Zombies, Run!
Welcome to the group! Rules are simple: be nice, no cursing (all age groups accepted but feel free to use for "****" key as much as you like!), and have fun! A friendly reminder for those posting PLOT. If you start a discussion or reply to any discussion and include plot you must preface it with ***SPOILER*** to save…
Anyone try the stay at home runs?
Ive used the regular ones but was wondering if the stay at home ones were any good too since we are facing more lockdowns. Thanks!
Hello? Runner 5?? Anyone here?
Just seeing if anyone is still active here. :) Just joined this group today. Thanks :)
I had the app since it started but after getting sick I stopped during season 3. I've finally gotten back to it and ready for the missions even tho I have to go slow as per doctor's orders
My gateway "drug"
This will be my 3rd time starting this ap. Since the first time I started using the ap I have done 3 5k zombie runs. The one in GA at the Guardian Center was FANTASTIC! A half marathon (never again-still recovering after 5 months) and a Warrior Dash-spectacular! (already signed up for next year) and a few other walks/runs.…
Another Runner 5 returning
I used to be super active with ZR, back when it used the legacy app, and I've off and on been into it. I'm back though, using it to do my morning cardio workouts (set to 20 minutes, easy chases while I get back into exercising). I've got about a week and a half left of season one, and then I'm into season two (excited!).…
Zombies, Run!
I just started this app this week to get back into shape after a long winter. I have really enjoyed it so far! How is everyone else doing on it? I'm still in week one but running 5 times a week will burn through these seasons pretty quickly I can imagine.
My ramblings of motivation
When it is hardest for me to stay motivated? Always! Not eating the food I feel like I need but really just want. At night convincing myself to go to bed on time to be up at 5am. Skipping TV and going to sleep. In the morning to get up and not just hit cancel on the alarm. During the run when the voice in my head says go…
New Runner Advice: Missions or 5K to start?
What do you think, fellow Runners 5? Should a new runner start with the missions or the 5K training? What about a seasoned runner? What are your thoughts for those thinking of joining us?
What the h** was that, Sam?!
So what have you seen during your runs? Anything fun? creative? ridiculous? or just weird? Let us know here! This will probably become a little friendly competition to get keep us running :)
Season 1
These are started so we can try to reduce the amount of spoilers our group members experience while on MyFitnessPal. Please remember (as posted in the rules) please post **SPOILER** above any plot talk. It would be VERY helpful if you also placed the Mission Number in so those who have already run it will read your post:…