Important stuff will go here one day.
Newbie - need some tips (UK)
Hi all. Up until now I've just used sns shakes as & when bit never followed the plan. Have ordered 2 wks of the lifestyle plan & intend to follow it. What kind of meals do you have for the low carb/high protein meals do you all have along with 3 x sns products? When do you have the meal? I'm kinda thinking having it for…
2016 slim and save people
Hi I'm on week 4 - 14lbs anyone doing sns ?
Howdy all. Looking for friends
Hi all I am currently following a VLCD with a mixture of slim and save, exante and boossh products ( all basically the same thing but this way I get more veriety) I'm looking your fiends to help keep each other motivated to keep it up. So who's with me. Let's do it together Current weight : 216 Goal weight :150 Week 1:…
Hello, it's very quiet here! Anybody in? I'm staring s&s today, really hope I manage to stick to it this time as I'be only lasted 10 days last time!
hi all
Hey there i started S&S today after doing 2 weeks on exante and it boring the living hell outta me lol, today iv had the tom soup and the tom chilli and im loving it, only thing im skeptical about is the mushroom dishes as i hate mushroom, Hope everyone is doing great and having a fab day xx nicola x
Just started
Hello... Anyone there? I have noticed there have been no recent posts, so maybe I'm alone but any way.... I started on Thursday. I have so far coped well. I am impressed by the choice, particularly with the meals, and so far have found the packs surprisingly enjoyable perhaps with exception of oatmeal. My goal is to lose 2…
Question about being hungry?
:embarassed: Hi All Just a quick question about the hunger element of this diet, Being as I can't figure out if I am hungry or not I would like to know your experiences? My experiences are that I wake up in a morning and could go 2 or 3 hours before the 1st shake but once I have had that first shake I get an empty stomach…
Hi Everyone and THANKS x
Hi Everyone on Slim and save xx Im Michelle (MidLifeCrisis) from the other forums, just downloaded this app to use as recommended by another user from the main forum x AND a BIG HUGE thanks to whichever member has already input all the meals etc from Slim and Save on here!! Was all ready with the nutritional values page to…
Upping calories and losing weight
Mentioned in my minimins diary but can really start a new thread about it on s and s section over the past 5 to 7 days Ive upped my calorie and carb intake to 1000cals and 80 to 100 carbs .and Ive lost 2,8lb , cant really explain why this has happened as Ive been slogging away , as some of you will know trying to be a good…
Hi Slim and Save Folks
Not even sure if this will work or get used but came across the groups section and thought why not ? Please invite your friends , if that is even possible