

  • Love having supportive friends! Adding you... and thanks for posting :)
  • Always, always looking for people who are determined to bust the blubber. I'm on my way...are you?
  • Yeah, I've still got 65 to go... but there's determination & my daily plan. Sometimes you have to start slow to go faster :)
  • Totally understand, no Spanx allowed! I don't know if I can help, but I've been working pretty hard over the last 6 weeks, and have dropped about 15lbs. If you'd like to see some of my meals, or how I'm spending my calories, please add me. Wishing you lots of success! Leslie
  • Paleo is what is working for me. 6 weeks - 15lbs Add me if you'd like to see some of my meals, or if you'd like to connect to a like-minded person.
  • Wow, I applaud you for seeking the answer beyond just the food addiction. (*) I have been working on this for 6 weeks, and actively been posting my foods for about 2 weeks. In the 2 weeks I have been posting, I found WAY more than I thought I would. I'd love to help you on this journey... if you want to add me, please feel…
  • Hey, I completely understand how you feel. Desk job, check. Exercise (or lack of), check. Sugar weakness, check. Social life including eating out and beer, check, check, check. So I have changed the diet - and can usually find something when I go out to eat, and in the last 6 weeks have been able to lose about 15 lbs.…
  • I can be prodding, but gentle. Most of all I can be supportive. If you would like that kind of help along the way, by all means add me. :)
  • Dang right about the smoking part! (*) Superstar status in my book! (*) Now it's time to move on to the lovin' the body part. I'm with ya, and will definitely support you, I'd love to connect with you.
  • I have the app on my phone, that helps. If I don't want to log it on the phone app, I do a short voice recording and then enter it later.
  • Hi Rose, The not eating part probably isn't so good for you. Typically if you don't eat enough, the body goes into starvation mode and starts storing fat. Another thing I have learned is that as we age, our bodies become intolerant to many of the things that were not problematic earlier in life. Nutrition is one of the…
  • I know it's possible, because I know of a lady who lost 135lbs from her wheelchair as well. If you're interested, I may be able to help with your weight loss as well :)
  • Hi, I can understand where you're coming from. I have released about 15 lbs, and still have another 65 to go... support definitely helps, as well as a detailed plan. Do you have a plan yet? If not, I may be able to help with that. Go ahead and send a friend request and we can chat some more. It's a long road ahead, but it…
  • Hi, So what are you doing to lose weight? I know that for me, when I don't have a plan, my body doesn't know what it's supposed to do...and it grows...and the pants get tighter. When I have a plan and I'm sticking to it, the fat no longer sticks to me :blush: So what's the plan? If you want a buddy, let me know :) Leslie