Important stuff will go here one day.
Weight Loss Tip Day 5
Try adding more oats into your life! I have never been a big oatmeal eater but honestly I was not a big breakfast eater either! I started looking in my breakfast aisle for something that was filling and fast since I only have about 30 minutes of free time before I have to start work after my work out. I started to see all…
Work Out Tip Day 5
Today I decided to do a quick 20 minute workout post because not all of us have 1-2 hours a day to workout! So here is a very quick work out that can be done any where! 1) Pushups - max in 1:00 2) Squats - max in 1:00 3) Dips- 1:00 4) Jog in Place - 3:00 5) Military press - 1:00 6) Lunges - 1:00 each leg 7) Bicep curls -…
Work Out Tip Day 4
Sorry for not posting for a few days! My internet went out and getting repairs done in a country where I don't know the language too well makes things a little difficult sometimes! Today my work out tip will be a work out! I will be posting a full body work out for a few days. Sometimes when you have a plan you will be…
Work Out Tip Day 3
Make a simple home gym! You do not need any expensive gym equipment or machines to get a total body work out! Plus it takes out ones less excuse of not wanting to go to the gym! Here is list of work out equipment that would make a perfect home gym! --Exercise Ball or Swiss Ball-This amazing ball is super versatile and can…
Weight Loss Tip Day 3
Plan your whole day's meals the night before. A lot of the times I have found myself snacking are because I don't have something made in front of me so I go for what is easiest. For me that has always been a bag of chips. I would go for a bag of Funyuns or hot Cheetos at any time of the day. Yes even breakfast! Well now…
Work Out Tip Day 2
Sorry I didn't post a work out tip on day 1! Have a plan before you go to the gym! Ok ladies! Who has ever walked into a gym and felt totally intimidated! If we were sitting in a group I would be raising my hand! I don't know how many times I would walk into a gym and immediately feel totally out of place and lost. I would…
Weight Loss Tip Day 1!
Let Tupperware and frozen entrees help you understand portions! Now I know those frozen dinners aren't the best option for you but when you’re already eating junk food and other bad food choices, these will be a good transition for you. When I started on my weight loss journey I realized I did not really know what portions…
Favorite Calorie Savers
There are SOOOOO many tricks to saving calories throughout the day. (Drink skim instead of 2% etc.) I want to know what your favorite ones are! The best one I have used (maybe too much! but I love it!!!!) is oatmeal flour. Grinding up oatmeal (blender, food processor, coffee grinder etc) and substituting for flour. I made…
Weight Loss Tip Day 2
Hydrate and lay off that soda!!! Adding more water into your daily routine will have dramatic effect on your body. I used to be a soda fanatic. Of course my soda of choice was the worst one out there, Mountain Dew! Oh how I still love my green goodness but I just couldn't keep giving my body such terrible chemicals and…