unckate7 Member


  • I mean, that's an extreme case and I don't think anyone is logging their weight after throwing up for a day, and I doubt that's what this question was asking. But...it's still an accurate portrayal of your weight at that moment. If you've been losing weight and are at 140, and then food poisoning hits and the next day you…
  • I basically just log every time I see a new low number. The way I see it, you can fluctuate up, but you can't really "fluctuate" down. So if I hit a low number, I know that's actually my weight (it's not like you can carry negative water weight or something to pull your weight artificially down.) Whereas, if I'm up a pound…
  • I think everyone acknowledges that the effects people experience are real - I'm just not sure science has a consensus on the why. It is definitely true that weight loss is not linear; sometimes, you'll go several weeks without losing weight, and then lose a bunch at once. Some people report their fat feels different (i.e.…
  • It depends on your personality and different factors, but also, how small are we talking? Small changes in a positive direction are always good, but might not always lead to success, at least with weight loss. Example 1: -Week 1 - resolve to drink more water every day. -Week 2 - add taking the stairs up 3 flights to your…
  • For me, I actually find it more accurate to go by Fitbit's calories than MFP. That's because MFP won't give you below 1200 calories per day, but on days I don't do much, my calorie expenditure is only 1300-1400. So if I were to follow MFP and eat 1200 calories a day, some days I'd only have a 100-200 calorie deficit,…
    in Fitbit Comment by unckate7 February 2016
  • Thanks for the answers! I knew the actual FitBit did that, but didn't realize that MFP did the same thing. That's really annoying. It would be nice if it were treated like any other exercise that went above and beyond your expected movement for the day. I use MFP to take the guesswork out of calorie counting; I don't like…
  • But I mentioned I don't have negative calorie adjustments enabled. Shouldn't it just be giving me the amount of calories I can eat if I'm sedentary (like, if they define that as anyone who walks under 5,000 steps a day, or whatever), and then anything over that is added and I get to keep? If I already exceeded what they…
  • I'm about at the 5k distance right now. I've run on and off for a few years (the past 1.5 years it's been more "off"), so I'm just getting back into it. The longest race I've ever done though was a 10-miler, but I was pretty much at my good weight at that point and not trying to actively lose.
  • Thanks! Michellejane I think your routine is what I'm aiming for - probably a warmup on the treadmill of c25k, and then circuits. The key will be making myself choose the exercises that I don't necessarily love (burpees, lizards, weighted jumping jacks) along with the ones I do in order to keep myself in shape. And…
  • I mean I'm trying to lose weight and get into better shape, but I'm really just interested in the different ways people utilize their basic gyms (not boutique gyms or classes or anything). Do people find they use the machines a lot, or more so dumbells/kettlebells/steps/empty space for bodyweight exercises? What is your…
  • Now that I'm almost a month in, I'm able to sort of overlook fluctuations and tell that I really am losing weight. In 4 weeks, I've lost 3.6 pounds, so just under a pound a week. I'm happy with that - I mean it would be great to lose at least a pound or more per week, but I think this is a healthy, sustainable rate. I…
  • The trouble is, you always think you have time. i.e. you only live so long. Nobody lasts forever. You might think you have an infinite number of tries to get it right, but you don't. Plus, you're only this age once. I'm 29 right now - I keep asking myself, "I only get one year, one chance to be 29. Do I want to have wasted…
  • Ok, so in the two weeks I've been counting calories, I've apparently lost exactly 2 pounds. Which is just what I'm aiming for. So I feel a little better. I think I always second guess my numbers, and the fluctuations really throw me off. I started at 148.6 the first day, but then the rest of the week I was in the 147's…
  • Oh sorry! When I said I figured out my TDEE I meant that the calorie amount it told me to eat to lose weight was about 1750-1850. I used http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/, which said that for maintenance I need 2223, and to lose weight I need to eat 1778. This…
  • Thanks for the reply! I know muscle is denser than fat, but I'm just not sure how much muscle I could have put on so far, especially if I didn't lose any inches the second month. Plus, if I'm trying to eat at a deficit, can I really put on muscle? I didn't think I could. (Also, if I'm eating an amount to lose .5-1 pound a…