Important stuff will go here one day.
New Doctor - Yay or Nay
Hey everyone!!! I am so sorry that i have not been coming around but I finally got a new job!! WHOOT WHOOT HAPPY DANCE BUT it made life a bit crazed. I am now settled in and can get back to things Doctor Who. So we have the 12th, Peter Capaldi and I am wondering what your thoughts are in this matter. I am finding the newer…
So what did weveryone think of Saturday's Huge broadcast?
I for one thought it was amazing. What did you all think?
What to watch until November?
What will you all fill the Dr.Who void with. I'm not sure yet. LOL
Lost Girl
I just got introduced to Lost Girl and was wondering if anyone else likes the show.
Any thoughts on the 12th Dr?
Has anyone seen any of Peter Capaldi's work? Do you think he'll make a good doctor?
Matt Smith Leaving
Amy (Pond) Williams Book
The book that Amy wrote when she was sent back in time, is a actually book. Check iTunes store, its call Doctor Who: Summer Falls written by Amelia Williams. I haven't read it yet, but plan on getting it.
Bad Wolf Day
Today is apparently Bad Wolf Day. I received a Facebook invitation to participate. (I think it means you go around writing "Bad Wolf" in chalk.) As I started watching only in the late David Tennant era, I don't really appreciate what "Bad Wolf" means.
Weeping Angel Question
My boys posed a interesting question today. What happens when a weeping angel encounters a blind person? Is it completely immobilized/frozen b/c it is not being sighted? Or b/c the person would be blinking, the angel would be able to creep up? I told them I'd post the question.
The newest companion, Clara
What does everyone think of our new companion? I see a bit of Amy in her. Anyone else see it or is it my imagination?