Spring Fling 2016



  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    How is everyone doing? I had a fun day yesterday with friends I hadn't seen in a long time and with my kids. However, my plan for the day went south very early; this is a trigger for me - I got a little anxious. Instead of catching it in time and taking steps to avoid it, I ended up doing some emotional eating. Not a binge, really, and not extreme, but not the best nutrition and not all hunger driven. I'm still trying to figure out where I allowed it to get the best of me. The overall problem was the day felt out of my control, so my plan for meals and activity went out the window. To get it back or adjust it would have required me to put my self-care above spending time with other people. Ordinarily I would say that sometimes we do need to put self-care first, but in this case I do think I did the right thing. I'm on vacation, I treasure all the relationships, and I learned from it. The key is to not let it go further. Today it will be very challenging to get much exercise but I have complete ownership over what goes into my mouth. I hope everyone is doing great! Sorry for the long post - I am really okay, just sad because I had been making such progress on emotional eating. I share this only in case it helps one of you in some small way. Peace!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    So here's the power of logging every bite: yesterday felt like a train wreck, but it turns out I still ate at a deficit. Today is a new day!
  • Bryo4
    Bryo4 Posts: 22 Member
    mom2rpkp wrote: »
    just sad because I had been making such progress on emotional eating.

    I would say you're STILL making progress on emotional eating, because you're figuring out what didn't work yesterday. Yay for you!

    I didn't make it to the gym - my wrist is hosed up and I really don't need to aggravate it. (I've had tendonitis in this wrist before, so I know how to take care of it.) Did a bit of yoga instead. I've been really happy with my food choices this week and I feel like I am getting back on track. Easter is coming up which means lots of food I didn't prepare, but I just do portion control and don't stress about it too much.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Great attitude! I like how you are staying on top of nutrition...it's really easy to go off the rails when you can't exercise. You got this!
  • slinkroum829
    slinkroum829 Posts: 7 Member
    I did well yesterday. Logged all of my food, walked 3 miles on the track after work, and managed to eat smart and end with a deficit. I don't really have the 10,000 steps a day goal, but if I can get close, I'm happy (desk job). Today, there was a going away party for a guy I work with so I splurged a little, but with hot yoga tonight plus calories from steps I will have burned, I should still end the day with a deficit. BTW, don't you just hate it when you plan and budget for a reward or a special event, people always want to point out that's not on your diet. So frustrating. It's about learning to be aware and making better choices, not about depriving yourself completely. If you try to do that, you'll always fail and you'll quit trying.
  • slinkroum829
    slinkroum829 Posts: 7 Member
    Love the energy here, such a great group so far. All of the stories are so interesting and everyone seems to have the same mindset. I also struggle with stress eating, mindless snacking, and, of course, for me, the biggie, Portion Control.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Way to go, everyone. I love seeing the great combination of being gentle with ourselves/each other about less healthy choices, while still keeping accountability and not making excuses. I'm really concentrating on moderation this week while I'm on vacation. My food is good, not great; activity good, not great; seeing the big picture - great. 71K steps in last 7 days. Sorry I've been a little AWOL...wanted to be more present/encouraging, but life got a little nutty. We've had 4 different sets of company from Wednesday AM until this morning, today was a cleaning job followed by a long afternoon of errands and family business. In the category of not making excuses, yes, I could have still checked in more, but...vacation, family, self-care were my choices.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Let us know if you want any tips or encouragement about portion control. I certainly don't have all the answers but I bet everyone in the group has one or two suggestions that help.
    I did well yesterday. Logged all of my food, walked 3 miles on the track after work, and managed to eat smart and end with a deficit. I don't really have the 10,000 steps a day goal, but if I can get close, I'm happy (desk job). Today, there was a going away party for a guy I work with so I splurged a little, but with hot yoga tonight plus calories from steps I will have burned, I should still end the day with a deficit. BTW, don't you just hate it when you plan and budget for a reward or a special event, people always want to point out that's not on your diet. So frustrating. It's about learning to be aware and making better choices, not about depriving yourself completely. If you try to do that, you'll always fail and you'll quit trying.

  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Hi folks! I had a great day, hope you did, too. Please let me (us) know if you need encouragment. Tomorrow will be tricky but I am determined to enjoy yummy holiday food in moderation, log my day, move at least 5K steps, and celbrate my faith and my family. Happy Easter if you celebrate it, happy Passover or spring if you don't. -Bonnie
  • slinkroum829
    slinkroum829 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been really active the past couple of days, walking on Friday, hot yoga yesterday morning followed by a long stroll on Main St. at the morning market. Easter breakfast was a splurge at Cracker Barrel, but I still managed to make smart choices and log everything. Now we're headed to the park for a long walk with the furkids and then hot yoga again this afternoon. Have a great day everyoe!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Nice! I love it when we can combine fun and celebration with healthy choices. Happy Easter!
  • Diantha21
    Diantha21 Posts: 112 Member
    I will by June 20th.......

    Achieve a loss of 1 Stone, AT LEAST

    To have completed 120km of jogging

    To be able to run 4.5k in 30 mins

    To achieve approx 2450 cals, added per week from exercise, in whatever way that is done, this equates to around 350 per day, or can be done on average over the week or challenge.

    I will come in and log on here once a week to say whether I am on course and what I have achieved in that week.

    Thanks for letting me be apart of this challenge :)

    Well here we go then....... :wink:

  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    By June 20th I will have

    1. Completed 2 rounds of T25 (almost done with week 1)
    2. Be under 190 lbs (Currently 202 pounds)
    3. 150 miles biking and running
  • momtoeve
    momtoeve Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like to join you in this:
    By June 20th I will:
    Walk 800,000 steps (tracked by Fitbit)
    Work no more than 50hrs/wk
    Drink at least 50oz of water/day
    Prepare at least 5 dinners a week at home
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Diantha21 wrote: »
    I will by June 20th.......

    Achieve a loss of 1 Stone, AT LEAST

    To have completed 120km of jogging

    To be able to run 4.5k in 30 mins

    To achieve approx 2450 cals, added per week from exercise, in whatever way that is done, this equates to around 350 per day, or can be done on average over the week or challenge.

    I will come in and log on here once a week to say whether I am on course and what I have achieved in that week.

    Thanks for letting me be apart of this challenge :)

    Well here we go then....... :wink:
    Nice! Welcome...I'm Bonnie. I like the specificity of your goals. Let us know how we can encourage you!

  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    ahelgers10 wrote: »
    By June 20th I will have

    1. Completed 2 rounds of T25 (almost done with week 1)
    2. Be under 190 lbs (Currently 202 pounds)
    3. 150 miles biking and running [/quot

    Love it! Let us know how we can help! I am thinking about starting T25.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    momtoeve wrote: »
    I would like to join you in this:
    By June 20th I will:
    Walk 800,000 steps (tracked by Fitbit)
    Work no more than 50hrs/wk
    Drink at least 50oz of water/day
    Prepare at least 5 dinners a week at home
    Great job on goals...I like that they are seemingly moderate and achievable, and that they include life balance goals. We'd be happy to encourage you in whatever way helps. -Bonnie
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Hi all! Thoroughly enjoyed a little extra foid during a fun family event, then came home and hit the trail for some steps. I am on track for all my Spring Fling goals except strength training or yoga. Honestly, I love cardio and time outside, don't care for programs, but need to do it. I commit to the group that by next Sunday, I will have done T25 or Weight Loss Yoga or 21Day Fix at least twice, along with, hopefully, some gardening. Have a great week! I teach preschool special ed and technically have another week of spring break, but work 3 days this week - it's how we balance my contract so I can have Fridays off for my housecleaning business. So, I worl 4 days this week, but a little different routine so hopefully will be able to sustain my momentum. I do really well when I can keep it up for 21 days. I could use support in this way: Someone please call me out if I fail to report in to this challenge group each day before 10 pm Pacific. Thanks!
  • jzdelona
    jzdelona Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here, my goal for the next few weeks is to log all my food! Good or bad! I tend to give up as soon as I eat anything with sugar and stop logging whenever I have eaten "naughty" foods
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Momtoeve, I also love your "cook at home" goal! Makes a huge difference for me.