Bryo4 Member


  • Welcome, and good luck!
    in Female Comment by Bryo4 April 2016
  • Good luck!
    in Re starting Comment by Bryo4 April 2016
  • Back from staying with family for Easter. Got a nice (albeit s l o w) run in this morning. Looking forward to setting back into a routine. I think my wrist is fully healed, too, which is nice. Hope everyone who celebrated had a nice holiday!
  • Also excellent advice. :smiley:
  • I agree that was a bit out of line. Still, I will note my stress level dropped when I dialed the beer back. Strictly speaking, alcohol behaves a little differently than other carbs in your system, but yes - it really is just CICO. Personally, I just eat slightly smaller meals throughout the day when I am planning to have a…
  • I would say you're STILL making progress on emotional eating, because you're figuring out what didn't work yesterday. Yay for you! I didn't make it to the gym - my wrist is hosed up and I really don't need to aggravate it. (I've had tendonitis in this wrist before, so I know how to take care of it.) Did a bit of yoga…
  • I did C25K a couple of years ago. Exercise can help your weight loss goals, but by far most of your success will come from reducing your calories.
    in Couch to 5k Comment by Bryo4 March 2016
  • I'm also back after some time away. Happy to have a new source of support!
  • ^This. Just eat fewer calories. Good luck!
  • is a good TDEE calculator.
  • The MFP BMR calculator is here: Consider that the number you shouldn't routinely go below. Then calculate your TDEE (which accounts for your activity level) and then maintain a modest deficit from that.
  • Yes - I don't think MFP ever recommends less than 1200 calories per day, and very, very few people can maintain that long term. How did you come up with that number?
  • I'll also second New Rules of Lifting for Women. I got started lifting with a trainer, but New Rules is solid. If you think it sounds like it may work for you, pay close attention to your form to make sure you don't hurt yourself and start light.
  • That's REALLY not sustainable. That's probably less than your BMR, and very unsafe. Please consider revising that goal upwards. It won't get you where you want to go. Weight loss is a long game. Make a long plan, stick to it (most of the time!) and you'll see success. Promise!
  • Excellent advice! I also find that starting the day on the right foot makes all the other choices easier.
  • Normally, gyms will offer at least one session with a staff member to help you understand how the equipment works, etc., and in my experience will help you put together a basic routine based on your goals. I'd check that out first. Good luck!
  • Fantastic! You rock!
  • March 22 - 3.11 miles down, 96.89 to go! Wasn't the fastest 5K ever, but it counts. Plan is to get my rear to the gym in the morning and pick some heavy stuff up. I didn't set a goal here of getting 10,000 daily steps in, but that is my Fitbit goal and I hit it. Also came in under calories. And welcome, Tiffany! I remember…
  • I'm sitting at the bottom of a pretty slippery slope myself, trying to overcome the inertia. I also tend to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I do think if someone is "watching" I do better. Thanks for starting this!
  • I'm in! By June 20, I will... 1. Have run 100 miles (That averages out to about two 5K runs half the weeks, three 5K runs the other half). 2. Weigh less than 135 lbs. Just need to shave off a bit of winter weight. 3. Match my previous lbs for full sets on bench press, deadlift and squat. I really need to get back to…