stephaniels0416 Member


  • Add me to only peeing at home unless absolutely necessary. I'll go one further and say I've lived in my house for 7 years and I've never used the spare bathroom. It drives me crazy when people use my bathroom. There's a perfectly good spare bathroom for guests, stay out of mine.
  • Why would you be surprised to hear from him again if you had a nice time? If you're interested, it wouldn't hurt to tell him you enjoyed the date and give a suggestion for a second one.
  • I get it. Moving is new and scary, but if you don't change something, nothing is going to change. You can stay where you are, not like it and wonder if there's something better out there, or you can go see. Houses get bought and sold every day and you've had to meet new people all your life through work, school, etc.…
  • Honestly, if you're considering moving, do it. I was only supposed to be in LA for three years and I've been here eight. I feel like they're eight wasted years. I dislike the place as much now as I did when I moved here. I only have a couple of friends because I just don't like the people or the culture around here. My…
  • I do it because it's hard to find people I have things in common with where I live currently. I'm originally from metro Detroit and have been living in Louisiana. I'm used to having a ton of choices for things to do. The main hobbies around here are hunting, camping, fishing, mud riding, etc and unless you drive 3.5 hours…
  • I've seen him three times. I wasn't really feeling it from the first meeting, but the initial contact was decent and sometimes it takes a while for people to get comfortable. He's a good guy, so I figured I'd give him a chance. Instead of finding things in common we can talk about other than our pets, I'm finding things I…
  • I've seen a new guy a few times, but it's not going to go anywhere. He's smart, thoughtful, beautiful house, good job, cute cat, but completely boring. He has two motorcycles and loves sky diving, so I was expecting smart and fun. If he didn't have pictures, I'd swear he made it up. He's got no personality.
  • I also do it for me. All year round, whether I'm seeing someone or single. I'd feel gross if I didn't do any hair maintenance all Winter. Is it just legs people let go or is everything left to grow wild?
  • Not every office job requires dress clothes. Look at jobs in an industry that's more relaxed (oil and gas, construction, distribution, receiving, etc.). I spent the last three years working for a small business as their accountant and wore jeans and t-shirts to work everyday. It's possible it's just the area I live in…
  • I completely agree with this. I can't drink diet, I'd rather go without. I had a really low calorie morning so I planned to have lots of yummy gooey pizza for dinner. I was trying to decide where I was getting it (papa john's for the breadsticks dipped in cheese or pizza hut for wings) and the guy I just started sort of…
  • My dog decided every time I did an exercise video, he needed to join in with jumping and licking, so I'd have to stop and put him in his crate. He figured out the connection, so now he lays on his bed and watches. Every once in a while, he'll butt in and I'll have to take him back to his bed, but he's good for the most…
  • I don't really mind endless emails. I figure it means neither of us is really interested in each other, so we chat while reading through other profiles looking for someone we are interested in. What I hate are the endless texts. We get along well enough to have exchanged numbers, we've been talking back and forth about…
  • Me either.
  • I second the hard wax in a warmer. Also, if you spend a little more and get a good quality wax, I've found it works better so the tin lasts longer and it hurts less. If there are any little bits left behind, some olive oil will take it right off.
  • I told my mom if I ever have kids and she gives them an elf on the shelf we're never speaking again. She said she totally understands.
  • I sing to mine, too. His name is Tucker, but he gets called Woof or Tucker Woof about as often as he's called Tucker. His is: Old McTucker Woof had a farm eieio and on that farm he had a Tucker Woof eieio. With a woof woof here and a woof woof there, old McTucker Woof had a farm eieio.
  • I'm 30 and I don't want kids. I come from a long line of women that didn't want kids, they had them because it was expected. My mom thought she wanted kids until she had one. She was a good mother - always provided, I had everything I needed, went to a good college, etc., but she was distant. She didn't really know what to…
  • I second this. There are a lot of crazy people and a lot of people that aren't looking for what you're looking for in the online dating world, but there are also a good number of normal people. Don't let the crazy chick keep you from potentially meeting someone you click with, just be smart about it. Any of the normal ones…
  • My grandma did this too. She was partial to chocolate frosting on her graham crackers. I was probably a huge disappointment, I hate frosting.
  • I don't qualify as a good person to be a dating mentor. This one only went the way it did because we were friends for 10 years before we dated. I know how he thinks. He also pulled the same thing on Thanksgiving eight months after I threw him out - came over, said all the right things, answered all my questions the right…
  • I think this depends person to person. I signed up for eharmony thinking it would weed out a lot of the guys that were just looking to get laid. 95% of my matches are people that haven't signed on in over a month which I would guess means they've let their subscription lapse. The handful of people that were current users,…
  • An ex of mine showed up at my house drunk one night and did that marking thing. The whole time we were together he never once gave me a hickey. Before he finally got "no" through his thick skull that night, I had a hickey on my lip and a small one on my neck. I would have had more but I realized what he was up to and…
  • My grandma was an over thinker - everyone was always dead in a ditch somewhere because they weren't five minutes early. I have it to a degree in certain circumstances. Thankfully, it's not an all encompassing thing, I'd drive myself crazy, lol.
  • Some people need to learn this. I talked to a guy a couple of days ago that I wasn't interested in, but he actually put some thought into his first message, so I answered him. Last night he sent me a message asking how my weekend was going which I saw and responded to this morning. He answered with his email address…
  • I have this problem too. I'm 5'9", so height is important. Even if a guy says it doesn't matter that I'm taller, it doesn't take long before I hear, "too bad you're not just an inch or two shorter". So, my minimum is 5'10" and hope they only exaggerated by an inch.
  • The government is making it too easy for people to just sit at home and wait on a check to show up in the mail. If a person can net out the same amount of money sitting at home living off of government programs as they can going to work every day, paying for childcare, buying groceries, etc. it's very easy for some people…
  • Exactly. Or what happens if you lose your job and therefore your health insurance during the year? Last year you had a good income, and so far this year you've made enough that you don't qualify for any of the discounts, so good luck finding the money to pay for a bottom of the line worthless plan or pay the penalty on…
  • Because of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer deny people coverage - even those with a pre-existing condition. That's part of the problem with Obamacare. I'm a healthy person that only uses my insurance for my annual exam and birth control prescription, but my plan went up $45/month this year…
  • Blue Cross (at least in Louisiana where I am) offers discounts to Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. They just sent out a survey a month or two ago asking about what their subscribers thought of the discounted healthy lifestyle things they offer. The gym memberships, shoe discounts, etc. are great, but it's not healthy to pitch…
  • Good :) Now start looking into doctors, find one you might like, and go in with an open mind. If you love the first one, great. If not, just nod your head until you can leave (or tell them off if you want, but I don't get the feeling that's your personality), and move on to the next one. Finding a doctor is like dating -…