I need some motivation! I have no support from family or friends.

I'm starting to notice I'm losing some of my motivation. When I show my family my goals they just laugh and say "good luck" sarcastically or "your body just isn't built that way". I just want to see some before and afters or good quotes to keep me going! Thank you


  • mikhnpaitsmum
    mikhnpaitsmum Posts: 119 Member
    My favorite quote: I e Cube " You can do it. Put you *kitten* into it!"
    That is my motivation.
    I'm starting to notice I'm losing some of my motivation. When I show my family my goals they just laugh and say "good luck" sarcastically or "your body just isn't built that way". I just want to see some before and afters or good quotes to keep me going! Thank you

  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you! My favorite so far has been "Do it for the 'holy *kitten* you got hot'" :smiley:
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Stop showing your family your goals. Seriously. I stopped talking to them about it at all, and it was a huge help. Nothing like trying to motivate yourself while those around you are trying to tear you down.
  • bearondiet
    bearondiet Posts: 53 Member
    I am alone too. I have no family nor friends. Pretty lonely.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Sometimes when you tell people around you that you want to change it makes them uncomfortable because it makes them reflect on themselves. If it's your parents acting this way they may be feeling guilty or blamed for you becoming overweight. Use their negativity as motivation. Prove them wrong. It may help you to set a series of small goals that lead you to your overall goal.

    One of my favorite quotes is:

    "It always seems impossible until it is done."
    -Nelson Mandela
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited October 2015
    There is a school of thought (backed by some research) that simply sharing your goals with other people actually makes you less likely to achieve them. Doing so can create a premature sense of achievement.

    Instead, write down your goals, share them with friends and family, and then update those people with your progress on a semi-regular basis.
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Stop showing your family your goals. Seriously. I stopped talking to them about it at all, and it was a huge help. Nothing like trying to motivate yourself while those around you are trying to tear you down.

    They all have struggled with yo-yo dieting, so now that I'm working hard to lose the weight they're not supporting how I want to look. They are being very rude about me wanting to get muscles.
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    They're very passive aggressive about my weight loss. I have a goal body in mind - not really a goal weight. Because I am a woman and because I am wanting muscles they're horrible.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Stop showing your family your goals. Seriously. I stopped talking to them about it at all, and it was a huge help. Nothing like trying to motivate yourself while those around you are trying to tear you down.

    They all have struggled with yo-yo dieting, so now that I'm working hard to lose the weight they're not supporting how I want to look. They are being very rude about me wanting to get muscles.

    Sounds like it's their issues and own personal experiences with yo-yoing rather than being based on your actual ability to achieve them. Their poor choices are not yours. Their struggles are not yours. I suggest adding people here and getting support from people who know that it can be done. Family members are great, but they sometimes say things without thinking about how it affects you.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Yep. If they're not going to be supportive, stop seeking support from them. Find someone who won't belittle your goals or achievements.
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you all!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    bearondiet wrote: »
    I am alone too. I have no family nor friends. Pretty lonely.

    I'm sorry. However, sometimes family and friends are helpful and supportive and sometimes they are the opposite. Good thing you have this site to use for encouragement and support from others. It can be very helpful.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Stop looking to them for support, it almost sounds like they are jealous. Find a buddy or 2 that you can workout with. I find if I know I have a friend waiting for me at the gym, it makes me go and workout. Muscles on woman are beautiful and achievable. Find a training program that works for you, and remember to keep proper form, and lift heavy! You will see great results with weight training! Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    You are a grown up and your body belongs to you.

    Stop seeking approval.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    You need to find your own motivation. Support from others is nice, but fleeting. Do you really want to build how you look on what others say?

    My advice is to take a good, honest look at why YOU want to lose weight. Not what others have said or what you think the reason should be. And it doesn't have to be 'to get healthy' either. That wasn't mine. I know one girl who's motivation was to have better sex. But whatever the reason, it has to be YOUR own reason, one that makes the most sense to you. Make that your motivation to reach your goal, and then it won't matter if you have unsupportive people around you because you're doing this for yourself, not them.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,164 Member
    I am confused, do you need motivation, do you need support or both? Because motivation and support are two different things.

    Motivation means a desire and an inner drive to achieve something, it implies determination, commitment and discipline, and nobody can do that for you. It has to be YOUR decision, YOUR job and YOUR doing.

    I hope that this link gives you a better idea of what I am talking about. http://www.vicmagary.com/blog/fitness-motivation/

    Support is a pat in the back or a "you go girl, "well done," etc. or and approval that what you are doing is good. Well, I have news for you, you are not going to get that all the time and you should not look or expect approval for everything that you do with your life or body. Losing weight is your decision or need. Own it and make it a reality because you can do it!

    Good luck!
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Why don't you try to motivate them? Invite a family member to workout with you. Or choose a breast cancer or MS walk they might get behind and train for the next walk/ run event together. You might be surprised at their response .
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    I need both. They absolutely do not support my decision to get healthy. I was excited because I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks.. told my mom and she sarcastically said 'wow, good job. You're body just isn't built to be skinny'. I don't need anyone's approval, but it would be nice to at least have my achievements acknowledged :smile:
  • FeenixFlashfire
    FeenixFlashfire Posts: 21 Member
    If I am reading this correctly... Your family has no problem with concept of weight loss... They are being unkind because you want to lose weight and gain muscle definition? A lot of people have negative thoughts about muscular women... Don't let them get in your way... Put your head up and go for it... It is your body. Do they tell you what to wear or how to cut your hair? Probably not... So go for it!

    Please allow me to recommend "the new rules of lifting for women"

    And once you have a program... Go out and lift some heavy s**t...

    You can so do this!!!
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    If I am reading this correctly... Your family has no problem with concept of weight loss... They are being unkind because you want to lose weight and gain muscle definition? A lot of people have negative thoughts about muscular women... Don't let them get in your way... Put your head up and go for it... It is your body. Do they tell you what to wear or how to cut your hair? Probably not... So go for it!

    Please allow me to recommend "the new rules of lifting for women"

    And once you have a program... Go out and lift some heavy s**t...

    You can so do this!!!

    Thank you! I want to be strong and they're all very old-fashioned.