I've established a private group for CFBC. We can more safely discuss topics over there. Send me or the creator of this group (quixoticmantis) a message if you'd like an invite to the private group. Thanks.
Is this still an active group? I'm new to MFP and could really use some CF friends!!!!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/10817733/10-places-that-would-be-better-if-kids-were-banned.html :laugh:
oops...reposted this in the private group, which is where I meant to put it in the first place...
I was hoping I'd have some people to talk to in this group. Child Free is an issue that's very near and dear to me. Does anyone still come around?
Hello everyone, my name is Kate. I am 26 years old, married and child free. After having a minor confrontation at work today I thought to myself I am going to make a group like this when I get home and here you were waiting for me! I am fed up with people looking at me like a freak when ever I say I don't want children.…
Great article....thought I'd share! http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/what-no-children-fending-off-the-final-female-taboo-20130206-2dyoq.html
..that you don't have kids :laugh: Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm guessing most of you have seen or heard about the lastest TIME issue about "the Childfree Life"...? I haven't bought it yet, but plan to pick it up.. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2148636,00.html
I was hoping someone would start this...Thanks!
I put some little packages of goldfish crackers in a pumpkin basket and put a little sign on it on my front porch. I had to work out and make dinner and didn't want any candy around the house and didn't even have to feel guilty about it.