Hikarika Member


  • I also think it is a relief to have some food in the cupboard. I can close my eyes at night and know it is there and I will be okay. Even living in a cramped apartment, I always have at least 20 pounds of rice. When I don't have money and my fridge is empty, I don't panic because I. Have. Rice. If I eat it plain or with…
  • I finished college and actually enjoyed it. However, this is a silly requirement to have. The wealthiest and most worldly people I know are either college drop-outs or never attended. What does dating a college graduate get you necessarily, besides a higher chance of marrying into student loan debt?
  • I don't really see the problem here. A haunted house just means your kids have got another little friend to play with.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat! I think if I just keep at it, eventually something's gotta change. Right now my dress size is 4 sizes smaller than my pant size.