Introductions Please!
Hi! I'm Robin. I'm 54 years old and wondering if I'll be fifty pounds over the rest of my life. This looks like a good group for me and I'd like to participate in making it a little more active! I'm married 26 years, three boys. I'm a nutritionist by educations (BS Nutrition and Dietetics UT Austin 1988), so I know what I…
Pounds lost
Hey group, I've lost 4lbs since I started this on 9/10/15. I"m so very proud of myself and I'm heading to gym right now to do my 15 minutes on the elipitcal machine right now!!! Thanks for all of your support. The journey continues!!!
Goals for December
I saw this quote in another discussion and though I would share it. "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT." I am setting goals for December. I thought I would share them with the group and see if anyone else wants to set goals and post…
Daily chat
Good morning! I hope you ladies have a fabulous Friday
What worked for me
I was asked to make a post about what I've done to lose over 40 pounds. Well as the title states this is just what worked for me. I was very lucky in the fact that my hubby joined me on this journey. It definitely made meal time a lot easier. We decided to begin eating healthier and walking. We added lots of veggies and…
Tuesday chat!
Good morning everyone! Today will be a tough one for me - I have to travel this evening to pick up my stepmom to bring her down to visit for a couple of days, so we will be eating out tonight. I hope I have the strength to order the right foods - I always seem to be hungriest in the evenings. Today's high is supposed to be…
healthy fast foods?
I often find myself away from home and hungry. Yesterday I was traveling and didn't want to stop for a sit down meal. The only fast food I could think of was panda express, where I was able to get the vegetables for my side, and I chose a non breaded entree (mushroom chicken). I eat so many salads at home before supper…
need serious help!
I think I'm really needing a boost for the losing weight thing...somehow I've gotten off track...can't find the impetus to get back on
Bad eating habits
Last night I ate 3 small slices of frozen pizza (my weakness) and I had promised myself that I was only going to eat 1 slice. This is really going to be a struggle but I'm up for the challenge but I did go and workout for 30 mins.
My long term goal
I'm 56 and have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid. Luckily, I'm the healthiest I've been all my life (FINALLY exercising regularly, eating pretty healthily), but I want to get rid of those annoying 30-40 pounds once and for all. I've been see-sawing, up and down, for a good decade. My ultimate goal is to…