Important stuff will go here one day.
How are you doing with the challenge?
Which workout did you do today? Do you enjoy doing it? Today I did the 20 minute Newbie workout, twice! My phone glitched so I ended up doing the entire workout again! I feel awesome right now though. Although I'm sure I will be hurting in the morning. Anyone have any ideas or things they would like to see as mini…
Introduce yourself!
I'll start: My name is Dana. I am 24 years old and I am here to lose about 50 pounds. So far I have lost 10, I have about 45 more to go if I want to get to my goal weight. I am a full time teacher in my own classroom of 3 year olds.
11/18 mini challenge
I'm a bit late posting the mini challenge!! How about we try 50 jumping jacks, 3 times today, for a total of 150 through out the day. Let us know how it goes.
11/17 mini challenge
Try to eat at least 4 servings of fruit and/or vegetables during the day and report back here with the results! :smile:
11/16 Mini Challenge
Add some positive energy to your day! Put on some awesome music and get pumped for your day! Also try to compliment at least one person during the day. By doing this, we feel better and therefore begin to feel less stressed which will limit stress eating and make our goals easier to achieve! It will also make someones day!
The challenge starts today!
What is everyone starting with? The 30 min workout or the walking/ running? Today I am doing the walking, I plan on doing at least 30 minutes on my elliptical or free step on the wii.
11/15 Mini Challenge
Extra steps! During commercials, stand up and walk or jog in place! Even if you don't watch TV, you can still do this while waiting for food to cook or talking on the phone! Aim for an extra 15 minutes in walking today!