I need some motivation! I have no support from family or friends.



  • New_determination
    New_determination Posts: 1,460 Member
    *kitten* em! Ur not getting healthier for anyone but you! It's not their journey to a better lifestyle it's urs not only does one need to dig deep to find it in themselves to workout or be more mindful of eating but u can be your own support n motivation. Look in the mirror n c all ur hard work paying of "*kitten* ya you look good" be or own motivation "goin to kill this workout today, goin to push for that extra 5 mins" when my parents divorced at a young age my mom said something to me that has stuck " no one on this planet has your best interests at heart, you need to take care of you first, because no one else is going to." So ya *kitten* em n do it all for yourself. Be selfish n live healthy!!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I need both. They absolutely do not support my decision to get healthy. I was excited because I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks.. told my mom and she sarcastically said 'wow, good job. You're body just isn't built to be skinny'. I don't need anyone's approval, but it would be nice to at least have my achievements acknowledged :smile:

    If they won't be supportive, don't share with them. I don't talk about weight loss with my family for the opposite reason... they try to be "helpful", but all that amounts to is loads of dubious advice or the "oh, you don't need to lose weight" platitudes. Accomplish your goals, and maybe they'll be begging you to share your secrets when they see your success :smiley:

    A good support system is great, but if family won't do that for you, find someone else (like the folks here).

    Congrats on the loss, btw!
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you! We're all very open so I want to show them what I'm doing and involve them... but I'm too the point where I don't say anything unless they ask.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You can't change people, but you can change "you"... When we stop wanting other peoples feed back and approval, we actually can see a lot clearer and it makes us better and more capable of caring out our goals...

    If you can think it, you can do it.. It takes a strong mind, and once the mind is strong enough, you can carry out what you set out to do.

    I think the older I get the less I care what any person on this earth thinks of me or anything about me.
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    @gia07 I'm actually doing way better than I usually do. I'm sticking to it and working towards my goal BODY rather than a weight. I'm not getting too discouraged, just very frustrated. Especially, when they want to 'treat' me and try to buy me McDonald's or cookies. I'm not interested. I'm actually to the point where I have started to crave healthy food. I was craving chicken breasts and asparagus the other night actually! :D
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Just a word of caution, they sound like the types who will try to force food on you that you don't want, insist on a second helping or a dessert, etc. Be mindful of this and be prepared to say "no thanks, I'm good" repeatedly!! This, to me, is the hardest part of eating meals with people who don't have the same goals I do. It gets easier every time, though, and eventually they will stop being so insistent.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I find it better to keep my goals to myself, as well as most of the journey....why even talk to them about it if they aren't going to support you and help you...in the end, no amount of mantra's or quotes will really do the motivating, it has to come from inside you. Look in the mirror. What do YOU want for YOU? Are you happy with what you see? Wanna make changes? Lets choose a couple of small ones, and start there....if the people around you start noticing and commenting, awesome....you can smile and nod, knowing you always knew YOU had it in you...You ARE built that way, we all are!! Good luck, remember, in the end, YOU have to live in your body, not hubby, not your mom, not the girls at work...just you....so do it only for YOU! Every day, this is YOUR day!! Good luck xo
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    @gia07 I'm actually doing way better than I usually do. I'm sticking to it and working towards my goal BODY rather than a weight. I'm not getting too discouraged, just very frustrated. Especially, when they want to 'treat' me and try to buy me McDonald's or cookies. I'm not interested. I'm actually to the point where I have started to crave healthy food. I was craving chicken breasts and asparagus the other night actually! :D

    When they want to "treat" you McD's, sweetly shake your head, and say "it's just not my thing right now"...you don't have to explain yourself to anyone...the fact that you are now craving and enjoying healthier foods means your body is finally hearing you...keep it up!!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    bearondiet wrote: »
    I am alone too. I have no family nor friends. Pretty lonely.

    I'm sorry...I understand! Please feel free to add me, I'd love to help you out :) Always more room for like minded friends!! xo
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    @JustMissTracy @eep223 - They definitely very much try to sabotage me. They won't tell me exactly what is in something they cooked, or my fiancé comes home with cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc. I just ignore it. I took a drink of coke yesterday and it didn't taste near as good as they used to. My body definitely seems to be adjusting to not craving sugar, caffine, etc. and I get full way faster than I used to. I'm definitely doing this for me. I was being motivated by my wedding, but now I'm more motivated by being healthy and fit. I see all the success stories on here and it helps to remind me that if someone can lose 100+ pounds and look that muscular; I can lose 73 pounds and build muscle. The quotes, before and afters, and stories help to keep me going, because it reminds me that more than one person has done it. It keeps me going by showing that someone is reaching their goal everyday and if I keep pushing I can reach mine.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited October 2015
    @JustMissTracy @eep223 - They definitely very much try to sabotage me. They won't tell me exactly what is in something they cooked, or my fiancé comes home with cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc. I just ignore it. I took a drink of coke yesterday and it didn't taste near as good as they used to. My body definitely seems to be adjusting to not craving sugar, caffine, etc. and I get full way faster than I used to. I'm definitely doing this for me. I was being motivated by my wedding, but now I'm more motivated by being healthy and fit. I see all the success stories on here and it helps to remind me that if someone can lose 100+ pounds and look that muscular; I can lose 73 pounds and build muscle. The quotes, before and afters, and stories help to keep me going, because it reminds me that more than one person has done it. It keeps me going by showing that someone is reaching their goal everyday and if I keep pushing I can reach mine.

    It sounds like you have your head on straight, it's the peeps around you that might not. Keep up your hard work, I KNOW you can do this! (There's my quote for you...YOU GOT THIS!!!!){{My hubs does the same, brings home cakes and chocolate that he knows I can't say no to...but he's not trying to sabotage, he just mistakenly thinks he's showing his love...so I let him, and sometimes cutely say things like "oh no you didn't!!"...lol}
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    @JustMissTracy thank you! :smiley:
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Any time my friend, believe me, most of us here completely understand xo