Last Week whooo this really kick started my weight loss regimen. i am going all the way this time.
Whoo! sorry for posting this late. Been really busy, and we have two weeks left. I have lost 7 lbs so far. I feel great :)
How is it going?
How is it going? I have been cheating for the past 4 days too scared to look at the scale :(
Yaay we are almost there guys. How is it going for you all so far?
We are almost half way done guys! This has been an incredible journey I have had a couple of slip ups but in the end I made my first goal weight. How are the rest of you doing?
It is so easy for me to lose body fat that the extra fat just falls off my body. When I go for a walk, my metabolism increasingly speeds up and I lose body fat quickly and easily. My metabolism is reved up like a Nascar engine. Body fat falls off of me so fast that everyone around me is noticing. My body feels light and…
Okay so I only lost 1 lb :( but that is because I got super stressed out about work and life and I haven't been exercising for over 2 weeks. And my diet hasn't been too bad but I basically went an entire week without clean food because I had some personal issues going on. I am willing to leave all of that at the door and…
Whoo! time is flying by really fast. How is the challenge going for everyone?
How is everyone's week going? Sorry for the late update I have been crazy busy.