Important stuff will go here one day.
Feeling optimistic :)
Hi! I'm 72 and have fibromyalgia and arthritis. This year another muscle issue starting requiring me to use a cane, so my exercise is pretty limited. I am looking forward to taking control of the one thing I can control - my weight :) And feeling that getting back to the basics of counting calories is going to be…
Pain release by walking
I have had fibromyalgia since the late 1980's, currently on disability. So all levels of pain including bed bound pain, I have experienced. A doctor once told me that you "Have to walk." I cried and in defense explained how that was impossible because of the pain, and also fatigue. To get to the point, years later... I got…
I'm back - Anyone else here?
I stopped taking care of myself (taking care of others instead, not a great move) and have packed on more weight. It may not be a lot by some standards, but the last time I weighed this much, I was pregnant (16 years ago!)
Getting back on track
Hi there... I have been off track while helping my step mom BEAT cancer. But I am home full time again, and ready to get back on track to get healthy. My Fibro has been flaring for the last month, and now my husband has developed Bell's Palsy (he looks like he had a stroke, but has not) but I am determined to do this.…
Not letting this stop me.. so I...
...signed up for a FULL MARATHON! I'm not going to let fibromyalgia define who I am. I won't let it take me down. And if it ever does overpower me, I want to know I was able to cross the finish line of a 26.2 mile race, even if I have to walk part of it. I'm going to GET "ER DONE!!
Medications you are taking for fibro
I was just wondering what medications you are taking for your fibro. My doctor just put me on Cymbalta once per day for 14 days at 30 mg. However, taking it in the morning proves to be costly as I'm severely fatigued from it. I'm then to up it to 60 mg once per day going forward. Has anyone tried Cymbalta? Others that have…
Hi!!! please support me :)
My name is Samantha I'm 29 have been diagnosed with fibro Im extreeeeemely over weight and having fibro is not helpful becasue i find i have no motivation , energy , or tolerance for pain... im honestly putting in effort with my friend to eat more healthy and lose weight starting in march and i KNOW i need to be active and…
Feeling so down
Yet again i have gained, I try to eat healthy and i try to move about but sometimes the pain is just too much and its cheaper and easier to do a microwave meal or just make a chip butty. I want to do better but i feel its too hard. Where do i start, how do i get this weight off. Why are the healthy foods so much more…
Tigger Foods
What trigger foods do you find makes your pain or fibro fog worse?
Hello everyone! My name is Jenn, I'm 40 years old and live in Ohio. My husband and I have been together for 22 years and we've been married for 20 years. We have three children aged 20, 18, and 15 and our first grandchild (a boy named Damon Cole) is due August 25. I finally got an official fibromyalgia diagnosis a year or…