Important stuff will go here one day.
Corticosteroids and weight loss?
Since I know a lot of people familiar with prednisone and the corticosteroid shot, I need to ask something. It's been about two to three years since I had it, and following it I had a cushing's reaction. I gained something insane, like 40 pounds in two weeks. Now, I was on other meds, all of which I've removed from my body…
Asthma Awareness Month
Did y'all know that it's asthma awareness month in May? I just blogged about it if you are interested. Hope y'all are doing well. Here's the link: or go to (just copy either link to your browser to read). Have a great weekend everyone! :bigsmile:
New to the group, but not to the troubles of asthma
Aloha, I am new to this group and just wanted to say hi. My name is Malia and I live on Maui, I have suffered from asthma most of my life and know how hard workouts can be. I am hoping that if I lose some weight my lungs might work better... I have fairly severe asthma so any improvement would be great. I also am looking…
Running Tips?
Seems like when i go out on a run i can run a few hundred feet and then it feels like my chest is bouncing up and down inside of me. I feel like im going to pass out. I don't have a very sever case of Asthma but i guess its still bad enough that i can't run. Its funny because i can bike 10 miles easy without having a…
do you work out when you are sick
I got a summer cold and well you know what happens then asthma comes with it.. I feel like it stops my working out.. how do you all deal with it
Long Term Steroid Effects
So I was initially diagnosed with asthma at 18 months old, and have been steadily on and off steroids (mostly prednisone but at times others, including 2-3 hospitalizations a year when I'd be on solumedrol or, back in the day, epi or adrenaline). I had some very bad doctors over the years and didn't really get firm control…
New here
Hi, My name is Lisa, just wanted to say hi see how everyone is doing.
getting back into exercise after a bad chest.
I had a really bad chest last week, just walking hurts. Im starting to feel better after going back on my inhaler but I feel so weak and tired its hard for me to work out. When i do walk Im so tired I fall asleep for couple hours after. Any suggestions for getting my energy level up.
Have any one used them? Also how did they work for you with asthma
Cold Weather
Does cold weather feel great to anyone else? I live in Southern California and the weather has been in the 50's and I am breathing easier, I cant stand to have the heater on and I must have the windows open while I sleep for the fresh air, one night I had the heater on and I woke up in the middle of the night from not…