersLeaders: MotivatingOthersCreated on August 4, 201530 membersPrivacy: Public



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