FeenixFlashfire Member


  • If I am reading this correctly... Your family has no problem with concept of weight loss... They are being unkind because you want to lose weight and gain muscle definition? A lot of people have negative thoughts about muscular women... Don't let them get in your way... Put your head up and go for it... It is your body. Do…
  • Being famished by nightfall is not good... Look at your diet... Is it possible that you aren't eating enough? Also I find that I get very hungry with the onset of colder weather ... As if my body wants a hibernation cushion... A suggestion is that you consider adding an evening snack to your food prep... Something with a…
  • Ok... Your doctor says you should weigh 100 lbs at 5'0... I find that disturbing but I don't know your build or medical history... I am 5'0 and am a size 0 when I weigh 115... If high cholesterol is really the issue... I would suggest that you consider discussing diet modification with a qualified nutritionist... And by…
  • Take a deep breath... It will be ok... Low carb diets do that when you come off them... But unless you are eating everything in sight... Most of it is fluid retention... Don't double down on exercise... It is counterproductive and will increase your risk of injury... Try adding some lifting... But remember 1 lb of muscle…
  • I seriously doubt that you have let yourself go... Life happens... Start with your food... Stick with a good array of healthy foods... Check in the food and nutrition section... Don't go for drastic diets... Slow and easy will build habits that will last you a lifetime... Start exercising if you don't already... If you can…
  • Awesome pic @summerkissed ... I am at CLE so my ability to hop on is limited lol
  • Stress... My mortal enemy... Takes all I have to not devour everything in sight... Including the cats
  • Yep... I enjoy a good beer and I do home made pasta... Stuff like that... But the week as whole ...good solid macros... Carbs, healthy fats and plenty of protein... Make time for the workouts... Even if requires schedule juggling... Only misses sickness, injury or some real family crisis Just takes effort... And a goal
  • @BZAH10 I am glad that you have that inner strength it is blessing... And yet I still say " you rock and way to go!" You succeed without backup... But I wish that you didn't have to yes? @summerkissed Figure comps... Wow that is serious work and dedication... My trainer competes in NPC events... I really applaud you I know…
  • @BZAH10- I hate that you have no one around you... It makes it harder when everyone rolls their eyes and says of course you can eat that/ skip your workout... Fill in as necessary... And of course you can do x... But do you want to? Which is a question no one Ever seems to acknowledge ... And Thank you... It took me a…
  • Okay is it not the hardest thing to try get people to understand that being fit and eating right is not an exercise in pain and misery? It isn't easy and you have to put in effort... But you don't have to live on tasteless greens and naked chicken breasts while you spend all of your precious free time rotting on the…
  • Feel free to add me... 53 year old gamer... D and D,champions, super world, role master etc Resident Evil, underworld, firefly/serenity, all things Joss whedon... Renfaires and Dragoncon...
  • Take a moment out of each day to remind yourself that you deserve to be healthy... Strap on your shoes and celebrate ( run, walk, lift, Zumba whatever makes you feel good)... You have done fabulously... Even with the back slide... Just refocus and consistently make small changes in your life... Everything worthwhile takes…
  • Hmm... Let's add a question... Does anyone have friends like that where it is all or nothing... They are either eating lettuce or they are eating a huge plate of fettuccine Alfredo?... And the entire thought of a balanced lifestyle is completely alien to them?
  • It is always hard to adopt lifelong habits... The temptation is always to fall back to the easy and the familiar... But the decision to start is always one of the hardest... Toss the regrets, the could haves, should haves... You are back on the road... Be proud of of the weight you have lost... Awesome job!... Now just put…
  • Life happens... Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving... Don't punish yourself for being human... And as the others said... It is mostly water... Take a deep breath and hop back on... You will do awesome!
  • SLLRunner- my bad... When you reposted the three posts above mine... In some communities that is done to "block the troll"... My very first visit to these boards so I wanted to be sure that I wasn't out of line... - In regards to calories/macros/exercise... We are in accord :D
  • Queenofthedancehall... I am not sure that offering professional advice on so little data is the best solution... At this point we only have generic idea of the op's diet/nutrition... And please op correct me if I am wrong... You are eyeballing and measuring your food, not weighing ? Are you maintaining this schedule ie not…
  • SLLRunner... Did I post something inappropriate for this board? In all honesty, I agree with your previous post the laws of thermodynamics still apply... To lose weight you must operate at a deficit... Since the op was rather vague on her food intake... My first thought is that she is probably eating more than she thinks…
  • I realize that you are frustrated... But a food scale is a must... When I am hungry I find it impossible to tell the difference between 3 ounces of chicken and 4... And a flat half cup of granola can be as much as an ounce less than a rounded half cup... 50 calories here and 50 calories there add up... And beer has 125 or…