irnz Member


  • I think all these tools are great if you keep in mind that they are not precise but are probably consistent. The actual numbers really don't mean much, but if you see them changing over time in a more healthful direction and notice that those changes correlate with improvements in weight, size or general feeling…
  • PS: I don't think I could ever give up sugar. I love desserts way too much. I do hate sugar in savory things though, so it's always tricky buying prepared food.
  • If you are willing to bake your own bread, here is a recipe for a Ukrainian bread called Arnaut. If you like you can adjust the proportions of whole and white flour (I have gone all the way to full whole grain and it works just fine). I usually make the proof the night before, add the rest of the ingredients in the morning…
  • I'm going to assume that when you go out you are not just plopping down at a bar drinking and talking, but also dancing. If my assumption is wrong, then perhaps suggest to your friends to try a place that plays music you can't help but get up and dance to. Considering that you could be burning around 200 calories for every…
  • I find that I am usually not as hungry on days after going over my goal. I think as long as your weekly averages of nutrients and calories average out to your goals, you should be fine!
  • With regards to chickens and eggs, it definitely helps if they are allowed to supplement their diet by foraging. We used to have chickens in our back yard in Ukraine and we would feed them grain but they were allowed to roam the yard and eat whatever else they found for at least a couple hours a day (except winter because…
  • You should also keep in mind that as if right now many food do not list potassium in their nutrition facts, so you may need to do some investigating at first. I usually try to look for generic versions of items Lee fruits and vegetables since they usually list potassium content. If it's something packaged or ifthe generic…
  • You should try to get at least the same amount of potassium, especially if you have high blood pressure. As long as those two are balanced you should be okay. You might be retaining more water though.
  • Yeast bread does not need sugar if you use salt. It's actually the starches in the flour that feed the yeast. It just takes a bit longer, but the extra time helps the bread develop a fuller flavor. The addition of sugar or salt to the dough is to act to stop the yeast from overproducing so the bad can stabilize before you…
  • The closer you get to your goal the slower the weight comes off. As long as it's moving in the right direction you are doing something right.
  • Make sure your are getting appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals as well as the macros. If you are not reaching some of those goals you can use those extra calories to get there with fruits, vegetables or other nutritiously dense foods.
  • Technically net calories, but keep in mind that MFP tends to overestimate how many you burn doing exercise and there are very few ways to really know how much you burn with any particular exercise unless you have some fancy equipment such as a chest heart rate monitor and know your metabolic rate. Otherwise you are just…
    in Calories Comment by irnz July 2015
  • I remember hearing that rye flour is better for people who experience sugar spikes such as those with diabetes. Just make sure you get the kind that doesn't have sugar added. I prefer a dark rye bread, so sugar added, based on a sourdough starter.
    in Bread Comment by irnz July 2015
  • First of, congrats on starting on a healthier way of living. That is always the hardest step. I agree with what others have mentioned with sodium in terms of processed foods, but I know when you start a new diet sometimes prepackaged food is easier to deal with until you can figure out how you can make food that fits your…
  • GMO foods doesn't refer to hybridization or cross breeding. GM/GE is done in a lab, not a field. 1. What are genetically modified (GM) organisms and GM foods? Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e.…
  • I think rather than looking at organic versus non-organic food, we should be trying to go for local (when the climate allows for it). Usually, this means that the crop is picked closer to a ripe stage (at least from what it looks like to me). I just follow my nose and eyes when I shop and they usually end up pointing me…
  • I weigh in about once a week. I noticed that when I stop completely I tend to gain weight, but if I check every week or so it lets me stay focused on my goals. Also, I try to weigh myself in the morning after going to the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything. This keeps it more or less consistent (less fluctuations)…
    in The scale Comment by irnz July 2015
  • I also used to battle with the junk food binges. What I figured out is that if you give yourself a small treat (less that 100 calories worth) of the thing you tend to crave the most after you have had a filling meal such as dinner it tends to satisfy that craving and you don't end up wanting that item so desperately that…
  • I have been wondering the same thing for a while. I was able to find this article on the subject that is based on scientific research. The basic idea within it is that when food is cooked, it…