Hello everyone. I’m Nicole and I started on this site on 1/18/2013 at 300 lbs :explode: with a goal of reaching 180 lbs. I know that is not what most sees as a HEALTHY number, but it is where I was after having my first child and I remember feeling GREAT at that size. :happy: When I get there, I will decide if I want to go…
I got off work super late last night and had to be at work super early this morning, so, I am very late posting this. That is why I thought I would put two days together. Just fit it in whenever you can. 30 minutes of cardio and crunches- 3 sets of 15 reps (3 sets of 50 reps for advance)…
Lets get in 30-60 minutes of cardio.
3/30/13 - 3/31/13
Burn at least 1,000 calories (you pick how) HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!
Jump rope for at least 15 minutes or High Knees for 20 minutes.
Lets see if we can get in 25 push-ups today.
Do a 20-30 minute workout you can find on YouTube or a workout dvd that you may have.
Jog in place 15-30 minutes
Lets get in some walking. How about 30-60 minutes of walking.
So sorry
I am so sorry everyone for not posting every day like I wanted to. For some reason, my phone nor laptop would let me sign on for the last few days. Going to try this again.
Lets see if we can get in 20-30 minutes strength training at your own intensity.