Katie's NEW year, NEW YOU challenge!


I've been thinking about the challenge for awhile. I know we are all at different fitness levels, and we all have different daily schedules, work, kids, ect. This has made it difficult for me to think of something that works for everyone. Then I had a thought this morning.... What if we all put our personal fitness/health goals here, and then do a daily check in? For example... If my goal is to eat less than 30g of sugar and walk 5,000 steps a day, I can come to this group each day and check in. We can all help each other, and hold each other accountable! ACCOUNTABILITY is HUGE!! I will also put out some 30 challenges, and it is TOTALLY up to you if you want to do those. Sometimes it's good for me to have someone tell me what to do, and I don't have to think about it ;) I want to start Jan 12th to give everyone a little time to settle into the New Year, give you all some time to think about, and set those GOALS! If you have no idea where to start, MESSAGE me. I will help you! It's a NEW YEAR and it's time to make these goals a REALITY. I'm telling you right now.... YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TOO!! The feeling you have when you conquer your own mind and body is something I want you ALL to experience! WHO'S IN?!
Owner: k4tie82Leaders: k4tie82Created on January 1, 201643 membersPrivacy: Public



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