hlr1987 Member


  • Oh, its worth remembering that while it might be slower weight loss, it might also help prevent regain after losing weight: there's suggestion that one of the reasons people regain weight is because they've lost muscle mass as they drop pounds, or as they age, which makes their overall energy needs smaller, so it's easier…
  • I find it weight loss slower when I weight lift and just expect it. To expand on above, I believe it's supposed to be the idea that with dieting alone, you'd expect to lose 50% fat and 50% muscle as part of each pound. Lifting helps to stop the loss of muscle, so in theory that's weight loss at half the rate (I'm not being…
  • Persuaded my husband to try a program on our exercise bike that I find enjoyably challenging. He hated it and now feels like death apparently, so I now feel significantly fitter even if I'm 2 stone heavier.
  • Tonight I will have managed to hit my goals for the first week of Jan: yoga every day and to stick with IF 6h window, and to wash my face every day. Weighing in a few kg lighter today so feeling motivated to manage the second week as my next mini goal. Living one week to the next!
  • That my usual meals aren't terrible macro wise, it's the empty snacks that are rubbish for me. That it's a fun puzzle to combine foods for a particular result. And that if I pay attention to my diet, it probably won't be necessary to log religiously for life after the baby weight has gone again, but that I'm never going to…
  • Taking 30 seconds of my km time with no extra effort. Still recovering postpartum and getting a kick out of getting faster /stronger each time I workout.
  • I have a lovely velvet dress in a size smaller that I'm aspiring to wear on New Year's eve. Fingers crossed that a pound a week until then will get me there.
  • To be in size ten (uk) trousers. I reached my initial (healthy bmi) goal weight last year, which has left me a size ten up top. It's made me realise I really want to have a size ten legs as well, for no other reason than vanity. I hold fat in my legs and I'd like to be more in proportion. But I feel guilty not having a…
  • That sometimes you have to actually argue with people to get incidental exercise into your day. If you want to drive a 10 minute walk, fine, but I have legs and I like using them for the purpose they were made for!
  • I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant with my third kid: prior to getting pregnant this time I'd been running and lifting for about a year but not in a stage where I was pushing progressing in either at the time, just ticking along. I don't believe you can predict how your body will cope with any pregnancy, but from my personal…
  • I'm celebrating that around 30 weeks pregnant I've kept my weight gain to 10. With ten more weeks to go, the mini goal is to keep that to a pound a week, which will be pretty spot on for recommended gain. Also to keep managing to exercise when I can, so I don't wake up postpartum unable to pick up my weights.
  • The two things that improved my speed most historically were running up hills (do one short run a week where you just run up and walk down a steep hill, steep enough that you shouldn't be able to do it too many times) and actually taking part in 5k races because the atmosphere motivates you to go faster without realising.…
  • In November this year, I celebrate my birthday in a nice figure hugging dress (hopefully allowed to go out for dinner with people) and thanks to consistency with a healthy diet and exercise throughout my pregnancy, I get lots of comments from my friends that I look amazing, and definitely not like I've had my third kid two…
  • Currently 10 weeks pregnant and kept the weight gain to just a pound so far. Since I managed to officially hit my goal weight at Christmas (after nearly 3 years of slow weight loss from previous excessive pregnancy weight gain), I have no desire to gain more than a healthy amount of weight this pregnancy, so the first mini…
  • Today it's 122 days until Christmas. My mini goal is to commit to logging and sticking to my deficit for 💯 of these days, which gives me wiggle room to relax on my anniversary and birthday before then. I like the feeling of saying I'd do 122 days until Christmas but I want an excess of birthday cake and champagne and…
  • I feel the camping hair pain. I'm going camping and kayaking this weekend and I'd ordered a jessiecurl deep conditioner so I could prepare tonight.. It hasn't come thanks to slow mail and my husband is not sympathetic to the pain of having run out of deep conditioner and being outside for days.
  • I can't see that anyone has pointed out that quitting smoking often leads to short term weight gain, because nicotine is suppose to both reduce your appitite and boost your metabolism. That's absolutely not a reason to set back quitting though! There are so many good reasons to quit. It just means you should be careful…
  • There should be a "share your post-workout frizz ball selfie" thread to commiserate with other curly haired people...
  • I'm four months into working out what works for my 2b - 3a waves/curls but I've mostly been massaging my scalp post work out to spread the sweat out a bit (I figure it's actually cleaning my hair a bit?), and then spritzing with water and mousse to reform the curls when I'm less hot/ sweaty. If its really aweful I might…
  • I have tinned fruit in the cupboard and yogurt in the fridge, or crackers and hummus, or boiled eggs as above. If there's time, I chop up veg to go with, or add protein powder to the yogurt if I'm looking for something fuller. Look for what you enjoy as well as something easy and try to avoid snacks that won't actually…
  • It's not clear from your title what you're asking. Did you what to know how people got started? Or how they made it easier on themselves? Small changes are better for most people, so your suggestion of committing to a small walk each day is a good idea if you can do that consistently. Most people have a big learning curve…
  • I know this is more a question about activity logging, but I would possibly approach it differently and begin by aiming to eat what you would expect was a normal amount of food without the exercise or with the lower activity burn logged than you think, rather than fall into the trap of justifying extra food because you are…
  • I think the individual exercise details are more to allow you to log and chart progress over time. For the increase in cal burn can you not just let it record your heart rate changes as normal activity and then allow the sync to include that for your day? Let the machines do it for you...
  • I'm having a forced week or two of rest from exercise (🙏 not more) thanks to knee/shin pain. I'm feeling pretty smug because I've recognised that it will massively impact my calorie burn and I've adjusted my allowance and tightned up my logging and I've swapped out doing loads for daily yoga and small walks. Rather than…
  • Passed my next kg down goal this morning, now I'm 4kg off not being overweight at all, which is a little overwhelming. It's not the end goal, but it's close and mentally a pretty big one for me.
  • One kg to go before I can buy myself a UV gel nail lamp and manicure kit as a milestone reward. So close and near payday too :)
  • That's a great tip about the total weight actually, easier than my guess work!
  • Most starters are kept fed at 50/50 water to flour. So if you record the whole loaf as a meal or recipe, add the flour by scanning the bag and recording the weight in grams of the flour your using plus half of the weight of the starter. Log it as one portion. You don't need to add the water to your recipe, but you could…
  • Haha, I look facially very much like my mum does & grandma did. I already know what I would look like in 25-50 years time if I don't manage my weight. And the associated health problems I can look forward to.
  • Salty rice! All the salty rice. Carry on, wait it out and it will drop again (takes me two days for the bloat to go). Whenever you panic about gain, point out to yourself that logically, its not a true gain of a kg of a unless you know you somehow unknowingly ate 7000+ calories extra above your maintenance calories over…