Important stuff will go here one day.
Final Stats of 3 month challenge
height 6"0 .25 Weight 250 - Weight 252 Waist Was 44.75 Now 44.5 Chest was 47.25 Now 46.75 Thigh 27.5 Now 25.5 Bicep 15.5 Now 14 I am going to continue to lift for two days per week as I feel better and look a little more toned... Got to eat better though...
I know this info is in the old thread but it will get lost over time, so lets repost it here to keep it organized.
A smattering of NSVs
1. So, I've been feeling frustrated that the scale hasn't budged for the last, oh, month or so, and that I didn't seem to losing any inches around my waist. However, there are really *two* waist measurements women are supposed to take--just below the last rib (the minimum girth), and just above the navel (maximum girth).…
Progress So Far
I can see a lot of progress I've made over the past few months. I have increased every single lift now by at least 10 lbs, and some (Curls) by 20 lbs (8x4 or 10x3 lifts). I see the most changes so far in my stomach and my arms/shoulders. Looking forward to what the next few months can bring me!!! :-)
October 1st - Post your results...
Lets finish this thing with a bang... I feel improved... Hope all is well with our lifters, finish up strong.
Lifting weights...Gained weight! But staying the course...
My clothes feel the same and my belt is in the same loop hole... i have a spring in my step... Anybody else care to report in...
Back for more
Took a great vacation to destin Florida last week... Only lifted once... Eager to get back at it... Stay dedicated my friends
Check in if u still in... 15 days in appx 75 to go
I'm in like flynn... Measuring again on August 1st. Who is still in? :-)))))
Progress Check
Hey guys, This week I am going to be checking and writing down my 3 rep max for one lifting exercise for each body part. I want to do this so that I have something to compare to at the end of the 90 days. I like to do 3 rep max because im really focusing on gaining as much strength as I can. You can do 6 reps max or even 8…
Yesterday was my first weight add day.
Yesterday I added 10 or more lbs to all of my lifts as some (Bench, lat pulldowns and curls) were getting a bit easy. After adding, I I was able to perform almost all reps on the last set on all of my lifts EXCEPT triceps. That was very interesting to me, as I generally thought I had pretty strong triceps but my overall…