What's getting you down?
Having trouble reaching your weight loss goal? Have a bad habit you just can't kick? Post your troubles here and let other members offer advice to help you with your struggles. If you would rather be contacted privately, please state so in your post. Best wishes to you all!
My name is Teresa. I've been through some major changes in my life in the last couple of years: lost a 13 year relationship, lost a 10 year career, and picked up and moved across the country. I'll be turning 40 very soon and am tired of sitting here feeling fat and depressed while everyone else around me gets out and…
I think we should all share our progress. I'm happy to see that everybody got to introduce themselves, but how is everybody's weight loss going??? For me, I've lost 5 lbs in the past 5 days.... Been eating about 1400 calories a day and running and lifting weights. Been working out real well for me. Hope to see how…
Name One Thing...
Name the biggest challenge that absolutely gets you down about being overweight, then name one fantastic thing you're looking forward to when you lose it. For me, the thing I hate the most is having to stay home while my family goes out and enjoys this beautiful Arizona weather because I'm not physically fit enough to go…
Tips from Nutritionist
Had my first consult with a nutritionist today. Had a nice long chat and got some helpful info I thought I'd pass along. Feel free to add other things you may have learned on your own that are not covered here. * Potatoes, corn, white pasta, white bread, & white rice are simple carbs and can spike blood sugar. Might as…