Something to Celebrate: Memorial Day (May 30) 2016

This is a continuation of a long-running group that runs from holiday to holiday (holidays to be determined based on the desired length of the challenge). This one starts on April 1 (although jump in later if you want) and continues until Monday, May 30. The idea is to help keep everyone motivated as we work toward our personal goals--health, weight loss, exercise, and others. First weigh in is April 1-3 (feel free to use a weight from the prior Monday or any other day that week), and people can also jump in after the first week. Set a reasonable weight-loss goal, check-in weekly & post on our daily and weekly threads!
Owner: lemurcat12Leaders: lemurcat12Created on March 30, 20169 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
